Financial markets for impact: model and feasibility study for a Social Exchange
On Wednesday, September 30, from 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm, the Financial Markets for Impact: Model and Feasibility Study for a Social Exchange event will be online as part of the eighth edition of The CSR and Social Innovation Show.
The commitment of for-profit and non-profit social enterprises must move from fiction to corporate operations evaluated by the stock and bond markets. In a profoundly changed context also as a result of the health pandemic, the challenge is increasingly to integrate shareholder interest with commitment to stakeholders. The meeting will discuss the possibility of creating a Social Stock Exchange where each organisation will be evaluated by institutional investors and retailers.
Giorgio Fiorentini – Professor of Social Enterprise Management at Bocconi University
Guido Bolatto – Secretary General of the Turin Chamber of commerce
Giuseppe Bruno – CGM President
Mario Calderini – Full Professor at the Polytechnic of Milan
Davide Dal Maso – Partner of Avanzi
Alberto Eicholzer – Compagnia di San Paolo Finance Department
Emiliano Giovine – R&P Lawyer associated
Barbara Lunghi – Head of primary stock markets at Borsa Italiana
Please notice that during the free registration process, you should specify investors as thematic path.
What is the CSR and social innovation exhibition?
From 2013, The CSR and Social Innovation Show is the most eagerly awaited event for those who believe in sustainability. Recognised as the main event in Italy dedicated to these issues, over the years the Show has contributed to the spread of the culture of sustainability, offered opportunities for updating and facilitated networking between the various social players.
The 2020 edition with 205 “leading” organisations, more than 300 speakers, 80 events and thousands of people streaming will be an opportunity to activate positive energies and share new ideas. But above all to understand how the market is changing at a time of real “metamorphosis”.
All the events, divided into thematic routes, will be streamed live by Università Bocconi on 29 and 30 September from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. The public will only be able to follow the events remotely by registering for free on the digital platform on which they will be broadcast.