Nuova Collaborazione – Helping You Manage Those Who Help You

Founded in Turin in 1969, Nuova Collaborazione is committed to promoting an ethical and regulated domestic work model, with a focus on the dignity of workers and the responsibility of families as employers.

Since its inception, the association has played a leading role in significant achievements in the sector, including the signing of the first National Collective Agreement regulating domestic work in 1974. This milestone marked a key step toward protecting housekeepers, caregivers, and babysitters, providing families with tools to ensure regular and compliant employment. Since then, the association has offered advice and support to its member families in managing employment relationships within the home.

Services for the Responsible Management of Domestic Work

  • Handling administrative procedures related to hiring workers;
  • Calculating and submitting pay slips and contributions via PagoPa;
  • Providing advice on the National Collective Labor Agreement (CCNL);
  • Offering union and legal assistance;
  • Delivering free, certified training in collaboration with Ebincolf for housekeepers, caregivers, and babysitters to improve the quality of services for families.

Sustainability and Social Innovation

Nuova Collaborazione believes that sustainability also involves creating a work ecosystem that protects rights, enhances skills, and promotes the well-being of all involved, including in roles related to home and family care. For this reason, it participates in projects and initiatives aimed at building an inclusive welfare system, including:

  • Patto per un Nuovo Welfare sulla Non Autosufficienza, which develops policies to support vulnerable individuals and their families;
  • EFFE – European Federation for Family Employment and Home Care, to promote a European network of best practices in the domestic work sector.

 An Invitation to the Turin Social Impact Network

By sharing the values of Turin Social Impact, Nuova Collaborazione seeks to expand its dialogue with organizations and businesses working towards a more inclusive and sustainable society. Collaborating to develop new tools, services, and policies in the domestic work sector can generate positive impacts for the entire community.

We are open to new partnerships and projects that can contribute to building a future where domestic work is increasingly recognized as an integral part of a sustainable and innovative welfare system: