HR FOR IMPACT: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion. The leading role of human resources.
Innovate people management strategies
In this Conversation Meeting we will talk with Laura Zanfrini, Scientific Director of the Cottino Social Impact Campus pillar and Istud Business School “DEI: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion” and Full Professor at the Catholic University of Milan, Caterina Soldi, Development & Program Manager Cottino Social Impact Campus and some guest companies committed to supporting the values of diversity, equity and inclusion through the adoption of business processes, organizational structures and management initiatives: including AB Holding Spa, AIDP Piemonte e Valle d’Aosta and Reale Mutua Assicurazioni.
When? Tuesday 7 November
At what time? 12.00 – 13.00
Where? Live on LinkedIn ISTUD social media and on the ISTUD Business School and Cottino Social Impact Campus websites
To participate you must register HERE by Monday 6 November: