For 15 years, the Fabermeeting in Turin has been bringing together young digital creatives from all over Italy and companies in the sector. Through co-designing content, it explores all possibilities for collaboration, which often turn into employment, as well as addressing the new social and cultural needs anticipated by this particular sector.
Giving a voice to companies and young individuals who make things happen, as its name suggests, the Fabermeeting has anticipated many of the themes that have become mainstream in recent years: from machine learning to web 2.0, from mobility technologies to blockchain, from crowdfunding to making, and from virtual reality to gaming.
This year, 50 young individuals under 35 from all over Italy will participate in the Fabermeeting, having developed 35 works selected by 60 partner companies through a call that closed last July.
The program, co-designed with partners over 9 months, includes 16 closed-door workshops, 6 working groups, 6 talks, and is rich in moments open to the public, including the presentation of winning works and a Keynote speech by Matteo Rostagno, one of Italy’s most important creative directors in Extended Realities (XR), a term referring to all combined real and virtual environments and human-machine interactions generated by information technology. Two discussions: “Designing for the Silver Wave: the potential of the Silver Economy on the UX of the future“, bringing together major national players on inclusive design, and “City in Transition: the empowerment of creative communities and their Social Impact“, addressing the social impact of the so-called “creative class,” featuring experiences such as Turin Stratosferica and Graphic Days, with Paolo Venturi, Stefano Mirti, and Fabrizio Ghisio.
However, the themes proposed by Fabermeeting partner companies, which this year officially opened up to third-sector companies interested in creativity and innovation, are many. In the workshops, there is innovative and generative marketing proposed in various ways by Zandegù, Merakyn, and So Simple; there’s data to be interpreted with Top-IX and told with Bianco Tangerine, but also a new way of designing with Domino, Francesco Bombardi, and Fablab Turin; the new variations of AI with Eggers and Valentino Megali, and game thinking by Synestesia, as well as the productive experience of a successful series, such as that of Zero Calcare, told by those behind the scenes.
At the working tables, the world of digital creativity looks in the mirror without reservation, addressing challenging topics such as gender issues, work organization, and forms of precariousness. Above all, it aims to emancipate itself from the image of a para-artistic bohème, which has become a symbol of the new “knowledge work” and, as such, itself generates new social needs, attempting to address these through discussions on social innovation and impact.
Registration is mandatory through this link.
The Fabermeeting is curated by Carlo Boccazzi Varotto and organized by Weco with the support of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation and the Chamber of Commerce of Turin, as part of Turin Social Impact.
The program of events open to the public:
- Friday, November 17, 3:00 PM-4:00 PM | Keynote speech – Matteo Rostagno
- Friday, November 17, 6:00 PM-7:30 PM | Designing for the Silver Wave: the potential of the Silver Economy on the UX of the future with Chiara Fissore and Francesco Milanesio (Triple Sense Reply), Andrea Gaiardo (Stellantis, Hackability), Andrea di Salvo (Polytechnic University of Turin), Stefano Moro (City of Turin).
- Saturday, November 18, 12:00 PM-1:30 PM | Presentation of winning Faber works – Session I
- Saturday, November 18, 3:00 PM-4:30 PM | Presentation of winning Faber works – Session II
- Saturday, November 18, 4:30 PM-5:45 PM | City in Transition: the empowerment of Creative Communities and their Social Impact with Paolo Venturi (AICCON), Laura Martini (TurinStratoferica), Fabrizio Ghisio (Confcooperative Piemonte Nord), Stefano Mirti (Fondazione Milano), Fabio Guida (Graphic Days)
- Saturday, November 18, 6:00 PM-6:30 PM | Awards, mentions, and special prizes.