Every day, several times a day, we are at a crossroads. We can contribute with our actions and choices to a sustainable future or not.
Every day, as citizens, consumers and investors, we can take a small step towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals before it is too late.
Sustainable, positive-impact investments serve this purpose: to bring finance back into the service of the real economy, for resilient and inclusive development.
We believe that it is essential to raise awareness among citizens, public bodies and businesses of the importance of their investments and the impact – positive or negative – they may have on the environment and society.
Awareness of the impact of one’s consumption and investment choices must be part of citizens’ financial literacy.
For this reason, in the framework of the Month of Financial Education, we invite you to two appointments:
- October 20th – The glossary of sustainable finance
- October 27th – The democratization of impact investing
The Month of Financial Education is an initiative, in its third edition, dedicated to increasing citizens’ knowledge of finance, savings and welfare. It is a series of events (online and offline) organized by public and private institutions, to contribute to the dissemination of basic knowledge among the Italian population.
The Month of Financial Education is a national initiative organized by the Committee for the planning and coordination of financial education activities.
The Committee for the planning and coordination of financial education activities has the task of planning and promoting initiatives to raise awareness and financial education to measurably improve the skills of Italian citizens in savings, investments, welfare, insurance. The Committee is composed of: Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Labour, Bank of Italy, Consob, Covip, Ivass, Ocf, National Council of Consumers and Users.