Face To Face
Architects in Contact
Organized and promoted by the Turin Architecture Foundation
Davide Ruzzon
Thursday, November 9th, from 6 PM to 8 PM at Combo in Turin
On Thursday, November 9th, from 6 PM to 8 PM, Davide Ruzzon, Director of NAAD, Neuroscience Applied to Architectural Design, at the IUAV University of Venice, as part of the ‘Face to Face’ lecture series organized by the Turin Architecture Foundation, will explain how neuroscience helps to harmonize architecture with people’s needs and expectations, creating an empathetic space capable of generating emotions and placing people at the center of architectural design.
“Why is it that in just a few milliseconds, we can tell whether an environment attracts us or repels us?
Our bodies, long before our minds, process the data that perception gathers. It is the body’s memory, in other words, emotions, that summarizes this in the blink of an eye. Not understanding these processes can compromise the outcome of the project, provided that the well-being of people is at the heart of the interest.
What impact can an environment that does not meet our emotional expectations have on physical and mental health? What does it mean to make our experiences meaningful through a space of quality?
What is the relationship between space quality, memory, and health?”
Case studies include: Ernst & Young offices in Rome, SEA Linate Airport, Prologis Somaglia Lodi Logistics Platform, Ferrante Aporti Juvenile Prison in Turin.
Face To Face – Architects in Contact is a multi-stage event, promoted and organized by the Turin Architecture Foundation, which has featured the participation of five of the most interesting architectural collectives and studios in Italy: from Fosbury Architecture to Sex & the City, Annalisa Metta, Studio Nemesi, and Davide Ruzzon.
Throughout the event, various topics related to quality architecture have been addressed, including specific and contemporary issues. It is open to everyone, especially those involved in the design and transformation of spaces from an updated, inclusive, and sustainable perspective.
Admission is open to all, subject to seat availability, with mandatory reservation at this address: eventi@fondazioneperlarchitettura.it
For OAT members, free admission is granted, subject to seat availability, with mandatory registration on
Face To Face | Fosbury Architecture – Turin Architecture Foundation.
2 CFP credits will be awarded.