Glocal Factory: innovative ecosystem of cocrafting to support the craftsmanship of Barriera

What does Glocal mean? Glocal is a term that combines two words that are often at odds, “local” and “global”, proposing to enhance the local dimension through international good practices.

The Glocal Factory project, by the Liberitutti cooperative, born in November 2019, has developed in these months, on the one hand, as a local social enterprise that has given support to the artisans of Barriera di Milano by developing sewing courses, all-round creative courses, events and webinars (live and online) related to sustainable fashion and internships for people in difficulty. On the other hand, as an innovative model, unprecedented in Turin, which provides a continuous interaction between profit and non-profit, establishing an equal relationship that gives shape to a network enterprise with the aim of developing knowledge, network and skills of its users.

Certainly the place chosen as the headquarters of Glocal Factory, Via Regaldi 7 /int 11 of Barriera di Milano, has allowed the interaction with the other major project for the enhancement of artisan knowledge, the TriCircolo Reuse Center, creating a real innovative hub to support the artistic and traditional craftsman of the neighborhood.

Among the other companies, projects and places with which Glocal Factory has begun an ongoing collaboration and with which it has set up a real innovative ecosystem we find:

  • the NIDō social tailoring project, which mainly involves young women and men who are asylum seekers and refugees. Starting from the collaboration with the artist and designer Francesco Liberti, it has developed into a path of personal redemption and accompaniment to micro-entrepreneurship.
  • The initiative i Fiori di Cotone – carried out thanks to the collaboration with Rete al Femminile Torino, IF life design and Krearte association – that in addition to teaching sewing techniques, through real photo shoots has trained seamstresses on how to create books and videos to promote their own production lines, also turning them into models for a few days.
  • Glocal Factory is also a cocrafting of different brands (Au Petit Bonheur, Petit Le Cad, Arbrora, Baobab Couture, Anna Maria Carrieri, Episodio Zero, Sosa Baby design), which have teamed up to develop their own brands by sharing spaces, machinery, but above all craftsmanship.
  • Another element of the project is the cooperative’s commercial network (Au Petit Bonheur, Il Grifone Kids, Il Grifone, Uno), intended as a tool for social, cultural and economic promotion, with the objectives of inclusion and integration.
  • Among the privileged places of collaboration, we find the Bagni pubblici of via Agliè, a socio-cultural center that organizes various cultural events during the year, open from Monday to Saturday.

The Covid-19 has certainly given a boost to the project, but there are many future developments of Glocal Factory that the cooperativa Liberitutti is trying to put in place, such as, for example, the birth of the Atelier for integration for the boys of CAD Superabile – job placement of young adults with mental and physical disabilities – which will be trained not only on production aspects, but also on those of sales.

If you want to know more about the project watch the official video of the initiative

Glocal Factory is part of the 15 generative welfare projects of Torino Social Factory program of the City of Turin, co-financed by the  Programma Operativo Nazionale Città Metropolitane , European Social Fund, carried out within the framework of Torino Social Impact.

For more information on the Torino Social Factory program and the other 14 projects that are part of it go to this link.

The TriCircolo Project: the house of reuse and circular economy in Barriera di Milano

But what does “TriCircle” mean? The word seems to refer on the one hand to “recycling” and on the other to “tricycle”, a three-wheeled vehicle used both by children and as a means of transporting goods.

The TriCircolo Project Reuse Centre, of the Cooperativa Sociale Triciclo, has addressed in these months to citizens and artisans of the Barriera di Milano neighborhood in order to create an aggregative capacity on the themes of reuse and circular economy.

The TriCircolo Reuse Centre in via Regaldi 7/11 has been, and continues to be, a place of production, commerce and sociality equipped to host meetings, training, solidarity exchanges, production and sale of goods and services related to reuse and the theme of eco-sustainability.

In particular, the spaces of TriCircolo are aimed at artisans, professional or simple hobbyists, who can use them to make and display their products every day from 9.00 am.

TriCircolo has chosen Barriera di Milano as the place to implement its project relying on the long tradition of craftsmanship of the neighborhood, which was born as a working-class village in the mid-nineteenth century. The operators of TriCircolo aim to develop the great manual and craft potential of the residents of these streets.

As a result, the project has managed to bring on board for some initiatives important partners such as the Polytechnic of Turin and Compagnia di San Paolo, as well as hosting another reality specialized in textiles along with 7 artisans who have settled in these spaces and who deal with the reuse of bicycle materials.

It is important to underline that despite the various historical markets that are organized in the TriCircolo Reuse Centre and the numerous collateral initiatives, the objective of the project is not the sale of final products, but to provide services and facilities to the artisans who make them, trying to put the producers in contact with possible customers and/or with possible investors interested in developing their projects.

TriCircolo Reuse Centre project is part of the 15 generative welfare projects of Torino Social Factory program of the City of Turin, co-financed byProgramma Operativo Nazionale Città Metropolitane and the European Union, European Social Fund, carried out within the framework of Torino Social Impact.

Despite a setback due to Covid-19 and the recent end of the city and European funding, the project TriCircolo continues to wait for the artisans who want and all interested citizens in the headquarters of Via Regaldi 7/11.

If you want to know more about the project watch the video

To keep up with the various initiatives follow tthe facebook page of the project

To learn more about the Torino Social Factory program and the other 14 projects that are part of it go to this link

Alpine Social Innovation Day! How Social Innovation can change innovation, cooperation and public action?

To celebrate the completion of the ASIS INTERREG project (Alpine Social Innovation strategy), the 10 partners from Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Slovenia, are honored to invite you to the Alpine Social Innovation Day on April 1st. At the local level, the project involves the City of Turin and the Chamber of Commerce of Turin, which extend the invitation to the entire ecosystem of social innovation in our city.

This international event will host conferences, workshops, networking activities, to discuss how Social Innovation changes cooperation and public action.

On this occasion, three different workshops will be organized in the morning (h. 10.00 – 12.30), questioning how Social Innovation can change
1/ our vision of innovation,
2/ our public policies,
3/ our forms of cooperation

In the afternoon, the three proposed workshops (h. 14.00 -17.00) will address how Social Innovation can change1/ our funding schemes,
2/our ways to measure social impact and finally
3/our ways to create social value and to build business models.

During these sessions, we will welcome engaging testimonials, highlight interesting European pilot experimentations and share the most relevant ASIS project outputs.

Additionally, several networking activities will be open all day long, to meet virtually and
share opportunities in a friendly atmosphere.

Here you can find the agenda of the event

Here is the link to register by March 25, 2021.

Conclusion of the Prometeo Project: a new model of “welfare boutique” for the over-65s in Turin is born

Who is Prometheus? Prometheus is a mythological figure who loved mankind unconditionally to the point of challenging the gods of Olympus.

The Prometheus Project, run by the Zenith Cooperative, was inspired by this unconditional love to offer a personalised assistance service to the over-65s in the Turin area.

The aim of the project: to create the conditions for active ageing of the people assisted through a personalised assistance service. A sort of innovative “volunteer boutique” offering tailor-made services according to the needs of each recipient.

Among the services provided: home care and active participation of the elderly in engaging socialisation activities.

These include ‘Danzamovimentoterapia’, a body mediation technique that aims to promote a state of ‘physical, psychic and social’ wellbeing; ‘Internauti’, computer training courses held by high school pupils to encourage the exchange of knowledge at a generational level; ‘A spasso con Monica’, walks around Turin’s historical sites and places of interest led by Monica, an expert professional guide; and finally ‘Meditarte’, courses to reconcile meditation and artistic self-expression.

Since 2019, the Prometeo project has given support to 100 elderly people in Turin on an individual and differentiated basis. It has given psychological support to more than 30 family members of those assisted. It has involved 32 volunteers and high school students. Furthermore, it provided more than 2500 hours of home support and organised more than 110 socialisation meetings for the city’s elderly.

With the arrival of COVID, the services provided by the Prometeo project were rethought.Telephone support by educators and psychologists was activated. Socialising activities were rethought in a digital key with webinars, videocall, sharing of daily awareness-raising posts.

Among the activities designed for the elderly in this period were “Un fiore per te” (“A flower for you”), in which it was possible to give a small plant to an elderly person living alone at home, and “Mio caro nipote del futuro” (“My dear grandchild of the future”), a collection of letters from some of the people assisted by the project to their future grandchildren, who wanted to recount the lockdown and life disrupted at the time of Covid-19.

Progetto Prometeo is part of the 15 generative welfare projects of Torino Social Factory program of the City of Torino, co-financed by the Programma Operativo Nazionale Città Metropolitane  and the European Social Fund, implemented within the framework of Torino Social Impact.

At the end of the funding period, the project continues to be present with new ideas and activities for future developments, always based on the requests of the beneficiaries.

Currently, the Prometeo Project is helping to disseminate all the information on COVID-19 vaccines through its Facebook page.

Watch the final video of the project

To learn more about the Torino Social Factory programme and other projects go to this llink

The Project C.A.R.O.T.A. of Torino Social Factory has ended with excellent results.

But what does C.A.R.O.T.A. mean? Food, Agriculture, Network, Employment, Territory, Aggregation.

The C.A.R.O.T.A project was born in the spring of 2019 with the aim of generating a sustainable welfare model through the creation of a “system” of integrated services to combat poverty in the Mirafiori Sud neighborhood.

There are 3 tools fielded by Cooperativa Patchanka, together with Fondazione Mirafiori and Associazione Coefficiente Clorofilla, which have helped the fragile groups of the neighborhood.

The first tool is the three free social counters opened at the Casa del Parco (via Panetti 1) to listen to the inhabitants of the neighborhood. A total of 405 people passed through the desks (a number that decreased during the months of the pandemic), a team of volunteers was created to support the operators of the desks, 4 job placements were made and 48 personalized consultations were provided to assist users with debt problems.

The second tool was the urban gardens offered to 10 families in difficulty, who grew fruit and vegetables for their own needs and to help the volunteers of the Orti Generali collective garden, the urban garden park on the banks of the Sangone torrent that is open to citizens and visitors. A total of 1015 kg of vegetables were collected during the period by the 10 families involved.

Finally, free meals at the Locanda del Parco, whose food came from unsold local markets, supermarket surpluses and numerous other sources, as well as from Orti Generali.

During the Covid-19 emergency (march-may 2020) the C.A.R.O.T.A. project wanted to listen the needs of the local area to which it responded by donating 50 meals a day (1200 meals a month) to people in difficulty indicated by the Social Services, by local authorities and excluded from other forms of support, prepared by the cooks of Locanda nel Parco and delivered by the volunteers of the project.

In total, 4960 meals were donated and 12,200 kg of food were collected.

C.A.R.O.T.A. is part of the 15 generative welfare projects of Torino Social Factory program of the City of Turin, co-financed by the National Operational Program Metropolitan Cities and the European Union, European Social Fund, carried out within the framework of Torino Social Impact.

Watch the project video

To learn more about the Torino Social Factory program and the other projects go to this link





4/3 ToNite Workshop – Lungo Dora / Aurora: which spaces to re-imagine?

A meeting to imagine together future sceneries and new identities for the Lungo Dora, in Aurora.

ToNite is a project funded by the Urban Innovative Actions European Program. The goal is bettering the livability of the areas along the Dora river in the evening, throughout the redevelopment of public spaces and economical and technical support to activate proximity services.
The Municipality of Turin is the leading proponent of the project with the partners: ExperientiaEspereal TechnologiesSocialFareFondazione Torino WirelessEngineering Ingegneria informaticaANCIEFUS .

To promote the inclusive method which points out the local communities and the district potentialities, with a social innovation and urban redevelopment perspective in order to face the security topic, shared conception workshops has been planned, to imagine and develop together the future sceneries for the areas along the Dora river, in particular districts Aurora, Vanchiglia, and the Campus Einaudi area.

Next meeting will be 4th March and its topic will be the new possible sceneries for some places of Lungo Dora area in Aurora neighborhood, for a renewal intervention. 

The meeting is pointed towards the whole community: any age citizens, residents, workers, students, curious people, but also institutions, companies, associations interested in participating to the project.

SocialFare facilitators, Social Innovation and Shared design processes experts, will offer tools to participate which will empower the capacities and knowledge of anyone. All you need is the desire to participate.

The activities will focus on 3 areas:

  • ZONE 1 // Calvino Library and San Pietro in Vincoli (Cycle lane, Lungodora Agrigento)
  • ZONE 2 // The area between Corso Emilia and via Cecchi (Mobility, Lungo Dora Napoli)
  • ZONA 3 // Railway cutting, Ponte Carpanini, Pellegrino Garden (Lungo Dora Agrigento, Corso Vercelli – Corso Emilia)

The event will be online.

4th March 2021 h. 17.30

A tool locker: social emporium donates clothes to job interviewers.

Perfect clothes to support a job interview, but used.

A second hand fashion available to those who are about to face an interview and do not have the right dress.

This is the simple idea at the base of the new initiative called “A tool locker” launched by ABITO, a project of clothes exchange and inclusion activities to fight poverty and promote integration, promoted by the Associazione San Vincenzo de Paoli.

“In this delicate economic context, in which so many people are looking for a new job – tell Elisa Valenti and Giorgio Ceste, coordinators of the ABITO project – we asked ourselves how we could give our contribution with a project that combines our social vocation with our values of sustainability”.

This is how the idea of “A tool locker” was born, an initiative in which sharing and giving are not only acts of care for others, but are also tools to reduce our environmental impact, putting in circulation those clothes that often lie unused and almost new in our closets, but which can be precious for those about to be interviewed. ABITO, in fact, is a model of self-sufficient circular economy able to collect 1.5 tons of clothes per month and support over 700 people in need per year.

For all these people, “A tool locker” wants to be the wish that many job offers, a closet full of possibilities, come in this period of great changes.

But “A tool locker” is just one of the many activities of this vibrant project based in Turin, via Santa Maria 6/i: since its inception in 2019, ABITO has opened a social clothing emporium and started a tailoring workshop for migrant women that regenerates damaged clothing.

ABITO is part of the 15 regenerative welfare projects of Torino Social Factory, the measure of the Programma Operativo Nazionale Città Metropolitane 2014-2020 (PON Metro Torino), promoted by the City of Torino and implemented as part of Torino Social Impact.

#Torinocomestai: a social survey on how families in Turin lived the first lockdown.

“Courage will pass this one too!’. “Be responsible. Turin deserves our strength!”. “If we get out of this, we will be stronger than before!'”. These are just some of the many messages of hope and resistance left at the end of the survey f the social survey carried out during the first lockdown and entitled Torino How are you?

In the months of the lockdown we had in front of us a confident, frightened or resigned Turin? Which were the most insecure and worried groups?

The survey collected a total of 5,866 people’s opinion thanks to the timely activation of the data collection platform. Among the people with the greatest insecurities were those with dependent elderly parents, less confident than those who were alone or had dependent children. In addition, less than one in ten people expressed difficulties in accessing the various services provided by the city or private companies.

The idea for this interesting social survey came from SocialFare and Nesta Italia in partnership with Experientia and Top-ix.

The project is part of Torino Social Impact and is supported by the University of Turin, Links Foundation, Fondazione Torino Wireless, Cottino Social Impact Campus.

In addition, the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation has supported the experimentation together with the City of Turin through the Department of Innovation, Department of Social Policy, Department of Youth Policy and Equal Opportunities.

The results were announced on December 2, 2020 with an official report.

Go to the report

Homes4All’s equity crowdfunding campaign begins!

Today begins the equity crowdfunding campaign of Homes4All srl, the startup-benefit company that is implementing the financial project “Homes4All -A Torino the right to housing innovates”. The project is promoted by the City of Turin together with the Chamber of Commerce of Turin, Brainscapital, Homers, ACMOS and realised within Torino Social Impact.

The project is also the winner of the procurement of the Social Innovation Fund of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

The campaign implemented on the platform has as mission the collection of 300 thousand euros that will be used for the purchase and management of the various properties useful to the project.

The President and Founder of Homes4All Srl, Mario Montalcini said: “We are pleased to launch this important fundraising campaign with a partner of excellence such as and we hope that the campaign will meet the interest of investors to support a project with an economic return with a high social impact to increasingly combat the housing emergency, through a model that aims to scale nationwide”.

Here is the link to the campaign:

Opening Mirabike with Aperibike

Wednesday, October 7 at 5:30 pm, at Cpg Torino, center of the youth protagonism of the district 2, as part of the project Mirafiori Sìcura, opens and inaugurates the first popular cycle shop “Mirabike“, an important step that meets the modern mobility needs of the neighborhood.

MiraBike, is a cycle shop in the neighborhood at the CPG Turin, precisely, in Strada delle Cacce 36, but also itinerant in strategic areas of the neighborhood through CarGo Bike set up.

It is the activation of a short and long term bike rental service and the organisation of events and activities for the promotion of bike use between adults and children, awareness and promotion became even more relevant in this post-pandemic period.

The Aperibike of “Barcult” with free offer is waiting for you to celebrate this new popular adventure.

The project is supported by the City of Torino (Torino Social Factory program) realised within Torino Social Impact and co-financed by Pon Metro Programma Operativo Città Metropolitane 2014 – 2020 (measure 331A).


*Wednesday at 4.00 p.m. / 9.00 p.m.
at CPG Torino – Strada delle Cacce 36

*Friday 4.00 p.m. / 6.00 p.m.
at Casa nel Parco – Via Panetti 1

Homes4All participates in the Festival of Sustainable Development in Parma.

In these days the Festival of Sustainable Development of Parma is taking place, organised at national level by ASviS (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development), with the aim of making known the 17 Goals of the UN Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. In Parma the local edition is organised by the University of Parma, WWF Parma, Gist, Arpae, Fruttorti, under the patronage of the Municipality of Parma.

The last day of the Festival, Friday, October 2, will see the participation of “Homes4All – in Turin the right to housing is innovated“, an impact finance project to address the housing emergency in Turin promoted by the City of Turin together with the Chamber of Commerce of Turin, Brainscapital, Homers and ACMOS. The project is also part of the Torino Social Impact, financed by the Fondo di Innovazione Sociale and supported by the Compagnia di San Paolo.

From 11 am to 12.30 pm the conference “Social entrepreneurship and impact investing. Concrete cases with focus on equal opportunities”, which will be attended by Federico Disegni, General Manager of Homes4All s.r.l. who will present the project as a concrete example of impact investing.

To participate in the conference just connect to Facebook live at this link.

Loving the Alien Fest

Fantasy, social inclusion and urban regeneration: these are the three souls of “Loving the Alien Fest”, the Festival of Modern Fantasy organised by Mufant – Museo del Fantastico e della Fantascienza di Torino in collaboration with the social cooperative Altra Mente.

The first edition of the festival will take place from 18th to 20th September: Friday 18th the online event take place on the Mufant’s Facebook page and Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th at the Parco del Fantastico, the large public space next to the museum (via Reiss Romoli 49bis), with a series of events, presentations, concerts and shows.

The rich program will alternate moments dedicated to the most popular TV series, Japanese anime, cinema, contemporary literature and comics. The term “alien” will see an important declination in the concepts of “diversity” and  in its opposite, equality.

The initiative, in fact, is part of the Loving the Alien project that is part of the 15 projects of social innovation supported by the City of Turin (Torino Social Factory program) co-financed by the Pon Metro Programma Operativo Città Metropolitane 2014-2020 (measure 331A).

Loving the Alien was conceived and realised by Altra Mente and Mufant, two very different realities that share a common denominator: the love for the Alien, the Different, the Elsewhere. Starting from the regeneration process in the district of Borgo Vittoria, the project has redeveloped the vast garden adjacent to the museum, creating the “Parco del Fantastico”, a park with large installations made in two workshops (set design and costume design) that is creating employment, both for young professionals and professionals under occupation in the art sector, and for four people suffering from mental distress.

Homes4All opens today a pre-crowdfunding equity campaign on LITA

Important updates from Homes4All the project of impact finance to face the housing emergency in Torino promoted by the City of Torino together with the Chamber of commerce of Torino, Brainscapital, Homers, ACMOS, within Torino Social Impact.

Homes4All was born to solve a problem: the pathways of poverty very often start from the loss of one’s own home. It doesn’t matter if this happens due to personal or entrepreneurial events, but from the loss of the house onward the gravity of any previous situation increases to the point that it becomes hardly reversible, with very high costs for people, families and the whole community.

Homes4All promotes an innovative housing strategy through the identification of property blocks, free or occupied, of different origins (court auctions, vacant housing, donations) to be entrusted to the management of a newco/startup. The company proceeds, in case of empty housing, to renovate, enhance or make available to the social rental channels and, in case of occupied housing, to support tenants in case of debt situations.

From today is online the pre-campaign of equity crowdfunding on LITA realised by the innovative newco/startup with the same name of the project. The startup has the great advantage of having management and operating costs of the first 3 years covered by the contribution, paid in favor of the project, by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.  This allows the startup to use and allocate the funds collected through the Equity Crowdfunding campaign exclusively to the acquisition of real estate

Read more about the project and discover socially responsible crowdfunding.