The coronavirus emergency and the lockdown imposed by this situation does not prevent the Vol.To Volunteer Service Center from continuing to fulfill its role as a reference body for the world of the Third Sector of Turin and its province.
Even if the offices of Vol.To are currently closed to the public and the activities have been reorganized in accordance with current legislation relating to the current health emergency situation, the CSV with headquarters in via Giolitti 21 in Turin continues to be active in order to meet the many demands of associations and volunteers.
CSV operators can be reached:
- By telephone it is possible to contact the Vol.To staff by calling +39 011 8138711 and toll-free number 800-590-000. The service is active from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 18.00.
- By email, you can instead write to
- By filling in a specific on-line form, you can request consultations via whatsapp, Skype or Google Meet Hangout. After completing the form, a service center operator will contact the applicant using the chosen method.
On the website some experiences of support for people in difficulty activated by the Turin associations are also available, as well as the indications dedicated to those who want to make themselves available as a volunteer in this moment of great difficulty, where the priority is the contrast and contain the spread of the virus COVID-19 throughout the country.