Parity is a dynamic issue, one that needs to be constantly and carefully cultivated with sensitivity and a willingness always to meet a challenge. Amapola has obtained gender equality certification, in compliance with the UNI/PdR 125:2022 standard, from Ancis! An important acknowledgement setting out in black and white the consultancy deeply felt commitment to gender equality.
Amapola is a sustainability and communication consultancy, part of Torino Social Impact network. «Gender equality has always been a cornerstone of Amapola’s identity, and is particularly significant considering that two thirds of our team are women,» says founder and partner Luca Valpreda. «And of course sustainability consultancy is our business: this was a logical step for us because sustainability cannot exist without equality.»
Gender equality: the context
Despite the progress that has been made in recent years, there is still a great deal to do. This is confirmed by the data in the latest edition of the Survey L.E.I. (Lavoro, Equità, Inclusione) published by Fondazione Libellula, which was answered by more than 11,000 working women. About 60% receive a lower salary than male colleagues with an equivalent role, responsibility and seniority of service. With regard to harassment, 40% said they had experienced unwelcome physical contact in the workplace. These two figures are particularly significant, but the discrimination list continues, and refers to maternity, leadership and clothing issues.
«The World Economic Forum says we will not manage to bridge the gap between men and women until 2154,» comments Micol Burighel, Gender Equality Officer at Amapola and the company’s Head of Communication. «To fight systemic inequality, which affects businesses and industries indiscriminately (and, as we know, the communications world is no exception), we need a systemic commitment.»
Policies, procedures and objectives in Amapola
To obtain gender equality certification, companies must satisfy six key indicators relating to internal policies: culture and strategy, governance, HR processes, growth opportunities and inclusion of women in the workplace, gender-based pay equality, support for parenting and work-life balance. The Amapola Strategic Gender Equality Plan sets clear objectives: promotion and strengthening of an inclusive corporate culture, protection of female representation in the workplace with attention to management roles, respect for inclusive processes that guarantee equality in every corporate area (selection, recruitment, career development, pay, parenting policies and work-life balance), awareness-raising measures, and internal and external communication.
«Our gender equality objectives translate into concrete action,» Burighel continues, «such as a two-month extension for maternity and paternity leave – including fostering and adoption – compared with statutory leave, the extension of leave on the birth of a child from 10 to 30 days, free and flexible smart working to facilitate the work-life balance, internal climate surveys, zero tolerance of harassment, a structured training plan. In this area, for example, in 2024 the entire Amapola team will take part in training organised by the Human Art agency on recognition of gender violence and use of equality-based language.»
Working for female empowerment means monitoring, listening, acting, giving women a voice, amplifying.