Presented on July 10 in Rome at the Chamber of Deputies, the National Center of Excellence for Social Innovation will be based in Turin, the only Italian city chosen by the EU, in the ex-Incet premises. This new institution aims to link public policies with innovative social practices. This is an important recognition for the City of Turin first and foremost, and for the entire social innovation ecosystem that the territory has fostered for years, also through Torino Social Impact.

The Italian Center of Excellence for Social Innovation was born in collaboration with similar centers across the European Union, thanks to an initiative supported by the EaSI program and funded by the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+). The Center will serve as a support platform for public administrations, businesses, and civil society, tackling complex social challenges with innovative approaches.

Among the partners involved are the Polytechnic University of Turin, the Polytechnic University of Milan, the University of Bologna, Euricse, and the Giacomo Brodolini Foundation. This collaboration aims to create an inclusive and collaborative ecosystem, facilitating the exchange of skills between public and private actors. The City of Turin is a founding partner of Torino Social Impact, as is the Polytechnic University of Turin. The Giacomo Brodolini Foundation is also an active partner in the territorial ecosystem, confirming the importance of networking on innovation and social economy issues.

The SEED (Social Innovation Ecosystem Development) project, coordinated by the Municipality of Turin, won the ESFA call for proposals to strengthen national centers and promote transnational collaboration. The main objectives of the Center are to disseminate knowledge about social innovation, be a reference point for public policy design, and create a bridge between Italy and other European competence centers.

The Center will offer various services, including strategy definition, consulting and training for public bodies, the third sector, and businesses, support for accessing European funding, and promoting cooperation among stakeholders for public-private partnerships.

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