Lavialibera is a paper and online magazine offering in-depth reporting and investigations on issues related to mafias, corruption, climate change, migration and social movements. The media project includes a bimonthly magazine, a website, three newsletters and a page on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. It was founded by two civil society organizations, Fondazione Gruppo Abele and Libera, the main antimafia NGO in Italy.
The world is changing, and we feel the need to talk about mafias and organized crime in a different way: a constantly evolving phenomenon cannot be analyzed with outdated tools or from a single perspective. We cannot ignore the various new threats to democracy and the major risks facing our planet.
We want to rediscover the usefulness and pleasure of informing and being informed, creating a space for debate that exposes injustices without resorting to easy outrage. We believe in journalism that serves citizens by reporting what it sees, rather than serving any particular agenda. We tell stories and offer analyses to engage with the present and imagine a different future.
Lavialibera is part of the Free Press for Climate coalition, promoted by Greenpeace Italy. In 2024, it joined Sojo Europe, a program of training, grants, and mentorship aimed at promoting constructive and solution-oriented journalism, supported by Journalism Fund Europe.