CorDATA – Civic Tech and Data Science for the International Cooperation – Second Edition

CorDATA is a training program designed for the operators of the International Cooperation sector to raise awareness of Data CultureData Science and Civic Technologies, and finally to support them in the realization of their Data-Driven projects.

The second edition of the program will take place from November 2020 to March 2021. The training includes online theoretical lessons (technologies, methods and best practices) and selected case studies, active in the third sector, to strengthen the hands-on activities and to provide effective hints and guidelines for participants’ projects set-up. The participants will have the opportunity to apply the acquired skills on their organizations under the guidance of expert tutors.

CorDATA is an initiative designed by TOP-IX (lead partner), ISI Foundation, Moxoff and HeartInData, and supported by the Cariplo Foundation and the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation within the program Innovazione per lo Sviluppo

Impact Masterclass| Live! Data Arts & Science for Impact

How to understand the challenges in data science education?

On September 3rd, 2020, from 4 to 5.30 pm our Impact Masterclass| Live! Data Arts & Science for Impact, by Cottino Social Impact Campus and Data Arts & Science for Impact, with Damien Lanfrey, Donatella Solda and Flavio Venturini.

The aim of the Masterclass is to discuss the world of data and data science.

You will learn to…

  • Understand the challenges in data science education;
  • Identify the main driver in the construction of data science skills;
  • Evaluate aspects to be considered for an organic education in data science;


Free register:

09/07 – “Portineria di Comunità” opening in Porta Palazzo

In the heart of Porta Palazzo, in the disused space of a historic newsstand, Thursday, July 9 will inaugurate “Lo spaccio di cultura – Portineria di Comunità” after a first virtual christening during the Covid emergency. From 11.30 a.m. to 7 p.m. a series of meetings will take place in the space, ending with a convivial moment and an artistic flash mob.

“Portineria di Comunità” proposes itself as a physical and relational place where we can begin to rebuild a community of proximity, where we can trust one another, give and receive help, exchange information, suggestions and ideas. A place where to find help for small daily tasks and where to rebuild relationships based on solidarity and trust. A point of reference for the community that will make it possible to meet and exchange skills and needs, a place of trust and an exercise in human microeconomics.

The project – conceived by Rete Italiana di Cultura Popolare in partnership with Ufficio Pastorale Migranti e Nessuno è straniero – is part of the 15 projects of social innovation supported by the City of Torino (Torino Social Factory project) co-financed by Pon Metro Programma Operativo Città Metropolitane 2014-2020.

The space in Piazza della Repubblica (corner of Via Milano) will be open from Monday to Saturday from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm.

Contacts: – T 3478788271

Atlante del Cibo 2020. Back to the future: rethinking the food system after lockdown

In these months of emergency the food system has been both object and subject of change. It has certainly undergone the measures to contain the COVID 19 pandemic; however, it is perhaps one of the areas that has been able to reorganize itself most quickly in response to the crisis. It has done so in different, sometimes opposite ways, from above and below. In this framework, the emergency that we have experienced, and that we are still experiencing, has forced the food system to change abruptly, because of old and new critical issues and opportunities.

In this meetings, which takes the place of the traditional presentation of the annual report of the “Atlante del Cibo”, we are confronted with some actors in the area to try to rethink the food system, in light of the emergency that has highlighted its fragility, but also its resistance and resilience. The objective will be to understand, together, how to deal with crises that will last over time and, at the same time, to enhance innovations, new relationships and temporary and structural reactions.

The meetings will be held on the WEBEX platform from 30 June to 2 July (link with access to the 4 events) and will be live on Facebook page “Atlante del Cibo di Torino Metropolitana”

The project is promoted by Università degli Studi di Torino, Politecnico di Torino, Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche, in collaboration with Camera di Commercio di Torino. Webinars are organised in collaboration with Città di Torino, Città Metropolitana di Torino, Ires Piemonte e Urban Lab.

Talk | In conversation with Nesta Italia #6

The role of local partnership and clusters to foster social impact ecosystems

How can local partnerships and clusters foster social impact ecosystems? Starting from the local experience of Torino Social Impact we will broaden the focus on European experiences, considering the essential tools and steps involved in the development of such ecosystems. What kind of value do they add in strengthening a social impact oriented economy? What is the role of the European Commission in supporting these local initiatives?

On Tuesday June 23rd, during a live streaming on Facebook, we will discuss the current situation and future projects with:

  • Raffaella Scalisi, Senior Advisor, Torino Social Impact
  • Coos Santing, Program Manager, ImpactCity The Hague
  • Karel Vanderpoorten, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, EU Commission
  • Mario Calderini, Full Professor, Politecnico di Milano

Hosted by Marco Zappalorto, CEO Nesta Italia. You can sign up to the event here.

The talk will be held in English.

COVID-19: survey on the the Third Sector needs

The Third Sector has proved to be one of the most active to deal with the Covid-19 emergency, by trying to respond to the needs of the weakest and poorest. It is also one of the most affected  by the crisis since many of the services provided, especially those to the person, have undergone radical arrests and remodulations, leading to loss of income and increased costs.
All crises can also be an occasion to innovate and elaborate an improved start. The Torino Social Impact platform is the tool for monitoring the effects of the crisis and facilitating the launch of new models and solutions.In this context, a survey is underway on the economic impact of the Covid19 crisis on the Third Sector local organizations and on the emerging needs among social enterprises and actors. The work, which will be aligned with similar research on a national scale, is coordinated by Torino Social Impact and involves the cooperatives associations and all the actors interested in contributing in the development of the action.
The first action is a survey carried out thanks to the partnership with to map the consequences of Coronavirus on the non-profit organizations of the ecosystem of the metropolitan city of Turin. A short questionnaire through which Third Sector entities can tell what are the main needs and difficulties they are experiencing at this particular moment. To participate:

“Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti Torino”: CSI Next first block of the project

The City of Turin will participate in the MiSe call (launched last March 3rd), to select projects for the realization of “Casa delle tecnologie emergenti”, innovation and technology transfer centres to support research, experimentation, startups, knowledge transfer to companies.

The House of Emerging Technologies of Turin, for which the selection procedures of private and technological partners are in progress (with calls for tenders published on the website of the City of Torino open until May 29th 2020) has been conceived not as a single physical infrastructure, but as a network of widespread innovation hubs.

The first block, which will be its heart, will be CSI Next, a laboratory designed to hinge on the best digital technologies, new ways of working (co-working), the best systems to communicate, for Turin and Piedmont. An indication contained in the project proposal being defined by the City of Turin in collaboration with the first group of partners identified, namely the University and the Polytechnic of Turin with their respective university incubators, Links Foundation, Torino Wireless, 5T and CSI Piemonte.

The Central House, as well as the other physical hubs that will make up the project, will have the role of testing and validating new emerging technologies: from cloud computing to artificial intelligence, from new technological standards in telecommunications to cybersecurity and blockchain. 

“Casa delle tecnologie di Torino” will be grafted onto the Torino City Lab platform and partnership, as regards the development and testing of innovative urban services in strategic sectors such as Smart Mobility and Industry 4.0.

Torino City Lab and Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center for the mobility of the future

Techstars, one of the first startup accelerators in the world, started its first European acceleration program at Ogr Tech in Turin choosing the first 11 new companies to grow in Italy through a call dedicated to new ideas for smart mobility. The projects, selected at international level among hundreds from over 50 countries around the world, were presented for the first time on April 23rd in a virtual Demo Day in front of an audience of venture capitalists, business angels, investors, entrepreneurs.

Thanks to the collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, four of these startups – Automotus, Parkofon, PowerMarket, Urban SDK – have been selected by Torino City Lab – the innovation policy of the City of Torino – for a real testing on the territory of their technologies and solutions to improve the sustainability of urban mobility.

#EUvsVirus Hackathon: innovative solutions in the fight against COVID-19

The European Commission, in close collaboration with the EU member states, will host a pan-European hackathon (from 24 to 26 April) to connect civil society, innovators, partners and investors across Europe in order to develop innovative solutions for coronavirus-related challenges.

Application deadline: 19 April

The European Commission, in close collaboration with all member States and the participating H2020 associated countries, will provide follow up to the best projects coming from the #EUvsVirus hackathon through the new European Innovation Council (EIC) Covid platform.

More info on

Covid-19 emergency: the solidarity network of the City of Turin

The Covid-19 emergency led the City of Turin to define a solidarity territorial network to support and protect people and groups in situations of personal, social and economic vulnerability. The actions that the city network has activated are wide and differentiated.

A toll-free number 800 444 004 (active every day from 10 to 17)  available for all those who have various needs (delivery of the shopping, walking the dog, going to the pharmacy) and are unable to move from home or lean on other people. Citizens’ calls are sent to voluntary associations available to meet the requests. The citizens who want to offer their collaboration can contact the number too.

The numbers 011 011 37 782 and 011 011 37 740 offer psychological support to people who find themselves alone in the house and experience difficult times. The service is managed by the association “Psicologi per il popolo”, and is active every day of the week from 10 to 18.

Tthe  Elderly Help Service has extended its action to people with disabilities and frailties and strengthened the dedicated call center. A logistics center  has been opened for the storage of food and the possibility of distributing food at home. Collaboration with the Banco Alimentare del Piemonte has been strengthened for the supply of food and basic necessities from both the ordinary flows of supplies and donations, and from the supplementary food aid provided for by the European FEAD fund to be destined to the local solidarity network.

A network is active for the free supply of food and basic necessities based on the identification of intermediate distribution hubs spread throughout the municipal area, identified in collaboration with Arci Torino,Arcidiocesi, Associazione Terza Settimana, SermigRete Case del Quartiere, cooperativa Educare and Associazione Eufemia. All the hubs ensure the supply, storage and distribution of food goods both to voluntary and social private bodies of territorial reference, and directly to people and families in difficult situations. In addition, the solidarity territorial network provides for interventions dedicated to the retrieval of food and basic necessities, listening and telephone support, helping specific population groups, supporting cultural mediation and other services.

The Municipality has opened a “solidarity” bank account at Banca Unicredit to collect donations to be allocated to people in economic difficulties to allow them to be able to shop for food and basic necessities. Those who wish can make a donation by bank transfer to the Municipality of Turin, IBAN IT69L0200801033000104431330 with the reason “Turin Solidale art. 66 dl 18/2020 “.

An How-to page has been prepared on the Informagiovani website: a guide on the emergency, a collection of questions and answers on the supports and services available during the emergency.

The Department of Innovation activated Torino City Love; an initiative of solidarity and open innovation aimed at the partners of Torino City Lab to offer free resources, actions  and skills to support citizens and businesses in the area during the COVID emergency- 19.

Torino City Love: solidarity and open innovation during the COVID-19 emergency

From “Lab” to “Love”. One word changes in the name and “Torino City Lab”, the project that makes Turin an urban laboratory of innovation, also becomes a tool to help the city community to deal with the hardships and difficulties during the COVID- 19 emergency.

With this aim “Torino City Love” was born, an initiative of digital solidarity and innovation which calls together the technological partners of the City of Turin to offer resources, actions and skills to support citizens and businesses in the city’s area during the health emergency.

The areas of “Torino City Love” concern school and work, health, digital services and training and will be able to count on resources and services made available free of charge by large companies such as TIM, CISCO and MICROSOFT.

Detailed information on the services available, how to use them and what to do to join the “Torino City Love” initiative can be found from of our website:

14/02 – The first of a thousand nights – Opening event of the European project ToNite

ToNite is a project funded by the European programme Urban Innovative Actions that aims to improve the liveability of the areas along the Dora river in the evening hours, through the redevelopment of public spaces and technical and financial support for the activation of proximity services.  The Municipality of Torino is the project leader together with the partners: Experientia, Espereal Technologies, SocialFare, Fondazione Torino Wireless, Engineering Ingegneria informatica, ANCI, and EFUS.

The concept of the opening event – “The First of a Thousand Nights” – recalls the collection of Middle Eastern fairy tales “Thousand and One Nights”, as it wants to strengthen the element of the night and recall a multicultural dimension that is well represented in the demographic composition of the districts touched by the river Dora. “The first of a thousand nights” is a wish and a premise for the future nights of the ToNite project with the hope of creating a positive impact on the perception of the places where the interventions will occur.

The opening event on Friday 14 February is also the beginning of a collective narrative that involves many players of the territory in its organization, using various storytelling approaches, including the presentation of the videos of the biographers of the neighborhood, and the Tellingstones app.

PREVIEW ToNite (05:30 pm)
Free access, various locations
From 5.30 p.m. Events spread throughout the river Dora territory

Loving the Territory – Street Art Performance
Square in front of the Holden School, free access
How to love the territory? The association “Spazio non c’è” of Corso Vercelli 5 and popular circus gym Makakako at the Cecchi Point hub present through their performance a metaphor of street art and love for your neighborhood. Each performance will recall an indispensable element for which to love the territory where the performance artists live and train. During the performances also some citizens will intervene with their own declarations of love for the territory.

Holden School, via Borgo Dora 47
Registration required >>
20:00 Welcoming guests and welcome aperitif
20:15 Institutional interventions
21:00 Presentation of ToNite by the project partners
21:15 Conclusions
21:30 “The thousand nights of the Dora”. Concert performance composed by Johnny Lapio, inspired by the directional contributions by Stefano Di Polito, and performed with the Torino Night Ensemble feat. the cellist Paolo Damiani. A composition inspired by a musical and dreamlike journey along the river Dora, from midnight to six in the morning, paying attention to the stories of life along the river.

05/02 – Commonshood: Blockchains for social good @Torino

Università e Città di Torino, with Torino Social Impact, organize on February 5th at 8.30 am at Open Incet (Piazza Teresa Noce 17, Turin) a morning of presentation and discussion on how Blockchain technology can have a social impact and how it can innovate the ICT industry on the territory. Will be presented the various experiments of CommonsHood, as well as entrepreneurial experiences on Blockchain and Torino Wireless observatory.

Blockchain is one of the technologies that promise to revolutionize the world of the informal economy, and four years after the European Capital of Innovation award, Turin is a finalist for the European “EIC Horizon Prize Blockchains for social good“: it competes with 22 other candidates for one of the 5 1 million euro prizes.

The finalist project is called CommonsHood, and has been developed by the University of Turin in collaboration with grassroot initiatives such as the Collaboration Pacts signed by citizens with the Municipality of Turin within the context of the new legislation on commons.

The goal of CommonsHood is to democratize local financial instruments: it allows communities to create new types of tokens to support financial inclusion and to increase the sustainability of the local economy. In particular, it provides commons and associations with instruments to help finance themselves issuing tokens representing prepaid cards, crowdfunding, complementary currencies, and to share tools and infrastructures using tokens representing access rights.

Register here

12/12 Presentation of CasaBottega

Public presentation of the project CasaBottega – Creative spaces to live in the neighborhood and the call for young artists and creatives.

Sandra Aloia, Compagnia di San Paolo
Carlotta Salerno, President of the Circoscrizione 6
Marco Giusta, Deputy Mayor in charge of Decentralization and Suburbs and Youth Policies City of Turin

CasaBottega is the project that transforms the lowered shutters of Barriera di Milano into artistic labs. A widespread intervention of urban regeneration to create creative places with residence, to experiment with new forms of active citizenship among inhabitants, artists and artists.

CasaBottega is a project of Sumisura Aps, Città di Torino Decentramento Giovani e Servizi, Circoscrizione 6, Associazione Respons/Ability e Liberitutti scs, con il sostegno della Compagnia di San Paolo nell’ambito di CivICa – Progetti di Cultura e Innovazione Civica.

28/11 Seed Call presentation

On Thursday 28 November from 11.00 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. (at Off Topic in via Pallavicino 35, Turin) Compagnia di San Paolo presents the 2019 edition of the call Seed_Social Enterprises, Efficiency & Development, open to social enterprises in the Piedmont region that intend to start a process of analysis of their needs and to design and implement a development plan capable of activating strategic, managerial and organizational changes.

It will also be possible to follow the event live in Cuneo, Alessandria and Vercelli by registering here

You can also follow the event in Webinar mode by subscribing to this link

The Seed call aims to increase the impact investment readiness of social enterprises through the design and implementation of development processes – generated within the social enterprises themselves and the result of their ideals, experiences and skills – that are able to trigger strategic, managerial and organizational changes.

30/11 Co-City Camp

The actions aimed at the care, shared management and regeneration of urban common goods activated on the city of Turin thanks to the Co-City project – European funding Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) – in the three-year period 2016/19 are presented to the city on Saturday 30 November (from 16.30 to 19.30) at Social Renaissance.

Groups of citizens, associations and bodies involved in the collaboration agreements activated together with the City of Torino will tell visitors about the path started, the first results and prospects for the future through exhibitions and stands that allow direct dialogue with anyone who is curious to know or actively participate in the activities started.

Admission is free of charge.

Bottom Up! When the city turns from below

Bottom Up is the new architecture festival of Turin promoted by the Order of Architects and the Foundation for Architecture / Turin, which will be held from 1 to 10 May 2020.

It is possible to participate now by applying for projects for the transformation of the Turin area, which will be promoted and accompanied on a path of realization. The deadline for submitting proposals is 16 January 2020.

Bottom Up! is a festival that has the ambition to generate new architectures and urban transformations from the “bottom up”. A great call to designers and city associations that transforms the festival into a great process of collective crowdfunding. In fact, the festival is first and foremost a search (and accompaniment) for ideas and proposals for the real transformation of the spaces and places of our city. From ideas to the network of social relations, communication strategies, fundraising, up to the next start of work.

The call – available on the festival’s website – is designed for groups of citizens, schools, artists and collectives, associations, companies, designers, project holders, budgets and possible supporters. Projects may concern indoor or outdoor spaces, abandoned (or heavily frequented) places, public, collective or private places, gardens, parks, courtyards, residual spaces, underused buildings, kiosks, vacant shops or building covers. A single constraint: that at least one architect is present in the proposing group.

The 12 most interesting proposals are offered participation in a training course that will provide all the tools to build the most appropriate and effective crowdfunding campaign. How crowdfunding works, storytelling and stoytelling, effective use of digital and social tools.

15/01/20 Impactwise 2020 – A new value chain for social impact

Cottino Social Impact Campus, the first center in Europe dedicated to impact education, introduces itself with an international conference and the participation of faculty members who will give shape to the Campus’ life and educational activities, beginning in February 2020

A day-long process of learning and exchange to spark off discussion of a culture of social impact and sustainability, which starts in the Campus but spreads out to cover Italy and the world.

Attendance at the conference is free and open to everyone as long as places remain available (click here for registration)

Presentation of Torino Social Impact Art Award

A shared experimental orientation has led Artissima and Torino Social Impact to organise a project that widens the perimeter of action of social innovation to include contemporary art and culture. Focussing on the visibility of talents from all backgrounds in the Italian contemporary art world, ART AWARD proposes role models capable of making even the most unexpected paths more accessible. The ART AWARD process will be presented at the fair, leading to development starting in November 2019.

ART AWARD is a competition for young talents, an educational project, a residency, and an innovative system of art production, that will premiere at Artissima 2019 during a talk the 3rd of November at 3pm at The Meeting Point.

At the presentation will attend Ilaria Bonacossa – Director of Artissima, Mario Calderini, Polytechnic of Milano, School of Management, Antonio Damasco, Director Rete Italiana Cultura Popolare.

We’re hiring!

Torino Social Impact expands its team and is looking for a Project Manager – Junior who has the skills to accompany the implementation of operational projects and communication activities (sense of initiative, autonomy, flexibility) for a project at the service of the community and the territory.

More info at this link

Let’s accellerate

SocialFare, the first Center for Social Innovation in Italy, is promoting two new calls to select the teams that will access the spring 2020 acceleration programs.

  • Design Your Impact #3 for projects to be developed as business opportunities with impact
  • FOUNDAMENTA#9 for social impact startups ready to grow and to attract investment

Deadline applications: 06 January 2020 |  

While joining SocialFare, the teams selected in the summer to participate in the Design Your Impact # 2 and FOUNDAMENTA # 8 programs, the nominations for the next round are already open, respectively the editions # 3 and # 9 of acceleration paths of social impact entrepreneurship.

On Monday, September 23, they were welcomed into Rinascimenti Sociali – the great headquarters in the heart of Turin where SocialFare works, hosts and connects actors and initiatives from the world of Social Innovation: Biova Beer, Functionable, Barot, Aichi, Edafe and Egacomp teams began their first day of acceleration. The Design Your Impact teams, coming from Puglia, Sicily, Abruzzo and Piedmont, will be involved in a 10-day accompanying path that will end in November with an Opportunity Day, while FOUNDAMENTA startups will continue with intensive acceleration up to 23 January 2020, the date on which they will be presented to investors during the Social Impact Investor Day.

To take part in the next edition it is possible to apply until 6 January 2020.


Design Your Impact # 3 is an acceleration program aimed at informal teams, associations, cooperatives, social enterprises with a project idea to be developed in the form of an innovative and impacting business opportunity.

FOUNDAMENTA # 9 is an intensive acceleration program for startups constituted / constituted with a tested prototype or product on the market or companies that stand out for offering a highly innovative product / service.

Both programs are reserved for projects aimed at generating a positive impact on the communities where they interact. Each program makes use of the expertise of a specific team of SocialFare and its network of excellent professionals.



Acceleration of Social Impact projects

5 thematic and practical modules (10 full-time days) in the period September / November 2019 in Turin
Dedicated Acceleration Team
Opportunity Day with the possibility of comparison with our network of professionals
Cash Wallet & Follow on* for the best teams
Free Desk in Social Renaissance, hub and network dedicated to social innovation in the heart of Turin

(*) On the occasion of the Opportunity Day that will close the program, an expert commission may decide to assign a budget (cash wallet) of up to € 2 thousand to some teams for the implementation of agreed actions, as well as to offer the best projects the possibility to directly access the FOUNDAMENTA # 10 Selection Day. In this case, a follow-on period is planned to help the teams in preparing their pitch for the Selection Day.



Acceleration for Social Impact Startups

4 months of full-time residential acceleration
Seed funds up to € 100K cash for each selected company / startup in exchange for equity up to 15% (of which up to 35%, depending on the investment, to be paid to SocialFare for acceleration services)
Dedicated Acceleration Team, mentor and advisor of excellence
Social Impact Acceleration approach developed by SocialFare
Access to 50+ social impact investor network
Free Desk in Social Renaissance, hub and network dedicated to social innovation in the heart of Turin
The program concludes with the Social Impact Investor Day and the opportunity to present itself in front of a prestigious panel of private entities, business angels, private investors and family offices, including the impact investors of the SocialFare Seed vehicle: Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione CRC , Finde SpA and the Magnetto Foundation.



Our proposal, innovative and unique in Italy, is born thanks to the expertise gained by the SocialFare teams – together with the network of excellent professionals who work with us – on multiple levels.

The SocialFare Startup Acceleration Team boasts 8 business acceleration programs, with 50 startups selected from over 840 applications received through the FOUNDAMENTA calls. 4 million euros in funding raised by accelerated startups, with results growing in the last year with financing rounds closed in particular by Synapta, Epicura and Wher (press release here:

Design Your Impact Design Your Impact is a knowledge acceleration path designed and tested by SocialFare from 2017 – with the first experiments on the territories of Turin and Cuneo – in order to share and systemize the skills acquired by including in the acceleration proposal a wider range of subjects engaged in innovative planning with a social impact: not just startups and companies ready to scale-up, but also business idea and project realities at a different stage in the path of creating a business with social impact.

The turning point of Sustainability and the role of Social Innovation

People | Impact | Growth.
EXAR Social Value Solutions will moderate a meeting in Turin focused on Green Economy, Social Impact, Innovation Technology and Impact Finance.

The Green Economy issue will be dealt with by Wave for Energy, a spin-off of the Politecnico di Torino, a leader in the design and construction of systems for the production of electricity from sea waves. And with Reale Group we will talk about the evolution of sustainability with the Power Coders project. A computer training school for refugees, the only reality of its kind in Italy and Piedmont. Banca Mediolanum will be present for the Innovation Technology sector. While, for the Social Impact sector, the non-profit Hackability will be involved, born in Turin in 2016, which, through co-planning and digital fabrication, produces social inclusion and participation. To close the circle we will talk about Impact Finance with Professor Mario Calderini who will speak for Torino Social Impact.

The event will take place Saturday, 09/28/2019 from 9.00 to 13.00 at Nuvola Lavazza, Turin.

For more information, complete program and reservations:

With Reseau Entreprendre Piemonte, Porto Antico di Genova, Topcon, Iren Energia.


MatchAbilityDay: save the date!

The recent regional provisions have opened up new possibilities for collaboration between companies and non-profit cooperatives. In order to better understand what is provided for by the legislation and to ensure that the new measure is on the one hand known by the interested parties, on the other hand, used by companies in the best way, there is MatchAbilityDay.

Art. 14 within Biagi Law states that companies may not hire disabled workers directly, but contract a type B social cooperative that will hire workers. Therefore, MatchAbilityDay wants to facilitate contact between companies with work placement obligations and type B social cooperatives. It is a business to business networking event for the realization of collaboration opportunities.

The inclusion of disabled workers can be critical for both workers and companies. The aim of the event is to transform a legal obligation into a great opportunity for both. The company can convert a legal provision into economic value and into services with high added value, workers can be included in the job market and improve their quality of life.

This first edition of MatchAbilityDay will take place on 26 September 2019 at Open Incet, Piazza Teresa Noce 17, Turin. Participation is free. Details on the program and event registration will follow.

The initiative is organized by Confcooperative Piemonte Nord, in collaboration with Torino Social Impact and Anfas Piemonte, with Studio Marino as a technical partner and with the contribution of the Turin Chamber of Commerce. MatchAbilityDay received the patronage of the City of Turin and Piedmont Region.

Evaluating social impact: a day for debate

On Tuesday 9th July, at Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto in Turin, the key players of social innovation gathered to discuss about the importance and the benefits of evaluating social impact on the occasion of two different events.

During the morning, Torino Social Impact in partnership with Social Value Italia held a conference concerning the process of evaluating social impact from the perspective of great donors. Speakers from the main italian philantropic organisations, foundations as well as public and private institutions – Camera di commercio di Torino, Università Cattolica di Milano, Human Foundation, Impresa Sociale Con i bambini, Fondazione Zancan, KPMG, Fondazione Unipolis, Fondo Beneficenza Intesa San Paolo, Fondazione Alta Mane, Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT- shared their experiences and methods. 

From the different speeches a series of commonalities emerged: first of all, the problem of establishing a standard for evaluation, since each project has its own peculiar content and context. Thus, considering those features in the process of evaluating social impact has been pointed as the primary best practice. Secondly, most of the speakers highlighted that the process of evaluating social impact can be a useful tool for donors: for example, to consider the scale and quality of their actions, to reflect critically about their operations, deducing both their mistakes and achievements; moreover, to strengthen the relationships with the partners.

In the afternoon, Torino Social Impact and Social Impact Agenda per l’Italia presented the position paper Progettare l’Innovazione Sociale: impact investing e fondi UE” curated by Pwc and Human Foundation. The object of this second debate was, instead, the importance of social impact oriented investments by public administrations, considering the potential of their actions on the local territory. Representatives from the European Commission and some of the key stakeholders from the Piedmont region – Camera di commercio di TorinoRegione Piemonte, Finpiemonte, Fondazione CRT, Compagnia di San Paolo, Legacoop Piemonte, Confcooperative Piemonte Nord – stressed the need to foster partnerships between the public sector, companies and the human capital represented by local organisations and citizens, to create and manage innovative solutions for social issues. 


Turin will host the 7th Edition of the European Social Innovation Competition Academy

The 2019 Academy of the European Social Innovation Competition is due to kick off in the Italian city of Turin next week. The 3-days educational and networking event, starting on 16 July, has become a highlight of the social innovation calendar in Europe – each year it brings industry experts into contact with some of Europe’s most promising social entrepreneurs.

Last month, the European Commission announced the 30 participants, from 19 countries, who were chosen to attend the Academy of the European Social Innovation Competition. These ‘Semi-Finalists’ were selected from 543 applicants from across Europe and they will be trained through workshops delivered by experienced social innovators and articulated around four key topics: innovation, impact, sustainability and scale.

On the occasion of this important initiative, Nesta Italia organizes the public event “The Future of European Social Innovation”. During the event, industry leaders will gather to discuss the state-of-the-art of social innovation at the local level and the success stories of the European Social Innovation Competition. Some of the key players in the innovation world will be asked to discuss important issues related to climate change and, more generally, how social innovation can support a positive and systematic change in today’s society.

The event will be held on 17 July at the Le Musichall Theater in Turin. Registration and more information at this link.

Launched in memory of social innovation pioneer Diogo Vasconcelos, the European Social Innovation Competition is a challenge prize run by the European Commission across all EU Member States and Horizon 2020 associated countries. Now in its 7th year, the Competition acts as a beacon for social innovators in Europe, employing a proven methodology for supporting early-stage ideas and facilitating a network of radical innovators shaping society for the better. Each year the Competition addresses a different issue facing Europe. This year the focus is: Challenging Plastic Waste.

The Competition is organised by the European Commission with support from Nesta, Kennisland, Ashoka Spain, the European Network of Living Labs and Scholz & Friends.

Social Crowdfunding Academy: second edition of the Call

The City of Turin has launched the second edition of the call that aims to encourage the generation, development, testing and implementation of innovative projects with a social impact by offering third sector actors support in building crowdfunding campaigns based on online collection of micro -Donations.

The Call is divided into two phases: during the first phase (application deadline: 10 September 2019) it will be possible to apply to the Social Crowdfunding Academy, a training course aimed at acquiring all the necessary skills on the subject. Among the participants, 6 projects will be selected for the second phase: those projects will be accompanied and supported for the implementation of their crowdfunding campaign.

The call and the application form are available here.

During the first edition of the call, 48 teams had been selected and admitted to the Social Crowdfunding Academy in June and July 2018. The project “Colori Vivi” by the non-profit organization Article 10 at the end of June has succesfully launched its first crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter on 28 June 2019. The remaining 5 projects will launch their campaigns at the end of September 2019.

The service is implemented as part of PON METRO – measure 3.3.1.b and implemented by the European Crowdfunding Center based in Incet, Turin.

Innovation and inclusion in Torino: the City of Torino’s Implementation Plan for Urb-Inclusion european project

The City of Torino presented the Implementation Plan that illustrates the initiatives in support of social innovation activated in two years of work, in the framework of the European project Urb-Inclusion.

It’s a vast complex of interventions, financed by the European and regional structural funds

Torino Social Factory (Pon Metro 3.3.1a):
involves 25 organisations with 12 selected projects and €1.4 million invested
European Crowdfunding Center (Pon Metro 3.3.1c):
has activated 48 organisations, six projects and a budget of 50,000 euros
 Co-City – Uia (Urban Innovative Actions):
involves 213 organizations, 63 projects and 5.1 million euros invested to activate “Patti di collaborazione”.
AxTO Azioni per le periferie torinesi:
three actions to support innovative projects in the social field (3.03), environmental (3.02) and cultural (4.01),
with the involvement of 129 organisations, 37 projects with a total investment of €1.3 million

Download implementation plan at this link

The challenge of impact assessment for big donors

Social Value Italia and Torino Social Impact organize the event The challenge of impact assessment for big donors, on 9 July at 9:30 AM at Collegio Carlo Alberto Foundation in Turin.

The goal of the talk is to think about the relationship between evaluation and big donors. The resources deployed by philanthropic subjects in various sectors of welfare and the social sphere, allow the experimentation of innovative projects and models with a high social impact, with important implications with respect to the way in which the Public Institutions face old and new social challenges.

Impact assessment thus becomes a fundamentally important tool for big donors’ projects, since it allows discussion of the reproducibility and scalability of sustainable and innovative ideas.

The meeting is also an opportunity to explore and learn about virtuous experiences of projects capable of generating high social impact.

More information and registration at this link.

In addition to Social Value Italia and Torino Social Impact, other actors will be present: Turin Chamber of Commerce, Catholic University of Milan, Human Foundation, Impresa Sociale Con i bambini, Fondazione Zancan, KPMG, Fondazione Unipolis, Fondo Beneficenza Intesa San Paolo, Fondazione Altamane and Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT.

Social impact investments in the new European Commission’s programming

Social Impact Agenda together with Torino Social Impact will organize an event on 9 July with the presence of the European Commission, Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs, to present the position paper “Designing Social Innovation: impact investing and EU funds” by PwC and Human Foundation.

Social impact investments base on innovative business models with a high social impact, without renouncing to the economic income that every enterprise aims to generate. These models, applied to sectors such as welfare, enable collaboration between public and private actors in order to answer to emerging social needs. During the past European programming, impact financial instruments were born. The presentation of the position paper will be the occasion to describe them but also to describe the mechanisms provided by InvestEU to support initiatives that are capable of producing a tangible social impact on the territories.

Information available at this link, while here you can register for the event, which will take place at the Collegio Carlo Alberto Foundation in Turin at 3.00 PM on 9 July 2019.

Other participants: Turin Chamber of Commerce, Piemonte Regione, Finpiemonte, Fondazione CRT, Compagnia di San Paolo, Legacoop Piemonte, Confcooperative Piemonte Nord, Human Foundation and PwC.

Community Networks

The City of Turin, Liberitutti, Triciclo and Brains Capital are pleased to organize a workshop to discuss – together with social cooperatives, social workers and companies – the value generated by community networks.

During the afternoon inspirational talks, workshops and case studies will alternate and the results of the European project Urb-Inclusion and the implementation plan of the social and urban innovation actions of the City of Turin will be presented.

The projects Glocal Factory and Tricircolo Reuse Center by Liberitutti and Triciclo. Those projects are funded by Pon Metro within Torino Social Factory program.

Registration on eventbrite page.


13.45 – Registration
14.00 – Institutional welcome by Paola Pisano, Deputy Mayor on Innvation, City of Turin
14.15 – Presentation of Urb-Inclusion results and City of Turin’s social innovation action plan
14.30 – Matteo Bartolomeo, Avanzi
14.45 – Daniele Caccherano, Liberitutti
15.10 – Federico Disegni, Brains Capital
15.30 – Glocal Factory and Tricircolo Reuse Center projects presetnation
15.50 – Veronica Magli – Ginevra Sarfatti
16.15 – Confrontation among actors

An urban redevelopment and social inclusion project: Mufant introduces itself to the city

Mufant, Museum of Science Fiction, organizes a day of celebration (Sunday, June 16) and opens the doors to the city to present the initiatives it has promoted within the social enterprise sector: social works not only through the activation of volunteers but also with a business approach, fostering well-being and innovation, new jobs and quality of life. It happens in partnership with the social cooperative Altra Mente and thanks to the participation to the calls promoted by the City of Turin as part of the Pon Metro Program 2014-2020 / Turin Social Factory, Co -City Turin and AxTO.

A huge statue of Dr. Frankenstein will be the first sign of an urban transformation within the public housing neighborhood in Via Reiss Romoli. Mufant’s imagination power will flow out of the museum in order to create an outside “square of the imaginary” and nine monuments dedicated to those who have been able to create a synthesis between narration and science, playing with the stimuli of science to create futuristic and utopian visions.

Purpose of the Mufant is to restore beauty and vitality to a suburb that can become a site of tourism attraction. The construction of a Fantastic Theme Park in the square adjacent to the museum also includes other redevelopment projects promoted by Co-City Torino and co-designed with residents, including the dedication of the public garden in memory of Riccardo Valla, an important Turin protagonist of Italian science fiction culture.

The making of the Park is part of Loving the Alien, a project – currently in the start-up phase – promoted by the Social Cooperative Altra Mente and the museum, supported by Pon Metro funds in the context of Torino Social Factory, an initiative of the Department of Innovation of the City of Turin created to support social innovation projects through an accompanying path and financial support.

Loving the Alien also activated two workshops that involve more than twenty people, some of whom are in conditions of social distress. The decisive moment of the project will be (Spring 2020) the organization of a Fantastic Festival right in the redeveloped Park, an annual event that will open to the world of urban regeneration and social inclusion experiences. A crowdfunding campaign is going to be launched in order to support the creation of the festival.

Sunday 16 June’s program is available on the Mufant website.

Crowd Mapping with Kimap!

Torino Social Impact presents its first experimentation in town: Kimap!

Kimap is an app-navigator for the mobility of disabled people, developed by the Florentine start-up Kinoa.

Kimap application can be downloaded for free on smartphones and can be used all over the world. During the use of Kimap, the data from the smartphone’s sensors are automatically detected, allowing any irregularity and slope of the terrain to be mapped. All information collected in real time by users is processed automatically by the navigator who learns to recognize the easiest routes for a disabled person to drive along the best route based on accessibility, time and distance. With Kimap it is also possible to make manual reports of obstacles, architectural barriers, demanding slopes and points of interest to improve the maps. Kimap adopt the artificial intelligence technology and it is an excellent example of combination between technology and social issues.

A crowd mapping session will be held on Saturday 22 June 2019. It consists of a gathering of people with physical disabilities who, once equipped with Kimap app, will start the live mapping of the city of Turin, starting from the center, to track its accessibility. Results will be presented within the Italian Tech Week’s framework, during the week following the mapping (in particular during the “Impact-Ability” event on June 27, 2019).

Take part in the Crowd Mapping!

For registration and event agenda click here.

Event organized in collaboration with Nesta Italia and with the contribution of Turin Chamber of Commerce.

VISIONI. Social Impact Assessment: opportunities and difficulties

VISIONI (“Visions”) is a seminar for social and cultural operators, third sector organizations and evaluation technicians.

Why a seminar on the evaluation of social impact starting from the experiences of a Turin network that has experienced this directly?

Speaking of social impact today, on the eve of the third sector reform, calls for academic theories, models of change, measurements and reporting requests for political and economic stakeholders. But it also means that professional and competent operators in building relationships with different recipients, skilled in moving between complex projects and complex partnerships, prepared to respond to communication and budget management needs, must prepare themselves to measure the effects and effectiveness that the their organizations produce within the community, profiling monitoring systems that involve the beneficiaries themselves. And it happens that this enterprise clashes with attempts to bring people together, to make the dynamic and light spaces of coexistence easy, with the risk of intervening on the spontaneity of certain relationships.

Therefore, it is a seminar to start an exchange of practices and images, emphasizing the difficulties encountered, the limits glimpsed, but also the opportunities encountered.


When: 26 June 2019 – 9.00 – 18.00

Where: Hub Cecchi Point – via Cecchi 17, Turin

The program in online:


The seminar is a project from the Network of Houses in the Turin district, together with Rete 14 Luglio, Ufficio Pio, Chamber of Commerce of Turin, within Torino Social Impact, with the support of Compagnia di San Paolo and Città di Torino. With the collaboration of Euricse and the sponsorship of Assifero.

The Public Notice of the City of Turin for the Social Innovation Fund is now online

5 June 2019 – The City of Turin published the Public Notice for the selection of the partnership and for the candidacy of a social inclusion project, in the context of the call for proposals, dated 5 April 2019, by the Department of Public Function on the Social Innovation Fund, that was presented in Turin on 18 April 2019.

The main objective of the national call for proposals is to promote models of social innovation, in order to achieve the final goal of a system change through a new approach to the development of services by the municipalities, as well as to establish new forms of relationships between public and private subjects, in a logic of co-creation of the services, where the elements of scalability and repeatability serve as main principles of the project proposals.

The project proposals can relate to one of the following three areas of intervention: social inclusion, cultural animation, school dropout. The City of Turin intends to apply for admission to funding for the first type of intervention, which concerns social inclusion, and for this purpose it has decided to launch a public selection and consultation procedure available at this link.

Considering that the guidelines of the national public notice require that the experimental projects of social innovation must include, in addition to the involvement of a service provider and a private investor or financier, also of an evaluator, the City intends to make use of the proven skills in the evaluation and measurement of the social impact offered by the Center for Impact Assesment of the Turin Chamber of Commerce, which guarantees appropriate levels of independence and reliability, given that it is a public body, a third party and a promoter together with the City of Turin of the platform Turin Social Impact.

The City intends to promote an experimental and innovative program of interventions, according to the model of social impact finance and improving its administrative capacity. The experimental design idea will have to focus on the sub-theme of affordable housing, placing the citizen and his social needs at the project’s center, so as to deal more effectively with the complexity and interrelations of the urban challenges posed by the groups disadvantaged or vulnerable.

More info and full text here.

Impact-Ability: Torino Social Impact’s event for the Italian Tech Week

Within the rich schedule of the Italian Tech Week, which will be held in Turin from 24 to 30 June 2019, Torino Social Impact is promoting the event Impact-Ability, organized in collaboration with Reale Mutua and Il Sole 24 Ore.

The impact economy is a new entrepreneurial and financial paradigm that, through the overcoming of the traditional notion of social responsibility, aims to implement initiatives with a high social impact and capable of exercising a transformative force in society. This revolution is interpreted by a new generation of companies that know how to combine the ability to intentionally produce positive social impacts with sustainability and the economic and financial profitability of their initiatives.

The seminar has the ambition to understand in what form the cooperation and competition between third sector subjects, traditional for-profit companies and financial investors can foster the emergence of new models of entrepreneurship capable of responding to the great emerging social challenges along new development trajectories that integrate innovation and sustainability.

During the event, three panels will be held:

– In the first panel, profit companies will be asked to tell how they interpret the challenge to social impact.

– During the second panel, technology-intensive social enterprises will tell their success stories.

– During the third panel, the word will pass to investors, who will explain what factors can determine whether or not they support tech4impact projects.

A radical and systemic approach at the same time, which highlights how it is possible to merge social impact objectives with the use of advanced technological models but also how enabling ecosystems may favor the birth and development of new business models based on these objectives.

The eventi will be an occasion to present and present selected projects with a social and technological impact and a moment of encounter with protagonists of the national and international impact investing scene.

Afterwards, visit to the Reale Mutua Historical Museum.

The event will be held at the Reale Mutua Auditorium, in Via Bertola 48C. To register, please complete the form at the following link.

Italian Tech Week: 35 days left

Over a month from its beginning, the Italian Tech Week program has been enriched and we are event closer to the series of events that from June 24th to 30th 2019 will bring together Italian and European excellences committed to building the future of business and society.

The program was presented today in Turin, at Castello del Valentino, by Gianmaria Ajani, Rector of the University of Turin; Chiara Appendino, Mayor of Turin; Andrea Griva, Vice-President of SEI – School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Vincenzo Ilotte, President of the Turin Chamber of Commerce; Paolo Mulassano, Chief Innovation Officer of the Compagnia di San Paolo; Matteo Pessione, Chief Operating Officer of OGR, CRT Foundation; Giancarlo Rocchietti, President of the Investors Club and Guido Saracco, Rector of the Polytechnic of Turin.

The Italian Tech Week is organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Economic Development and it has received the patronage of the Piedmont Region and the City of Turin. It will take place in dozens of different places and will involve thousands of people including students, startuppers, business angels, investors, venture capital fund managers, researchers, teachers and in general all those who are interested in technologies and their applications.

The planned initiatives are all for free and they have different access and participation methods: conferences, workshops, meetings with innovative entrepreneurs, moments of discussion with investors, venture capital fund managers and business angels, start-up presentations and scale-up presentations, exhibition of advanced technologies, seminars for students and professionals, debates with the protagonists of the global tech entrepreneurship scene and workshops for children.

Among the latest news:
– The Week will open with a light show based on choreographic evolutions made with the use of drones and other technologies, organized by the city of Turin for the patronal feast of St. John. On this occasion, around 50 ITW volunteers will be present in the audience to explain the show’s high tech news and contents of the week.
– At the end of the week, Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 June at Toolbox and theFabLab in Turin, 250 persons will give life to the Italian Tech WeekEnd, the largest innovative project ever attempted in Italy: 48 hours no stop to design and create a tech idea that answers to a real problem. Divided into 3 groups (product, business and communication) and coordinated by SEIplus, the SEI alumni association, they will put themselves to the test with an experience of concrete innovation and attention to the social dimension.

Reale Mutua and Torino Social Impact organize the event Impact-Ability, in collaboration with Il Sole24Ore, Lavazza and Dynamo Camp, a debate between traditional for-profit companies, innovators, financial investors and third sector organizations to discuss how to combine the ability to intentionally produce positive social impacts and to generate economic and financial profitability. An opportunity to understand how technological experimentation and hybridization of skills can contribute to developing business models able to respond to social challenges by integrating innovation and economic sustainability. Registration at this link.

The first edition of the ITW – which aims to enrich the Italian panorama of major events scheduled every year – has already received the support of about 50 Italian and European players from the world of technology, culture, business and innovation. Among them: Amazon Web Services, Amiat, Argotec, ASI, Avio Aero, Baker Hughes-GE, CLN, Collège des Ingénieurs, Diasorin, Eataly, Edison, ENEL, ENI, FabLab Torino, FCA, Ferrero, Fondazione Agnelli, Fresenius, GM, Google, HiPay, I3P, 2I3T, Intesa Sanpaolo, IREN, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italdesign, Johnson & Johnson Innovation & Janssen Italy, Lavazza, Leonardo, Marelli, Menarini, Netval, Novamont, Oval Money, Premio Marzotto, Reale Mutua, Reply, Sant’Anna Fonti di Vinadio, SNAM, Smat, Takeda, Talent Garden, Thales Alenia, Toolbox, UniCredit e altri.

Full info on

ITW is a non-profit project promoted by the Turin Chamber of Commerce, the Investors Club, Compagnia di San Paolo, CRT Foundation, LINKS Foundation, OGR, Turin Polytechnic, School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (SEI), Torino Social Impact, Industrial Union of Turin and University of Turin: 11 associations and institutions in the Turin area that have the objective of strengthening the territorial ecosystem of innovation, while offering opportunities for discussion, learning and reflection at national and European level. With their contribution, the Chamber of Commerce of Turin, Compagnia di San Paolo and Fondazione CRT allow the realization of the project, together with the main corporate sponsor Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane.

Italian Tech Week: press conference

The Italian Tech Week press conference will be held on Monday 20 May at 12.00 at the Salone d’Onore of Castello del Valentino (Viale Mattioli, 39 – Turin).

Over a month from the beginning (24-30 June 2019), the promoters of the Italian Tech Week present to the press the contents of the initiative: dozens of events related to technology and innovation – spread throughout the Turin area and organized by about 30 public and private subjects – concentrated during the same week. The program includes events aimed at a professional audience, training opportunities and moments of confrontation for anyone interested in understanding the new development possibilities offered by technology applied to industry and to services, in the social, educational and economic fields.

On behalf of the promoters, the contents and aims of the initiative will be illustrated by:

Gianmaria Ajani, Rector of the University of Turin
Andrea Griva, Vice-President of SEI – School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Vincenzo Ilotte, President of the Turin Chamber of Commerce
Matteo Pessione, Chief Operating Officer of OGR and CRT Foundation
Paolo Mulassano, Chief Innovation Officer of Compagnia di Sanpaolo
Giancarlo Rocchietti, President of the Investors Club
Guido Saracco, Rector of the Polytechnic of Turin
Chiara Appendino, Mayor of Turin

Reale Mutua and Torino Social Impact organize the event “Impact-Ability” (scheduled for June 27th), in collaboration with Il sole24Ore, Lavazza and Dynamo Camp: a debate among traditional for-profit companies, innovators and financial investors and third sector organizations to merge the ability to intentionally produce positive social impacts and to generate economic and financial profitability. It will be an opportunity to understand how technological experimentation and hybridization of skills can contribute to developing business models capable of responding to social challenges by integrating innovation and economic sustainability.




ITW is a non-profit project promoted by the Turin Chamber of Commerce, the Investors Club, Compagnia di San Paolo, CRT Foundation, LINKS Foundation, OGR, Turin Polytechnic, School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (SEI), Torino Social Impact, Industrial Union of Turin and University of Turin. ITW is realized in collaboration with the MISE / UIBM and has received the patronage of the City of Turin and the Piedmont Region.

Paris Peace Forum – call for projects

The Paris Peace Forum has launched an Open Call for projects that bring innovative solutions to tackle global challenges within any of the following themes:

  • Peace and Security
  • Development
  • New Technologies
  • Inclusive Economy
  • Environment
  • Culture and Education

Call for Projects is open until 24 May 2019 to all actors of global governance, such as international organizations, non-governmental organizations, states, companies, foundations, development agencies, religious groups, associations, think tanks and universities.
The selected projects are expected to be at an advanced conception stage or in an early implementation phase.

Don’t miss the opportunity to develop your initiative and join the second edition of the Paris Peace Forum from 11 to 13 November 2019 at la Grande Halle de La Villette in Paris.

More info and application form:

The City of Turin’s services for digitalization and innovation

On the occasion of the Turin International Book Fair, Thursday 10 May at 4 pm at the City of Turin Stand, the City of Turin will present its projects related to innovation, digitization and support for social innovation, including Torino Social Impact.

Torino City Lab, the platform dedicated to research and development of innovation in the pre-commercial state (

TorinoFacile, the platform for citizens to find all the digital services of the Municipality (

  • Torino Social Factory, the measure for support to social innovation projects promoted by the third sector able to include civil society and to trigger urban regeneration processes in peripheral areas with high socio-economic criticality (

AperTO – the platform of Open Data of the City of Turin available to businesses and citizenship (

More information on the facebook event page.


The new Cuqu Space in San Salvario

Saturday 4 May 2019 Cuqù – the district’s cradle will be open from morning to evening to present itself to all those who want to know it with games, shows, music and laboratories.

Cuqù is an activity center offering services for girls, children, mothers and dads. It opened a few months ago in the heart of the multi-ethnic neighborhood of San Salvario, close to via Saluzzo 30. The project was admitted to the accompanying and funding path of Torino Social Factory, funded by Pon Metro 2014-2020 program. Cuqù is an innovative community welfare experience designed by a team of three partners that have been active for years within the social and cultural promotion of the neighborhood, with sustainable business projects that are attentive to the family dimension: aLocal Development Agency of San Salvario, Atypica and Mondo di Joele.

Cuqù focuses on family time and offers services, activities and opportunities “for families”, which help to reconcile work life, family time, leisure time; services with wide opening hours, even for families in economic difficulty. In Cuqù there are also “Neighborhood Mothers” to help in immigrant families: they give information and accompany them to the public services, acting as a bridge between different languages ​​and cultures.

To learn about the project and the program of the festival:

To learn more about Torino Social Factory:

Journey to the center of the suburbs

From Thursday 11 to Sunday 14 April the “Journey to the center of the suburbs” Festival will take place: four days to get to know associations, start-ups and third sector organizations that are redesigning the map of Turin’s neighborhoods also thanks to the AxTO Project funds – Actions for the suburbs of Turin.

More than 50 events are planned throughout the city, all with free admission, where the protagonists will be the projects financed by the City of Turin through the tenders for the following actions:

/ Action 3.02 (here)
8 circular economy experiments

/ Action 3.03 (here)
10 innovative ideas promoted by social innovation startups

/ Action 4.01  
19 innovative actions on art, space, creativity and integration 

The detailed program of the Festival is available on AxTO website and on the dedicated Facebook event.

Three-Year Program for Social Innovation

Thursday 18 April at Open Incet (Piazza Teresa Noce 17, Turin) will be presented the national Government’s Public Notice on the Fund for Social Innovation.
The notice is open to Italian provinces and metropolitan cities, to finance experimental projects of social innovation in the sectors of social inclusion, cultural animation and school dropout, with particular attention to the condition of women and young people.


15:00 – 15:30 | Institutional Welcome
City of Turin and Piemonte Region

15:30 – 16:30 | Public Notice Presentation
Marco De Giorgi, Performance Evaluation Office, Dipartment of Public Function, Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Antonella Galdi, Vice General Secretary Anci

16:30 – 17:00 | The trajectories of social impact finance in Italy
Mario Calderini, Torino Social Impact

17:00 – 19:00 | World Cafe
During the World Cafe four conversation tables will be activated and facilitated, which will work separately on the following topics: social inclusion, cultural animation, school dropout, public-private partnerships models.

More info and registration here.

Event by Dipartment of Public Function, Cityof Turin, Turin Chamber of Commerce, Anci and with the contribution of the Turin Chamber of Commerce. The event is part of Torino Social Impact’s framework.

Italian Tech Week: 4 days to live the future

From 25 to 28 June 2019 Turin becomes the capital of technology: the Italian Tech Week (ITW) is a week of meetings with innovative entrepreneurs, business angels and international investors, presentation of startups and scaleups, experiences of social enterprises, exhibition of technologies for industry and for the school, workshops on digital professions and events with the protagonists of the global tech scene.

The scheduled initiatives, all for free and with different access and participation methods, include conferences, workshops, meetings with innovative entrepreneurs, moments of confrontation with investors, venture capital fund managers, start-up and scale-up presentations, technology exposure advanced, seminars for students and professionals, debates with the protagonists of the global tech entrepreneurship scene and workshops for children. The realization of a painting in an urban park in Turin will also be held with a fleet of drones with an autonomous flight.

The program of the initiatives, with details on how to get information and eventually to book for the different events, will be continually updated: it is already now You can discover the first initiatives confirmed at

Twenty companies, associations, consortia and non-profit organizations, both national and international, are planning further initiatives, which will be implemented in collaboration with ITW. In the coming weeks, the program will be completed, enriched by numerous opportunities, both for the general public and for professionals.

Turin Social Impact will be present in the schedule of Italian Tech Week with a debate between national and European innovators, investors and third sector organizations in order to identify solutions, enabling factors and ways of hybridization between technological innovation and social entrepreneurship.

An opportunity to understand how technology and digital can contribute to the development of a new generation of social impact-oriented entrepreneurs, able to combine solutions for emerging social problems with economically sustainable business models.

Social Innovation Camp

I progetti di innovazione sociale ammessi al finanziamento della Città di Torino (misura 3.3.1A PON Metro  Torino Social Factory) sabato 30 marzo parteciperanno al Social Innovation Camp di Milano, una giornata di lavoro e confronto tra le organizzazioni no profit torinesi coinvolte nei progetti e diversi soggetti dell’ecosistema milanese: organizzazioni del terzo settore, imprese e altri gruppi di interesse selezionati in modo puntuale a partire dai servizi e prodotti offerti dai progetti.

Il Camp si colloca all’interno della “Festa delle idee”, momento inaugurale de La Scuola dei Quartieri, progetto del Comune di Milano finanziato nell’ambito dell’asse inclusione del PON Metro Milano.

L’incontro tra le due città e i due programmi sarà occasione di ispirazione, contaminazione e stimolo reciproco.

11.00 – 11.30 | Registrazione dei partecipanti
11.30 – 12.15 | Chi cambia le periferie delle città
Nuovi protagonisti e idee per l’innovazione sociale inclusiva
Un confronto tra le Città attive sugli interventi di inclusione sociale del PON Metro
13.30 – 14.30 | Pranzo di networking
Attività in parallelo
12.30 – 18.00 | Belle storie – Casi sul palco
Pitch: momento di presentazione pubblica dei progetti finanziati dal Pon Metro Torino
12.30 – 18.00 | Incontri con l’ecosistema milanese
Incontri 1to1 con soggetti dell’ecosistema milanese con cui i team torinesi potranno confrontarsi, in un’ottica di collaborazione e scambio
18.00 in poi | Drink di networking

Social Innovation Camp

The social innovation projects admitted to the funds by the City of Turin within Torino Social Factory project (measure 3.3.1A PON Metro) will take part in the Social Innovation Camp in Milan on Saturday 30th March. A day of work and confrontation between non-profit organizations from Turin involved in the projects and various actors from the Milanese ecosystem: third sector organizations, companies and other interest groups.

The Camp is part of the “Festival of ideas”, the inaugural moment of La Scuola dei Quartieri, a project by the Municipality of Milan. The meeting between the two cities and the two programs will be an occasion for inspiration, contamination and mutual stimulation.


11.00 – 11.30 | Registration
11.30 – 12.15 | Who is changing cities’ suburbs – New protagonists and ideas for an inclusive social innovation – A dialogue between cities that are active on PON Metro social inclusion actions
13.30 – 14.30 | Networking lunch
Parallel activities:
12.30 – 18.00 | Beautiful stories – Cases on the stage – PON Metro projects’ pitches from Torino
12.30 – 18.00 | Meet the Milanese ecosystem – 1 to 1 with the teams
from 18.00 | Networking drink

Against inequalities: a new knowledge economy

Within the 2019 Biennale Democrazia framework, on Sunday 31 March at 18:30 Mario Calderini and Joan R. Rosés will talk about growth, inequality and innovation.

The Silicon Valley model has contributed to wealth creation in recent decades. But how fair, widespread and inclusive was its distribution? Recent studies give an unprecedented perspective on inequalities between and within states. The causes are to be found in the trinomial technology, market and capitalism which, in the knowledge economy, has brought wealth to concentrate in some areas, mostly the urban ones. What is the nature and origin of these inequalities? What is the possible role of a new generation of companies and social innovators in the fairer redistribution of the value of knowledge and technology?

Coordinated by Riccardo Staglianò.

Where: Auditorium Vivaldi, piazza Carlo Alberto 5 A, Turin

More on:

Hacking Public Procurement. Protection and promotion of democracy in the transparency society

Thursday 28 March 2019 at 11 am, during Biennale Democrazia, Luca Asvisio, Davide Barberis, Michele Cozzio, Luigi Gili, Diego Dutto and Enrico Gentina will debate on the issue of transparency in the procurement system.

A transparent procurement system is synonymous with a healthy and democratic market. It is necessary to introduce elements of consistency in public spending that know how not only to select the best supplies of goods and services, but also suppliers capable of exercising a role of guaranteeing the public interest. It is not enough to set up favorable conditions from an economic and planning point of view, it is also necessary to equip oneself with tools to evaluate the general interest orientation of suppliers and the impact of their services.

Where: Cecchi Point, Salone delle Arti, via Antonio Cecchi 17, Turin

Event organized in collaboration with the Social Entrepreneurship Committee of the Turin Chamber of Commerce and the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Turin, with the support of Torino Social Impact.

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New scenarios for future communities

Saturday, March 30, 2019 at 5 pm, during Biennale Democrazia, Nicola Capone, Linda Di Pietro, Renato Quaglia and Marco Zappalorto will talk about the new social, economic and environmental challenges that our society is facing. Lack of services, migratory flows and pollution are some of the emergencies that communities can cope with thanks to the ability to self-organize, building tailor-made practices that can evolve and adapt to local specificities. How to activate learning and exchange processes between cities, civil society and institutions?

Where: Cecchi Point, Salone delle Arti, via Antonio Cecchi 17, Torino

Event by Nesta Italia. Coordinated by Simona De Giorgio.

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Innovation and sustainability in the Turin suburbs: presentation of AxTO’s circular and collaborative economy projects

On Friday 22nd March at 11.30 am, via Baltea 3 will host a press conference to present the eight circular and collaborative economy projects funded by the City of Turin for AxTO action 3.02 within the broader framework of Torino City Lab initiative.

8 projects to experiment innovative solutions based on the principles of collaborative economy and circulate in response to social and economic challenges affecting the peripheral areas of the city of Turin, fielding initiatives that are able to favor the enhancement of social exchanges, encourage the reuse of assets, resources and, at the same time, develop sustainable forms of consumption and organization of neighborhood services on a neighborhood scale.


Freelance day 2019

Saturday, March 23rd, freelancers and entrepreneurs will meet in Turin for the 5th edition of the Freelance Day, the independent job festival. A totally free full-immersion with talks, workshops, micro consultancy and networking meetings in parallel sessions, organized by Toolbox Coworking in collaboration with Acta, the association of freelancers.

On the previous day, Friday 22nd at 17.00, a panel will be held on the future of work and on how technological and social innovation will impact on the skills required: FUTURE WORKS!, with Alberto Maestri (Chief Content Officer in OpenKnowledge), Marco Zappalorto (Chief Executive Nesta Italy) and Sergio Bologna (self-employed scholar), moderated by Giuseppe Bottero of La Stampa.

On the event website the program of the two days is available: they will focus on the evolution of transversal professional skills, which any freelance or entrepreneur must keep constantly updated.

Cottino Social Impact Campus: recruiting!

Cottino Social Impact Campus, the first campus in Europe dedicated to Impact Education, was launched in Turin at the end of 2018 and opened in 2019. The campus will promote a culture of impact and social sustainability through a transformative education model based on great social challenges.

Open to companies, organizations, professionals, managers, entrepreneurs and people interested in shaping transformative impact cultures for society. The campus is designed and founded by the Cottino Foundation, created in strategic collaboration with the Polytechnic University of Turin, SocialFare and ESCP Europe in an ecosystem that includes other partners such as the Murialdo Family, EVPA and Torino Social Impact.

The Cottino Social Impact Campus is in search of two key figures that will be included in a multi-disciplinary and international team: campus dean and educational expert & designer.


Torino Social Impact’s Action Plan Presentation

Thursday, February 14 at 11.30 am at the Turin Chamber of Commerce headquarters – Palazzo Birago, via Carlo Alberto 16 – Torino Social Impact operational plan will be presented during a press conference.

Speakers: Paola Pisano, Deputy Mayor for innovation – City of Turin, Francesco Profumo, president of Compagnia di San Paolo, Vincenzo Ilotte, president of Turin Chamber of Commerce.

Three international relations, presented in the last few weeks by the European Commission, the OECD and the World Economic Forum, give an account of the relevance and enormous development potential of the Impact economy phenomenon. 200 billion of private investments are available to support the growth of companies and to let them able to combine the search for an intentional and measurable social impact with the economic and financial sustainability of their initiatives. It is a transformation that involves profit-making companies, third-sector organization, investors, banks and public administrations, but it is above all a great opportunity to rethink local policies and development and to imagine a new generation of social policies.

Torino Social Impact is the coordination action with which organizations and individual citizens who recognize the potential of economic and social development linked to this paradigm shift, will try to reach the goal of making Turin the best place in the world where to do business and social impact investments.

Registration is required to participate in the press conference:

Blockchain for Social Good Learning Academy

On January 30th 2019, the Blockchain for Social Good Learning Academy will be held in Turin, at the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, one of the first initiatives that attracts innovators from all over Europe to discuss the possible applications of blockchain technology in the social sphere.

Following the Blockchain for Social Good event held in December 2017, Nesta Italia, together with Nesta, DSI4EU and with the support of the European Commission, wants to continue to research and support the various solutions that use this technology to generate a positive impact in Europe by using the Blockchain for Social Good Learning Academy as a platform to exchange experiences and best practices.

The goal of the Blockchain for Social Good Learning Academy is to create a space for professionals who see a strong social value in blockchain technologies. The Academy aims to provide not only the opportunity to explore how blockchain technologies can be used to address social challenges in Europe, but also the tools to implement the various blockchain for social good solutions.

The Academy will have a strong focus on blockchain solutions in the fields of: Agriculture, Democracy and Governance, Digital identity, Energy, Climate and Environment, Financial inclusion, Health, Land rights, Philanthropy, Aid and Donors, Education, Human rights.

The Blockchain for Social Good Learning Academy will offer a one-day program with international speakers, workshops, networking opportunities, and practical sessions. Due to limited places, we invite you to express your interest in attending the Academy using the following form. We will contact you to confirm your place at the Academy in the first week of January.

More details on  Nesta Italia website..

WeGovNow Local Exploitation Workshop

On January 15th at 2.30 pm the “Local Exploitation Workshop” of the European WeGovNow project will be held at Open Incet, of which the City of Turin is a partner. Purpose of WeGovNow is to test the use of a technological platform that allows to activate new forms of dialogue and collaboration between administration and citizenship, involving citizenship in the co-design of services.

In the city of Turin the main testing scenario was Parco Dora: in September 2018 a participatory planning path was activated, coordinated by the “Tavolo di progettazione civica”, aimed at co-designing an area of about 500 square meters of the Park. The co-design workshops were supported by the use of the WeGovNow online platform, which allowed to widen the audience of the participants and to trace the discussion and the results in a transparent manner.

In today’s meeting will be presented the platform and lessons learned from its use, with a final discussion and interaction with the participants to understand in which areas and future projects could find WeGovGow application.

To learn more about the project:

Torino City Lab

Starting from December 4, 2018, the commission for the evaluation of the Torino City Lab proposals is operational. Proposals are evaluated according to the criteria of consistency, feasability, innovation, economic sustainability and potential socio-environmental impact.

The first project admitted to testing is “LAURA – A new way to live the street”, an infomobility system to digitize the signals of the traffic light systems. Through an app, near the intersection, the status of the traffic lights will be displayed on the smartphone display, taking into consideration the position and associating a vocal message and a vibration to each state. The system is able to recognize the flow of data in real time on servers via web for information technology that can be developed in the future.

Torino City Lab is open to any company (Start-ups, SMEs, Social Enterprises, Industry) willing to test innovative solutions at the pre-commercial phase in any domain of the “Smart City”. Read more on

Presentation of social innovation projects financed by the Pon Metro

The City of Turin organizes a press conference to present the projects funded by Pon Metro Torino (National Operational Program Metropolitan Cities 2014-2020) measure 3.3.1.A, for which approximately 1 million and 400 thousand euros of European funds to support social innovation projects.

25 non-profit organizations will be involved, which will experiment through twelve partnerships models able to include civil society and to trigger urban regeneration processes in urban areas with high socio-economic problems.

OIS Open Innovation Summit 2018

Registration is now open to take part to the second edition of the OIS Open Innovation Summit, take place in Open Incet on 20 September 2018.

OIS 2018 intends to explore three key enabling factors (people, policy and technology) of cities’ capacity to innovate and compete on the global stage, and to bring together governments and local administrations’ officials, corporates and civil society leaders to share successful practices, models and ideas, in the spirit of mutual learning and exchange.

On the same day it will be possible to participate to the workshop “Social innovation for sustainable urban development”, a side event organized by the City of Turin in the context of Pon Metro. The workshop is aimed to bring together representatives from Italian metropolitan cities, EU institutions, social innovation communities, relevant national and international stakeholders, with a twofold purpose: advocating for social innovation to be recognised in the next EU programming period as a key strategy to design and deliver urban actions; to position cities as a relevant European actor on social innovation in order to foster better cooperation with international organisations and networks committed to promote innovative social policies.

Open Incet (via Cigna 96/17), 14.00 – 21.00

Open Incet (via Cigna 96/17), 9.30 – 12.30

OIS 2018 is organized by Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini with support of CIttà di Torino.
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Third Sector learning crowdfunding

On Friday 22 June, at Open Incet, took place the first training session of the Social Crowdfunding Academy took place, a project promoted by the City of Turin, as part of the National Operational Program for Metropolitan Cities 2014-2020 (PON Metro Torino).

Through the Social Crowdfunding Academy City of Turin want to support organizations of the third sector in learning – with a practical approach – all the skills necessary to write, launch and manage a successful crowdfunding campaign.

The subjects admitted to the Academy were selected through a “Call for idea”, which required to present a social innovation project, on the subject of new poverty, social vulnerability, unemployment, cultural integration and social cohesion, citizens’ well-being, with a specific target of residents or visitors of the “target areas” identified by the Pon Metro Torino.

The Social Crowdfunding Academy is divided into six meetings and will end on July 29th. At the end of the course, participants can apply and get support to manage and launch their own crowdfunding campaign.

The Social Crowdfunding Academy is part of the European Crowdfunding Center, the new crowdfunding competence center – run by Guanxi, Fondazione Brodolini e STI Soluzioni Turistiche Integrate – which will focus on the creation of skills creation, development and accompaniment paths of teams of innovators able to develop projects that can find an innovative way of promotion in the crowdfunding tool.