BeeFlower is an innovative market format for the valorisation of environmental issues, in line with the Biodiversity Strategy 2030, which tells of a production of honey, flowers, plants and food linked to impoIIination and connected to the territory.
A maximum number of 20 exhibitors/producers and institutional stands are planned in order to develop content and dissemination.
The aim of this initiative is to educate, protect and promote biodiversity through the knowledge of the link between pollinating insects and daily food – as indicated in the SDGs for the EU 2030 Agenda in terms of the right to and access to food as a function of the protection of natural spaces, the dignity of the work of small family businesses, respect for the soil and animal welfare.
BeeFlower is therefore of strategic importance not only for the information it can convey and for the quality of the local product it is intended to support, but also as a territorial connection tool for the defence and protection of natural, urban and peri-urban areas.
BeeFlower is a market that contributes to restoring to citizenship a greater awareness and responsibility towards sustainable environmental policies and agricultural practices, but above all with the possibility of choosing an alternative that comes from a selected production that is attentive to the respect and dignity of labour as well as the protection of the soil. So BeeFlower is not just a commercial activity but a concrete tool for educating, promoting and defending biodiversity.
With this itinerant and educational market, the Slow Food Community of Metropolitan Pollinators of Turin, founder of the association of the same name that co-proposes the project, wants to balance the seriousness of the environmental situation with solutions: BeeFlower is one of them, designed for cities and administrations that want to be prototypes of ‘green’ change, through innovative and strategic solutions.