The ACLI Patronato in Piedmont is present with the regional headquarters, 8 provincial offices and 35 local offices. Alongside the provincial and regional structures, volunteers work in 140 social secretariats carried out at the associative structures of the ACLI, in the Centers of Elderly, Parishes, Associations and District Circumscriptions.
Our operators provide assistance and advice in matters of social security, welfare, accidents and occupational diseases, civil disability and disability. Assistance is also carried out to verify the payroll, the TFR, to start a labor dispute and for all the information concerning the rights and duties of the workers. The operators are also assisted by medical-legal consultants and lawyers for judicial litigation.
Through the telematic channels with the INPS we take care of the presentations of pension practices: from the application of retirement or seniority pension, to those of survivors, social benefits and recalculation of already paid pensions.
The activity carried out in favor of immigrant citizens (family reunification, renewal of residence permits, requests for Italian citizenship) and unemployed people for the presentation of income support applications has been important for years.
Another field of protection is that carried out against INAIL for the reporting of accidents at work and occupational diseases and in the field of civil invalidity (civil disability allowance, accompanying allowance, etc.) and disability (recognition the benefits provided for by law 104).
Most of our services are free because financed by the Ministry of Labor while for those paid the amount is limited to the actual cost of the service rendered non-profit.