On June 20th, the benefit corporations of the Torino Social Impact Community of Practice gathered for a new session of discussion and mutual learning. This time, the focus was on a key theme for effective and sustainable business management: good governance.

Using a card game created by operari, the 13 participating companies discussed both good and bad corporate governance practices, engaging in an innovative learning method.

Unveiling the secret of the “G” in sustainability

Game Masters Stefania Balliana and Giulia Gennaro guided the participants through a combination of gameplay and sharing, revealing how good governance can transform the future of their businesses. Through game-based learning, they learned to identify best governance practices and discard less effective ones. Working in teams, they navigated risks and opportunities, experiencing firsthand how to steer their companies toward a sustainable future.

The Fit4benefit initiative is part of the Community of practice project, supported by the Turin Chamber of Commerce and the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.