The Compagnia di San Paolo foundation organises a workshop dedicated to social enterprises interested in the call Seed_Social Enterprises, Efficiency & Development – 2019.
Basic tools:
Workshop on consultancies’ value proposition
and an introduction to social impact assessment
The workshop will be held in 3 different dates, at Sala Conferenze in Compagnia di San Paolo offices, Piazza Bernini 5, Torino:
- Wednesday 11 December 2019
- Thursday 12 December 2019
- Monday 16 December 2019
From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.: a focus strictly related to Seed2019 call, about the value proposition of professional consultancies and about the metrics for impact assessment. A networking aperitif will close the meeting.
To register, please send an email to with your name, surname, organization and chosen date. Each participant can book one date only.
The Seed2019 call is addressed to social enterprises located in the Piedmont area, whose aim is to implement new development strategies and processes for activating strategic, managerial and organisational changes and for increasing their own impact investment readiness.