In these months of emergency the food system has been both object and subject of change. It has certainly undergone the measures to contain the COVID 19 pandemic; however, it is perhaps one of the areas that has been able to reorganize itself most quickly in response to the crisis. It has done so in different, sometimes opposite ways, from above and below. In this framework, the emergency that we have experienced, and that we are still experiencing, has forced the food system to change abruptly, because of old and new critical issues and opportunities.
In this meetings, which takes the place of the traditional presentation of the annual report of the “Atlante del Cibo”, we are confronted with some actors in the area to try to rethink the food system, in light of the emergency that has highlighted its fragility, but also its resistance and resilience. The objective will be to understand, together, how to deal with crises that will last over time and, at the same time, to enhance innovations, new relationships and temporary and structural reactions.
The meetings will be held on the WEBEX platform from 30 June to 2 July (link with access to the 4 events) and will be live on Facebook page “Atlante del Cibo di Torino Metropolitana”
The project is promoted by Università degli Studi di Torino, Politecnico di Torino, Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche, in collaboration with Camera di Commercio di Torino. Webinars are organised in collaboration with Città di Torino, Città Metropolitana di Torino, Ires Piemonte e Urban Lab.