ConVIVI is an integrated campaign (online and offline) to disseminate and render more poular ideas of collaborative living. Aiming to encourage a new culture of living based on the principles of mutual solidarity, it is part of the European Days of Collaborative Living initiative (coordinated at the European level since 2013 thanks to the French association Habitat Partecipatif) This initiative networks ecovillages, communities and cohousing which are committed, during the month of May and – after the pandemic – also September, to raising awareness of the world of collaborative living.
This year RIVE – Rete Italiana Villaggi Ecologici (Italian Network of Ecovillages), Rete Italiana Cohousing e Abitare Collaborativo (Italian Network of Cohousing and Collaborative Housing) and MCF – Mondo Comunità e Famiglia (World Community and Family), with the coordination of the Casematte association, have expanded the initiative to the month of September as well. They aim to include all those housing experiences that put interpersonal relationships at the center, with a view to creating a more inclusive and supportive community.
The full program is coming soon here.
Here the map of all international events.