Embracing Artificial Intelligence for Quality Journalism: MyType is the startup born from Atex’s experience that develops technological solutions for journalists and with journalists. The goal is to free newsrooms from the most repetitive tasks by delegating them to technology, allowing journalists to fully dedicate themselves to the quality of information. To the benefit of everyone.

MyType, the startup designed for journalists by journalists

MyType was born to meet the new needs of the pure-digital sector, a startup created from the experience of Atex – a company that has been developing software and digital solutions for publishing for 50 years and has always been attentive to innovation, as demonstrated by its new Atex AI Platform competence center.
The launch product is the AI-driven CMS – MyType CMS – an integrated tool designed comprehensively around the needs of journalists and digital newsrooms.

The role of AI, from news gathering to distribution

Thanks to the experience of the journalists who contributed to the design of the platform, MyType CMS simplifies the journalistic workflow at every stage, from news gathering to production, from distribution to monetization. An all-in-one CMS, which, thanks to Artificial Intelligence, improves not only the editing phase but the entire journalistic process, allowing information professionals to focus on creating quality content without compromising efficiency.

Digital Joynalism: the new community for continuous training

#DigitalJoynalism is the hashtag that identifies the MyType community, created to meet the constant need for meeting, comparison, and updating of professionals, especially in light of new professional challenges at a technological level and beyond.