On November 10th, selection of the companies belonging to the ICT Innovation Pole of Piedmont Region more attentive to the social impact will present their most innovative and concrete solutions for digital and technological transformation, linked to the new social challenges to which all companies, and in particular social enterprises and actors of volunteering, are called.
The event is organized by the Torino Wireless Foundation in synergy with the P.IN.S – Piemonte Innovazione per il Sociale Project and Torino Social Impact.
Why participate
The Covid-19 has been and continues to be, first and foremost, a great accelerator of processes, for better or for worse. It has, in fact, extended and exploded the fragilities and vulnerabilities of our society and has inevitably brought out the need and opportunity to invest in the transformation of the modes of delivery of most services: from those of a social welfare nature, first and foremost, to those of a cultural, educational and logistical nature.
On the eve of the pandemic, the most receptive and proacting social enterprises were well aware that citizens’ demand had changed, that public resources would be increasingly scarce and that it had become essential to build new, more extensive welfare pathways. It was necessary to look beyond the classic supply chains – such as those of frailty, disability, the elderly – to look at the creation of qualified employment, the redevelopment of the suburbs and the recruitment of young people. All this with a strong attention to the role of technologies and social impact and starting processes of hybridization and alliance with profit companies, especially the most innovative and open.
This is why the launch of an alliance and a structured exchange between social enterprises, Torino Social Impact, the Region, with the project P.IN.S – Piemonte Innovazione per il Sociale, and the ICT Pole, the technological cluster by definition open to transformation and innovation, is a challenge that is born winning and that is more current than ever.
The Corporate Meeting is:
- LIVE EVENT in remote connection on ZOOM platform, in which the companies adhering to the ICT Pole present their solutions with quick interventions of 5 minutes on the model of speed pitching.
- B2B MEETINGS organized in the days following the meeting, which take place in remote connection. Each live participant can request personalized appointments to each speaker. The meetings will be scheduled in the following days and will take place remotely.