Wonder is promoted by the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation to develop design projects that generate innovative solutions and services capable of responding to the social needs of the territory, taking up the challenge of green transition.
Within the framework of the Mission to Create Attractiveness of the Culture Objective and the Mission to Accelerate Innovation of the Planet Objective, the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation is launching the call for proposals Wonder: Experiments in Design for Social Innovation. The initiative, realised in collaboration with Circolo del Design and Torino Social Impact, is aimed at designers and third sector organisations. The aim is to develop design projects that generate innovative solutions and services with a social impact and at the same time respond to the challenge of the green transition.
In particular, the call aims to:
- contribute to the positioning of Turin as a place of contemporary production and creativity in the field of design and as a model of an ecosystem of innovation for the common good;
- promote a high level of “liveability”, understood as a synthesis of the three key principles of the New European Bauhaus: beautiful, sustainable, together;
- to encourage, through capacity building and matching, the hybridisation of skills, communication and collaboration between creative people, cultural enterprises and third sector organisations that intend to generate social innovation;
- strengthen the connections of the world of design with the different spheres of the community: welfare, health, urban regeneration, education, environmental sustainability, etc.; and
- stimulate reflection and a proactive vision on the challenge of green transition among the actors of the ecosystem of innovation for the common good.
The call will be developed in two phases.
Phase 1 calls for the submission of an expression of interest, respectively and independently advanced by non-commercial bodies operating in the Turin area and designers (freelancers, associated studios, companies, cooperatives, associations) from all over Italy.
Phase 2 foresees the presentation of the projects developed by the non-commercial entity in collaboration with the designer, as the outcome of a capacity building and matching process coordinated by Circolo del Design and Torino Social Impact and of the subsequent design process.
To the entities selected in Phase 2, the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation will grant a contribution for a maximum amount of € 50,000, corresponding to no more than 80% of the overall project budget.
The deadline for submitting applications for Phase 1 is 12 noon on July 28, 2021.
The deadline for submitting applications for phase 2 is 12 noon on December 21, 2021.
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