Cooperativa Sociale P.G. Frassati di Produzione e Lavoro is cooperative that plans and manages entrepreneurial activities aimed at the employment of disadvantaged people and those belonging to the weaker segments of the labor market. Since 1976 it has been operating mainly in the province of Turin and the Piedmont region, lending its activities to companies, organizations and institutions, both public and private.

It currently employs about 1,000 workers including members and employees, of which a percentage of more than 30 percent are disadvantaged people and those belonging to the weaker segments of the labor market, and provides its activities to more than 50 companies, organizations and institutions, public and private.

Our primary objectives are:

  • the promotion and enhancement of individuals while respecting their dignity, distinctiveness and creativity, through the development of work-based paths of social inclusion;
  • the retraining, refinement and enhancement of individual and professional knowledge and skills through job placement interventions and training activities;
  • the encouragement of the growth of a sense of responsibility in the individuals concerned and the proposition of operational tools capable of limiting their “diversity” status;
  • the promotion of individual economic autonomy as an instrument of freedom and emancipation from welfare-type logics.

Our activities:

  • Environmental Services – Housekeeping and in Health Care.
  • Environmental Services – Garbage and refuse collection services
  • Green Area Maintenance Services
  • Logistics Management Services
  • Collective Catering Services
  • Industrial Laundry Services

Conventions for companies (Art 14 LR 276/03):

Our Cooperative partners with companies that need to fulfill obligations on targeted employment through the signing of conventions that give work orders to our Cooperative, as provided for in Article 14 of Legislative Decree 276/2003.