Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation has launched the call named “Insieme andrà tutto bene”, with the aim of helping to reduce the social problems associated with the spread of the COVID-19 virus and the restrictions associated with measures to limit its spread.
The specific objectives of the Call are:
- to promote activities, interventions of proximity and support actions in favor of fragile people, minors and families in situations of difficulty in the emergency phase;
- to support proximity networks activated in the territories and capable of providing rapid and effective responses to the specific needs of the weakest sections of the population during the emergency phase.
The call is addressed to Third Sector entities and religious entities that carry out their activities in Piedmont and / or Liguria.
The first deadline for submitting applications is scheduled for 23:59 on 22 March 2020.
Requests for contributions must be sent via e-mail to the address and indicating in the subject the name of the proposing body and the name of the call “Insiemeandràtuttobene”.
More information and the text of the call for proposals are available on the official web page [ITA].