ToNite is a project funded by the Urban Innovative Actions European Program. The goal is bettering the livability of the areas along the Dora river in the evening, throughout the redevelopment of public spaces and economical and technical support to activate proximity services.
The Municipality of Turin is the leading proponent of the project with the partners: Experientia, Espereal Technologies, SocialFare, Fondazione Torino Wireless, Engineering Ingegneria informatica, ANCI, EFUS .
To promote the inclusive method which points out the local communities and the district potentialities, with a social innovation and urban redevelopment perspective in order to face the security topic, shared conception workshops has been planned, to imagine and develop together the future sceneries for the areas along the Dora river, in particular districts Aurora, Vanchiglia, and the Campus Einaudi area.
The next workshop will take place December 3rd and its topic will be the new activities and services useful to improve the livability of the district, through an open dialogue between all the participants.
The workshop is pointed towards the whole community: any age citizens, residents, workers, students, curious people, but also institutions, companies, associations interested in participating to the project.
SocialFare facilitators, Social Innovation and Shared design processes experts, will offer tools to participate which will empower the capacities and knowledge of anyone. All you need is the desire to participate.
The event will be online only, in respect to the last DPCM.
3rd December 2020
• Which activities and services?
Let’s imagine and design together activities and services by the neighborhood for the neighborhood!