Flowerista srl benefit company is an innovative startup with headquarter in Milan and a full remote team of 18 people, has supported more than 350 brands since its inception and is a reference point for Italian creative businesses with an eye toward Europe.

It is a digital ecosystem that offers training, business coaching, consulting and visibility to all those who want to start or grow their business, particularly in the creative sector.

It is inspired by the concept of diffuse intelligence typical of plants and applies it to the digital world, working with a community of people moved by the same values, including kindness and all-round sustainability.

Sara Malaguti, founder of the company, digital strategist and one of the 50 most innovative Italian women entrepreneurs of 2023 according to GammaDonna, opened the blog Flowerista.it in 2017 and in 2018 the community was born, which to date has more than 19,000 people on Instagram. It becomes a Benefit Company in 2022 with the ultimate goal of contributing, together with all the people and organizations that are involved in the venture, to the development of an economy that truly serves human beings and the environment.

In February 2023 Flowerista inaugurates the network of Local Ambassadors and in March 2023 launches the first permanent Observatory on creative enterprises in Italy.

In November 2023 received 2023 Le Fonti Awards in the category of “Excellence of the Year – Innovation and Leadership – Digital Ecosystem”.

May 2024 saw the launch of the 2nd volume of “Creatività Gentile,” an editorial product financed entirely by crowdfunding that collects 30 stories of Italian creative brands that are innovating their industry while respecting the environment, society, and the workforce, based on ESG principles.

Flowerista’s goal is to decrease the digital divide by increasing the awareness and digital skills of micro brands and freelancers, with a strong focus on the economic sustainability of the businesses themselves: to do this, Flowerista offers training and consulting paths to better define their personal branding, digital marketing and business strategy.

The community has always represented Flowerista’s most important asset: in addition to the Instagram profile, the community meets on Circle (which you can join for free) to network, exchange ideas and advice, give visibility to their products and services, and establish new collaborations. The platform aims to be a real ecosystem where users can feel part of a community, sharing experiences and opportunities in a peer-to-peer networking context, and educate themselves through the periodic initiatives offered for example vertical webinars on different topics.

Gamification applied to training finds full expression in Business’n’Play and Prompt’n’Play, serious games with the purpose of simulating the process of implementing an entrepreneurial project in the first case and learning how to create effective prompts and optimize interactions with artificial intelligence in the second.

Three purposes of common benefit guide every initiative and decision within the organization:

  1. Support for women’s entrepreneurship: at the core of Flowerista’s focus is a commitment to increasing women’s entrepreneurship by creating an enabling environment in which women can start and develop their own businesses with greater confidence and awareness, aiming for lasting sustainability. The platform is dedicated to overcoming specific barriers women entrepreneurs face by providing tailored resources, support, and training.
  2. Supporting the development of an innovative ecosystem: the goal of Flowerista is to actively contribute to the development of an ecosystem entrepreneurship rich in innovation by providing a stimulating environment for the advancement of pioneering ideas and projects. Through the facilitation of networking, mentorship and access to essential resources, it fosters a culture of collaboration and mutual support among entrepreneurs.
  3. Countering the so-called “brain drain”: Flowerista is committed to providing opportunities that entice talented professionals and entrepreneurs to stay or return to Italy, countering the brain drain phenomenon. By creating challenging job opportunities, promoting advanced training, and enhancing a flexible and inclusive work environment, including through remote working, Flowerista aspires to become an attractor of Italian talents. The concept of “Community Generated Business” reflects the belief in a more “liquid” future of work, where freelancers and micro-businesses can collaborate effectively by sharing common needs, without the necessity for a traditional work structure. This vision makes Flowerista a reference point for freelancers and micro-businesses in Italy and Europe.

In addition, through its spin-off Symbiosa, a consulting boutique, it accompanies benefit companies and aspiring ones on a synergistic path of impact assessment, consulting and in-house training.