Clusters of social and ecological innovation in the European Union, perspectives and experiences
The Expert Group on Social Economy and Social Enterprises (GECES) has created a subgroup on “The role of clusters and similar forms of business cooperation in fostering the development of social economy”with the task of seeking and exploring insights into social economy clusters and their role in promoting innovation in the European Union. An extensive work that explores the phenomenon of “clusterization” led by social economy entities.
The report illustrates 19 European cases that have proven to be able to catalyze the development of the social economy at local level. Among them Torino Social Impact (page 62).
The analysis had the following objectives:
1) to obtain a socio-economic characterization of the CSEI concept;
2) to identify and analyse the main innovative aspects that CSEI brings to social and ecological transitions and;
3) identify and analyse the characteristics, components and/or determinants of clusters that facilitate the dissemination and transfer of innovation in other contexts.