ActionAid Italia promotes and animates spaces for democratic participation everywhere, in Italy and in the world, involving people and communities in the protection of their rights. It collaborates at local, national and international level to bring about change and increase equity, improving the quality of democracy and supporting those living in situations of poverty and marginality.

ActionAid Italia works through and beyond the international federation to help achieve the social change to which it aspires. Its specific contribution is characterised by a vision, a mission and fundamental values to orientate shared commitment and guide choices.

A world without injustice in which every person and community can fully enjoy their rights, free from the limitations that result from poverty, inequality and injustice: this is the vision ActionAid aspires to and draws inspiration from. The organisation has chosen to side with the poorest and most marginalised, aware that the pursuit of such ambitious goals requires a collective effort of solidarity and a firm belief in the value of social justice. Inequality is not only a cause of poverty but often also a consequence of it. Improving the quality of democracy and fostering people’s active participation are two essential elements in making communities agents of change.

  • These are the guiding values of ActionAid Italia:
    Mutual respect: AA Italia believes in the equal dignity of all men and women and in the value of diversity.
  • Honesty and transparency: AA Italia wishes to be clear and transparent in its actions and communications.
  • Equality and justice: AA Italia works to guarantee everyone equal opportunities in carrying out a personal development project and a development project for the community in which they live.
  • Solidarity: AA Italia is committed to constant work towards the poor and marginalised by the power in the hands of the strongest.
  • Courage in one’s convictions: AA Italia uses vigour and creativity to gain space and resources dedicated to the cause of fighting poverty and social exclusion.
  • Humility: AA Italia is an interlocutor ready to listen and is aware of being part of a larger alliance of forces fighting together to defeat poverty and inequality.