On Friday, July 12, as part of the HUB for European Projects for Social Economy, a workshop on the Interreg Alcotra program was held. This opportunity was aimed at the partners of Torino Social Impact, focusing on harnessing the European Union’s financial opportunities within one of the European cross-border cooperation programs. The program’s objectives are to address environmental challenges, stimulate the cross-border economic and social system, and overcome major cross-border obstacles through local, integrated, and inclusive cooperation.

The workshop, organized in collaboration with Weco Impresa Sociale with contributions from the Turin Chamber of Commerce and the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, took place at the Cottino Social Impact Campus in Turin, which provided the space for hands-on learning.

A day dedicated to European project planning

The event saw the participation of 10 organizations interested in testing their skills in European project planning, aiming to learn and develop projects in the social field. The day was divided into two main sessions: a morning info session and an afternoon practical workshop.

Following the initial greetings, the morning info session included training on the Interreg Alcotra program. Maria Chiara Pizzorno, senior expert at Weco Impresa Sociale, presented an overview of the Interreg VI-A Italy-France Alcotra 2021-2027 Program. Her presentation gave participants the opportunity to delve into the program’s details, explore opportunities, and address challenges and key aspects to consider.

One of the highlights of the morning was the presentation of a successful experience by Elena Di Bella from the Metropolitan City of Turin, who illustrated the C.A.R.E. project – Community Support for the Resilience of Social and Health Ecosystems, an exemplary use of the Interreg Alcotra program funds.

The workshop resumed in the afternoon with a practical focus on Alcotra Single Projects, led by Weco Impresa Sociale. The goal was to work concretely on the call for single projects due at the end of the year. With the guidance of present experts, there were ample opportunities for discussing project ideas and receiving immediate feedback, thus laying the groundwork for effective applications.

An opportunity for training on European projects

The design workshop on the Interreg Alcotra Single Projects Call proved to be a valuable opportunity for all entities interested in European project planning and social economy. The combination of informative and practical sessions enabled participants to gain knowledge and practical skills, thereby facilitating their participation in European calls.