Loving the Alien is an articulated path of urban and social regeneration, started in partnership with Mufant – Museum of Fantasy and Science Fiction and the Cooperativa Sociale Onlus Altra Mente, cooperative that deals with the rehabilitation of people suffering from psychological distress.
Loving the Alien is also a brand that combines psychiatry and imaginary fantasy through four main activities:
- Tailoring for cosplayer
- Scenography Laboratory
- Fanatsy Park
- Fantasy Festival
Central is the idea that all the planned activities produce revenues: the two workshops are designed to support themselves over time through the sale of products, while the Park and the Festival will support themselves through activities aimed at visitors and tourists.
Through the activation of the two workshops, the tailoring costume designer and the workshop of scenography has obtained an important result: it has been offered to people with psychic distress, the possibility to work in a stable and continuous inside.
Today, in fact, there are 8 people who work permanently in the two laboratories.
The Fantasy Park is an ambitious project for the regeneration of public space outside the Mufant Museum that houses works of urban furniture inspired by the protagonists of the modern fantasy. The aim is to create an area of attraction, interest and cultural tourism.
On September 18, 19 and 20, 2020, the Loving the Alien Festival was held: an annual festival dedicated to urban regeneration and social inclusion, with alien and utopian connotations that has achieved great public success.
The project is pursuing its actions both in relation to the possibility of giving continuity to workers, through the search for funds, both in the redevelopment work of the outdoor garden where at the moment 7 artistic installations have been placed and is expected to place another 8 by the end of 2021 .
Considering also the good results of the first edition of the Festival, we are working on the realization of the second edition scheduled for next June, Covid limitations permitting.
The main objective of the entire project is therefore to regenerate, not in a structural sense but in a sense of vitality of movement of people, through the Park and the Festival and make active and involved in the project, weaker people who through work and dexterity become stronger and part of a community.
Watch the new video of the project to learn more.
Loving the Alien is part of the 15 generative welfare projects of Torino Social Factory program of the City of Turin, co-funded by the National Metropolitan City Operational Program and the European Union, European Social Fund, made as part of Torino Social Impact.
For more information on the Torino Social Factory program and the other 14 projects that are part of it go to this link.