The Industrial Union of Turin is a voluntary association of local enterprises affiliated with Confindustria, dedicated to the representation, protection, promotion, and development of companies and their interests.

In addition to its original trade union mission, the Industrial Union offers a wide range of services as well as initiatives and affiliated entities to provide support and ensure the competitiveness of businesses in all areas of interest: education, training, safety, sustainability, environment, quality, tax assistance, internationalization, corporate finance, and many others, all fully available to its member companies.

The primary goal of the Industrial Union of Turin is to promote and protect the interests of businesses and to foster an innovative, internationalized, sustainable entrepreneurial system capable of driving economic, social, civil, and cultural growth in its territorial area and across the country.

The Young Entrepreneurs Group is a think tank within the Industrial Union of Turin that brings together entrepreneurs and managers under 40 years of age.

The Group’s objectives are primarily cultural, aimed at the professional development of entrepreneurs and executives, as well as at fostering and disseminating an industrial culture within society.

In this sense, the Young Entrepreneurs have played and continue to play a significant role in dynamic updates and in encouraging openness to the challenges of societal transformation. They serve as a constant reference point for dialogue with other social groups and stakeholders.

This commitment translates into numerous activities focused on enhancing the culture of enterprise and driving productive transformation in the Turin area, recognizing its crucial importance in the country’s development.