Perfect clothes to support a job interview, but used.
A second hand fashion available to those who are about to face an interview and do not have the right dress.
This is the simple idea at the base of the new initiative called “A tool locker” launched by ABITO, a project of clothes exchange and inclusion activities to fight poverty and promote integration, promoted by the Associazione San Vincenzo de Paoli.
“In this delicate economic context, in which so many people are looking for a new job – tell Elisa Valenti and Giorgio Ceste, coordinators of the ABITO project – we asked ourselves how we could give our contribution with a project that combines our social vocation with our values of sustainability”.
This is how the idea of “A tool locker” was born, an initiative in which sharing and giving are not only acts of care for others, but are also tools to reduce our environmental impact, putting in circulation those clothes that often lie unused and almost new in our closets, but which can be precious for those about to be interviewed. ABITO, in fact, is a model of self-sufficient circular economy able to collect 1.5 tons of clothes per month and support over 700 people in need per year.
For all these people, “A tool locker” wants to be the wish that many job offers, a closet full of possibilities, come in this period of great changes.
But “A tool locker” is just one of the many activities of this vibrant project based in Turin, via Santa Maria 6/i: since its inception in 2019, ABITO has opened a social clothing emporium and started a tailoring workshop for migrant women that regenerates damaged clothing.
ABITO is part of the 15 regenerative welfare projects of Torino Social Factory, the measure of the Programma Operativo Nazionale Città Metropolitane 2014-2020 (PON Metro Torino), promoted by the City of Torino and implemented as part of Torino Social Impact.