Design Your Impact is a program by SocialFare | Centro per l’Innovazione Sociale aimed at accelerating knowledge and practical skills in social innovation: the selected teams are offered a path for the preliminary planning for business start-up and a unique opportunity to take advantage of the support of a network of professionals and experts of the sector.
The call to participate in Design Your Impact # 2 Innovation Projects for Climate Action is available on:
Deadline for applications: 2 June 2019
Possono candidarsi team informali, cooperative, imprese sociali, associazioni con una soluzione innovativa in risposta alle sfide del cambiamento climatico (in riferimento all’ SDG n. 13 “Climate Action”). Anche le progettualità di Economia Circolare contribuiscono alla sostenibilità del pianeta e alla sfera d’azione di contrasto agli effetti del cambiamento climatico, pertanto sono da considerarsi valide ai fini della candidatura e della partecipazione al programma.
Informal groups, cooperatives, social enterprises and associations with an innovative solution can respond to the challenge (with reference to SDG No. 13 “Climate Action”). Also projects regarding Circular Economy contribute to the sustainability of the planet, therefore they are to be considered valid for the purposes of the application and participation in the program.
Social Fare offers to the selected teams:
5 thematic modules (10 full-time days) in September / November 2019 in Turin with a dedicated acceleration team
Opportunity Day with the possibility of connection with our network of professionals
Cash Wallet & Follow on for the best team.
+ Free desks in Social Renaissance, the coworking space dedicated to social innovation in the heart of Turin.
The 1st edition of “Accelerate with SocialFare”, launched in October 2018 with two calls (Design Your Impact #1 and FOUNDAMENTA #7) ended on 6 January 2019 with 230 applications from all over the world.
The selected team, respectively 6 projects for Design Your Impact #1 and 4 startups within FOUNDAMENTA #7, are currently into the acceleration process in Social Renaissance.