Through UIA (Urban Innovative Actions), the European Union has awarded Turin 4.600.000 euros that will be invested by the Local Administration to implement a program focused on urban security through the redevelopment and recovery of degraded areas and the activation of technological and social innovation projects to guarantee higher levels of social cohesion and civil coexistence.
TO-nite project is supported by the City of Turin as the main partner, in partnership with SocialFare, Fondazione Wireless, Experientia, Engineering, European Forum for Urban Security (EFUS), Espereal Technologies and ANCI.
The City of Turin is one of the few cities in Europe to have twice won European funding for the Urban Innovative Actions program: already in 2016 the City was awarded the prestigious UIA funding with the Co-City project, focused on fighting poverty and degradation in the most fragile parts of the city, in particular in actions of social innovation and environmental redevelopment, making it possible to activate development paths for the co-production of services and the creation of companies linked to welfare.
To-nite is characterized by multidisciplinary solutions and actions to better understand urban social phenomena and to tackle the problems deriving from a perception of insecurity. In particular, the project will direct its action to experiment with services that extend even at night in areas of different density, accessibility and attractiveness.
Turin, June 2019 – It’s official: Compagnia di San Paolo and Denegri Social Venture Foundation enter the capital of SocialFare, born in Turin in 2013. The two investors agreed to support the development of SocialFare which have a strong focus on the acceleration of social impact knowledge and entrepreneurship.
Thanks to financial support and expertise of Compagnia di San Paolo and Denegri Foundation, SocialFare will be able to scale innovative solutions to the most pressing social challenges, develop research and experimentation in public-private partnerships, accelerate capacity building for the social impact and impact startups. The entire SocialFare ecosystem will be able to grow nationally and internationally, strengthening Turin as a reference city for social innovation and impact investing.
“Congregazione dei Giuseppini del Murialdo wanted to found SocialFare in order to give concrete answers to the challenges that the economic crisis and youth unemployment have made emerge in a dramatic and new way – tells Don Danilo Magni representing the Congregation. – With SocialFare the “Murialdini” have understood and intend to update, with the Social innovation approach, their own mission in favour of young people in different contexts, with particular attention to education, work and the enhancement of communities. In this context, the contributions of entrepreneurial know-how and financial capacity of the new members, Compagnia di San Paolo and Denegri Social Venture Foundation, together with the educational approach of the Congregation, can give an important and further boost to the identity and to the mission of SocialFare”.
“Compagnia di San Paolo has built over the years an integrated supply chain in the field of sustainable social enterprise,” – said Alberto Anfossi, General Secretary of Compagnia di San Paolo – supporting Nesta Italia and Open Incet, from Impact Hub to the three-year agreement to favor of Torino Social Impact, recently signed with the Chamber of Commerce of Turin.
In the first place, our model is based on the use of supply and investment tools, as well as systemic action with respect to the formation of the Turin and Piedmontese eco-system. The objective of Compagnia di San Paolo is to build a chain of social innovation that, starting from the activities of accelerating knowledge and accelerating business, leads social impact organizations to achieve sustainability and in some cases to become attractive to private capital. The Company’s investment in SocialFare is part of this chain, alongside interventions such as the Seed call for tenders and investments already made in SocialFare Seed and in the Oltre Venture fund.
In the past, our Foundation supported SocialFare by providing a startup grant; the growth and the first positive results of the model led the Company, alongside important investors, to capitalize with € 1.6 million a vehicle to seed the accelerated startups (SocialFare Seed srl) and then to develop the hypothesis of acquiring, in collaboration with the Denegri Social Venture Foundation, the control of SocialFare. The objective of the acquisition by the Company is to move from a logic of supply support to a capital investment one shared with important financial actors to support the growth of the social accelerator in a logic of professionalism and openness to the market “.
“We believe our entry into the social capital of SocialFare is a significant and consistent result for the newly founded Denegri Social Venture Foundation – states Corrado Ferretti, Vice President of the Foundation – whose work is far from mere disbursement but focuses on operations that combine entrepreneurial skills with initiatives capable of concretely transforming society. There is no coincidence that this synergy was born in Turin, a city that for years has been a promoter of a profound transformation in the way of doing business. The big goal – continues Ferretti – is to make SocialFare a point of reference at European level, a goal that can only be achieved by combining entrepreneurial skills, financial capital, and opportunity networks of all those involved.”
Laura Orestano, CEO of SocialFare, expressed the satisfaction of the whole SocialFare team – which is characterized by a strong female and under-35 component – and by the many partners who have come to join them into Social Renaissance, “hoping that this renewed structure could be the starting line for a model of social and financial convergence essential for accelerating know-how and innovative solutions in terms of models, services and products relevant to the company. This approach is necessary, at local and national level, also for a new development policy that focuses on people, territories and communities with their expert knowledge and their entrepreneurial potential and sustainable innovation. “
Turin, June 2019 – The Report 2017-19 “Vado a vivere in montagna“ (“I go to live in the mountains”) by Collegio Carlo Alberto and SocialFare in collaboration with Accademia delle Alte Terre and UNCEM within InnovAree, is online. A project intended to support and encourage the enhancement of inland areas as a place of life and work, beyond the vision of a mountain “hit and run” to contemplate over the weekend.
The accompanying service was offered free of charge to 100 beneficiaries. Who contacted and asked for the service? They are people with a job position and a high educational qualification, but they are looking for a change of life – said Andrea Membretti, sociologist, who followed the project’s beneficiaries – they mainly require credit and not a grant.
There is knowledge, there is experimentation, there are models and communities but above all, there is a question. What has returned several times is to do things together, hybridizing resources – added Laura Orestano, CEO of SocialFare.
From “I go to live in the mountains” to “Come and live in the mountains”
The opportunity scenario is fragmented, the new version of the project aims to create accessibility, accompaniment, supply chain in a contextual way, highlighting the mountain as a resource of social as well as environmental value – continues Laura Orestano – There may be a hybrid financing that accompanies the social value of the high lands as new places for sustainable development?
This opens up new scenarios for InnovAree, which from 2019, with the collaboration of the municipalities and the G.A.L. of some Piedmontese territories, launches the new service “Come and live in the mountains” to support the settlement in the “welcoming valleys” of the region and launches an important challenge for investors: the creation of a Mountain Impact Fund as an investment tool.
Design Your Impact is a program by SocialFare | Centro per l’Innovazione Sociale aimed at accelerating knowledge and practical skills in social innovation: the selected teams are offered a path for the preliminary planning for business start-up and a unique opportunity to take advantage of the support of a network of professionals and experts of the sector.
The call to participate in Design Your Impact # 2 Innovation Projects for Climate Action is available on:
Possono candidarsi team informali, cooperative, imprese sociali, associazioni con una soluzione innovativa in risposta alle sfide del cambiamento climatico (in riferimento all’ SDG n. 13 “Climate Action”). Anche le progettualità di Economia Circolare contribuiscono alla sostenibilità del pianeta e alla sfera d’azione di contrasto agli effetti del cambiamento climatico, pertanto sono da considerarsi valide ai fini della candidatura e della partecipazione al programma.
Informal groups, cooperatives, social enterprises and associations with an innovative solution can respond to the challenge (with reference to SDG No. 13 “Climate Action”). Also projects regarding Circular Economy contribute to the sustainability of the planet, therefore they are to be considered valid for the purposes of the application and participation in the program.
Social Fare offers to the selected teams:
5 thematic modules (10 full-time days) in September / November 2019 in Turin with a dedicated acceleration team Opportunity Day with the possibility of connection with our network of professionals Cash Wallet & Follow on for the best team.
+ Free desks in Social Renaissance, the coworking space dedicated to social innovation in the heart of Turin.
The 1st edition of “Accelerate with SocialFare”, launched in October 2018 with two calls (Design Your Impact #1 and FOUNDAMENTA #7) ended on 6 January 2019 with 230 applications from all over the world.
The selected team, respectively 6 projects for Design Your Impact #1 and 4 startups within FOUNDAMENTA #7, are currently into the acceleration process in Social Renaissance.
Acceleration of Innovation Projects for Climate Action
A program to accelerate knowledge and practical social innovation skills for teams with an innovative solution in response to pressing contemporary challenges related to climate change. The path of 10 full-time days (September / November 2019) provides for the accompaniment of the selected teams into the phases to transform the project into a real business.
Now in its 8th edition, this is the SocialFare entrepreneurial acceleration program for startups and companies ready to attract investment and to scale. The accelerating startups can benefit from a seed fund of up to € 100k cash provided by SocialFare Seed, the private investment vehicle that supports companies accelerated with FOUNDAMENTA.
Our proposal, innovative and unique in Italy, was born thanks to the expertise gained by the SocialFare teams – together with the network of excellent professionals who work with us – on several levels.
The SocialFare Startup Acceleration Team offers 7 acceleration programs, with 44 startups selected from over 700 candidates received through the FOUNDAMENTA calls, 3 millions funding were collected overall by accelerated startups, with growing results in the last year with financing rounds closed in particular by Synapta – Public and Wher (see the press review:
Design Your Impact is a knowledge acceleration path designed and tested by SocialFare since 2017 – with the first experiments in the areas of Turin and Cuneo – in order to share and systemize the skills acquired by including a wider range of subjects engaged in innovative planning with a social impact: not only startups and companies ready to scale up, but also business ideas and project realities at a different stage in the path of creating a social impact company.
The 1st edition of “Accelera con SocialFare”, launched in October 2018 with the 2 calls Design Your Impact # 1 and FOUNDAMENTA # 7, ended on 6 January 2019 with 230 applications from all over the world.
The selected teams, respectively 6 projects for Design Your Impact # 1 and 4 startups for FOUNDAMENTA # 7, are welcomed on April 1, 2019 in Rinascimenti Sociali in Turin with a special Welcome Day that marks the start of the two acceleration programs.
IMPACT THROUGH DESIGN: UN SDGSs and Societal Challenges is an applied research program co-produced by SocialFare | Centre of Social Innovation based in Turin, Italy and ELISAVA – Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, aimed to improve and promote the generation of Social Impact through Design.
The applied design research program will focus on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and will involve professionals, researchers, public and private institutions as well as the communities in which the best practices of Social Impact Design are already being applied in order to define a programmatic and systemic proposal for the next decade.
Starting in Turin (Italy) on May the 4th, 2018, the program includes an Open Talk Series in Marseille, Barcelona, Matera, Roma, Zurich, Toronto, Boston, Shanghai and will be presented at the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in New York. The program is also part of the European Development Days (EDW 2018).
opentalk#1 | TURIN
Impact through design SDGs and Societal Challenges. The Italian Perspective
Friday 4th May 17.00 – 19.30 h | Rinascmenti Sociali, Via Maria Vittoria 38, Torino
opentalk#2 | MARSEILLE
The Marseille social design and bottom-up perspective
Saturday 19th May 16.00-18.00 h | Femmes D’Ici et D’Ailleurs, 4 Rue Mazagran, 13001 Marseille
opentalk#3 | BARCELONA
Data & the City. Design, Policy and Resilience. The Barcelona Perspective
Wednesday 23rd May 18.30-19.30 h | Elisava Design School, Rambla 32 08002 Barcelona
opentalk#4 | MATERA
The system food-design. The Community Perspective
Saturday 2nd june from 11.30-12.30 h | Palazzo Lanfranchi, Via Carlo Levi Matera
opentalk#5 | ROME
Digital Social Innovation. Top down either/ or Bottom-up. Which sustainability through design? The Public Interest Perspective
Thursday 7th June 11.00-12.00 h | Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile, 00186 Roma RM, Italy
opentalk#6 | ZURICH
Cultural devices: models of design and design of models. The Zurich perspective
Wednesday 27th June 2018 18.00-19.30 h | Cabaret Voltaire, Spiegelgasse 1,8001 Zürich, Switzerland
opentalk#7 | NEW YORK
Social Impact through design. The Design Schools and Policy perspective toward the transition to sustainability
United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), New York, United Nations
17th July 2018
opentalk#8 | TORONTO
Cultural impact. Principles and practices. The indigenous perspective and technologies.
3rd September 18.00-19,00 h | OCAD university, Toronto, Canada
opentalk#10 | SHANGHAI
Design for city-making. Models and Collaborative cities systems for no-Western social impact.
30th October 17.00-18.30 h | Tonjii University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, China
International Impact Through Design. The Festival
23th November | Rinascimenti Sociali, Via Maria Vittoria 38, Torino, Italy
SocialFare is the first Center for Social Innovation in Italy. Research, community engagement, capacity building, and co-design are at the basis of our work to develop innovative solutions to contemporary societal challenges, while generating new economy via social ventures. SocialFare is located in Torino, in the premises of Rinascimenti Sociali, the place and convergence network dedicated to accelerate social impact knowledge and entrepreneurship in Italy.
ELISAVA is one of the most important schools of Europe, a pioneer in studies of Design and Engineering. The Centre, affiliated to the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, has 2.000 students from around the world. ELISAVA promotes education, knowledge, research, development and innovation in the field of design, engineering and communication. The School offers a college education that prepares students to meet professional challenges worldwide.