On 1st and 2nd October, do not miss the second edition of Digital Ethics Forum, an event focussed on ethics in the production, distribution, and use of digital technologies.
The event is organised by Sloweb in partnership with Fondazione GCSEC of Poste Italiane and in collaboration with Fondazione Circolo dei Lettori di Torino.
The event is free, registrations are taken at this link: https://gcsec.org/it/digital-ethics-forum/
4 conference panels with more than 30 speakers, amongs them Marco Bentivogli (Mise), Carola Frediani (Guerre di Rete), Sabina Leonelli (Exeter University), Don Luca Peyron (Arcidiocesi Torino), Alberto Rossetti (Psicoterapeuta), Paolo Santi (MIT).
2 special events in which Luciano Floridi (Il verde e il blu), and Simone Pieranni (Red Mirror) will present their latest books and disuss related topics.
A plenary session to decide the 2021 agenda towards an inclusive and sustainable digital world.