Erasmus Plus

Erasmus Plus Program: A New Workshop by the European Projects HUB

Enhancing European culture and project design capabilities within the TSI ecosystem is one of the objectives of the European Projects HUB for social economy, initiated in collaboration with Weco Social Enterprise with support from the Chamber of Commerce of Turin and the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.

Among the numerous EU programs that fund socially impactful activities, Erasmus Plus is undoubtedly the most widespread and well-known. On Friday, May 31, TSI organizations interested in exploring the program gathered at the Volunteer Service Center Vol.To to work on developing a project to be submitted for the autumn 2024 deadlines. Specifically, some calls expiring on October 1, 2024, were examined: small-scale partnerships in the VET (Vocational Education and Training), ADU (Adult Education), and YOU (Youth) sectors – KA210 and the accreditation for mobility in the VET, ADU, and YOU sectors – KA120 and KA150.

A Day of Capacity Building and Peer Exchange

The morning began with an introduction to the Erasmus Plus program by Davide Prette and Matteo Maritano from’s European project office. Following this, Ilaria Molendi and Guido Mandarino of AlgoritmoAssociates shared their project design experiences on two small-scale projects, highlighting how even a “negative” evaluation can be a valuable learning experience. Finally, Maria Chiara Pizzorno, a senior expert at Weco Social Enterprise and evaluator of numerous European programs, conducted an informative session on the program’s calls.

In the afternoon, the organizations, divided into working groups, designed projects based on the open calls for small-scale partnerships in the Adult Education (ADU) and Youth (YOU) sectors – KA210, and the accreditation for mobility in the VET, ADU, and YOU sectors – KA120 and KA150.

The Erasmus Plus Program

The Erasmus program, initiated in 1987 as an EU student mobility program, transformed into Erasmus+ in 2014. This simplified program combines all previous EU funding mechanisms in education, training, youth, and sports, including the Lifelong Learning Program (Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig), Youth in Action, and five international cooperation programs (Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink, and the cooperation program with industrialized countries).

Projects can be submitted under three key actions (KA):

  • KA1: Individual mobility for learning purposes
  • KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices (subdivided into Adult, Youth, Sports, etc.)
  • KA3: Support for policy development and cooperation

The 2021-2027 program focuses on several priorities:

  • Social inclusion
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Digital transition
  • Promoting youth participation in democratic life
Peter Damgaard_banner_ING

Peter Damgaard Kristensen speaks at the webinar: “Fundamentals and principles of Solutions Journalism.”

“Fundamentals and principles of Solutions Journalism” is the webinar organized by Torino Social Impact as part of the Torino Impact Journalism initiative. On Monday, June 17th, from 2:00 PM, national and international experts will participate, discussing how to promote impactful and solutions-oriented information.

One of the organizations in Europe—and beyond—that is contributing to changing journalism by promoting knowledge of more constructive approaches is the Danish Constructive Institute.

Peter Damgaard Kristensen has been part of this initiative since its inception, playing a crucial role in the construction and development of the Constructive Institute as one of its first employees. Within the institute, he oversees and co-develops projects in Research and Development, with a particular focus on research, impact measurement, and AI. Peter conducts workshops and presentations on journalism, sharing insights on the Institute’s work and the role of constructive information in today’s media landscape. Before joining the Constructive Institute, he worked in the university sector, gaining extensive experience in project management, public relations, and policy consulting.

An independent center looking to the future of journalism

The Constructive Institute was founded in 2017 by Ulrik Haagerup, an investigative journalist who spent two decades leading major newsrooms across Denmark. It is based at Aarhus University and is now an independent center that is part of the broader global movement of constructive journalism.

With an eye on the journalism of tomorrow, its mission is virtuous: it is committed to changing the global culture of information, supporting journalism in promoting democracy. In its daily work, it helps journalists, news outlets, and organizations apply constructive information through various initiatives and services such as a best practices portal, a fellowship program, reporting projects, independent academic research, and international collaborations.

The Constructive Institute is a non-profit organization funded by philanthropic donations from various foundations and private companies. We can say that constructive journalism and dialogue are at the heart of everything the Institute does, convinced that these can and should be at the forefront of raising journalism standards and promoting changes in media narratives.

Why we need constructive journalism

Constructive journalism opposes the rampant sensationalism and negativity of today’s media. Surveys and research conducted worldwide show that what readers believe about their countries is often far from the actual truth.

The Constructive Institute is convinced that life, our society, and our surroundings are better than we think. For this reason, its fundamental mission is to restore trust in the importance of facts, knowledge, and shared dialogue as the foundations of our communities. At the heart of this approach is the vision of journalism as a democratic tool.

scintille #4 massimo canducci

Scintille #4 – Massimo Canducci and Possible Futures

In which direction will technological evolution go? How will it affect our future, with the increasingly rapid changes it brings both in everyday individual life and in societies and markets? These are very common questions, especially for young innovative companies that build their value proposition on the frontier of cutting-edge technologies, a constantly changing boundary that brings revolutions—sometimes even sudden ones—to many industrial sectors.

To understand which technologies and development models might change our lives the most in the next five, ten, or even twenty years, the Incubator of the Polytechnic University of Turin, I3P, has organized a free in-person event on Thursday, June 20, 2024, with Massimo Canducci, a manager, technologist, and essayist who leads the innovation and future scouting activities of one of the most important Italian digital transformation companies.

There are two phrases that best describe what Massimo generally thinks about innovation and the future. The first is “We are just at the beginning“, highlighting how the growing availability of technology, which day by day changes our lives, is actually only the antechamber of what will happen in the future, which can be imagined by following the evolutionary curves of technological ecosystems. The second is “If you are not building a better world, then you are not innovating at all“, emphasizing that innovation is not mere application of technology for its own sake, but it is above all the search for a positive impact on the world around us and on our future lives.

Massimo Canducci is also a member of the Global Faculty of Singularity University and teaches innovation management at the Executive MBA Ticinensis and at the Universities of Turin and Pavia. Furthermore, he is part of the Advisory Group “Standardization for Emerging Technologies and Innovations“, which guides ISO’s strategic choices worldwide on emerging technologies and innovation.

The meeting on June 20 at I3P is organized as part of the special event series titled “Scintille“: a series of meetings with brilliant minds and prominent personalities, not only from the world of technology, who have made a significant mark in their field and beyond. The series is promoted by the incubator on the occasion of its 25th anniversary, to continue offering the community of innovators new opportunities for meeting, discussion, and inspiration for the entrepreneurship of tomorrow.

How to participate

The event will be held on Thursday, June 20, 2024, starting at 6:00 PM, in person at the Agorà Hall of the I3P incubator, located within the Campus of the Polytechnic University of Turin and accessible both from the main gate at Corso Castelfidardo 30/A and from the pedestrian entrance at Via Pier Carlo Boggio 59.

Participation in the event is free, with prior registration on Eventbrite.


6:00 PM | Welcome of participants

6:10 PM | Introductory greetings – Paola Mogliotti, Director of I3P

6:15 PM | Opening of the meeting – Adriano Marconetto, Entrepreneur In Residence of I3P

6:20 PM | Conversation with Massimo Canducci, manager, technologist, and essayist

7:00 PM | Q&A session with the audience present

7:20 PM | Conclusion of the meeting

ecosistemi a impatto

Impact Ecosystems – How the platform model can support companies’ transition to sustainability and inclusion

When: Wednesday, June 12 · 6 – 8pm 
Where: Impact Hub Torino – Piazza Teresa Noce 17D – Torino

Traditional control-oriented business models based on supply chain linearity are no longer sufficient to handle the complexity of today’s world. That is why it is necessary to build organizations based on decentralization, which encourage people to be active and responsible players. One such model is definitely the “platform model”, although many companies still mistakenly confuse the concept of platform with that of digital service.

On the occasion of the launch of Sara Malaguti’s new book “Impact Ecosystems”, we organized a panel to dialogue about the future of platforms as innovation tools to foster environmental and social sustainability.


  • CASE HISTORY – Flowerista benefit company, innovative startup and digital ecosystem that offers training, business coaching, consulting and visibility to all those who want to start or grow their business, particularly in the creative sector
  • Differences between a digital service and a platform
  • Collaboration vs. competition
  • What leadership model for platforms
  • CASE HISTORY – Re4Circular, a platform created by Atelier Riforma that connects the companies that collect and sort used clothing with circular fashion companies that seek them out for resale, recycling or upcycling
  • CASE HISTORY – Mercato Itinerante, an innovative startup that has developed a marketplace that empowers farmers, merchants and small businesses to replicate their stall or store also in online mode, stimulating the ‘purchase of local products, integrating fragile individuals in the logistics stages and reducing food waste
  • Local vs. international

Speakers will include:

  1. Sara Malaguti, CEO and founder @Flowerista benefit company
  2. Daniel Trabucchi, Senior Assistant Professor @Politecnico di Milano and Scientific Director of Platform Thinking HUB
  3. Edoardo Ramondo, Partner @Impact Hub
  4. Elena Ferrero, CEO and Co-Founder @Atelier Riforma
  5. Andrea Scalogna, CEO and Co-Founder @Mercato Itinerante

The panel will last about 1 hour, followed by a Q&A session.

A copy of Sara’s book, “Impact Ecosystems”, will be available for purchase on site.

You can register for free here


Sentie(Ri)Generativi, a project for “contributing” businesses

Sentie(Ri)Generativi is the new project launched by (RI)GENERIAMO Società Benefit and B Corp.

The project plans to define paths shared with businesses towards the implementation of actions and initiatives aiming to generate positive social and environmental impacts, wherein businesses can take the opportunity to play a role as “contributing” organizations and multiply their positive impact on society and the environment.

Also because of the new European regulations that make it mandatory for companise to assess and report their social and environmental impact, the “three stones” depicted in Sentie(Ri)Generativi’s logo, in addition to recalling the importance of simplicity and concreteness of the mountain world that inspired it, represent the three pillars lying at the roots of the project:

  • Duty
  • Innovation
  • Enhancement.

The paths draw on the principles of Civil Economy and generativity and are organized in four stages:

  • Guidance
  • Path
  • Roadmap
  • Destination.

Luca Pereno, Cofounder and Director at (RI)GENERIAMO: «We want to make our knowledge and experience available to businesses interested in transforming themselves into “contributing” organizations».

A presentation of Sentie(Ri)Generativi is available on (RI)GENERIAMO’s website.

sostenibilità oltre la compliance

Seminar: Sustainability Beyond Compliance, Wednesday, June 26

Appointment on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM at the Cottino Social Impact Campus for an informational seminar aimed at businesses, lawyers, and chartered accountants to explore sustainability in the evolving socio-cultural and economic context.

Session Program

2:00 PM Participant Registration

2:30 PM Opening

Marella Caramazza – Cottino Social Impact Campus, Istud, CeVis
Presentation of OP4Impact
Paola Baldassarre – Bar Association of Turin
Davide Barberis – Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Turin

2:50 PM Keynote Speech “Sustainability Beyond Compliance”

Emiliano Giovine, Scientific Director, Legal Impact Pillar CSIC and ISTUD

3:00 PM Governance: Third Pillar of ESG or a Prerequisite for Business Sustainability?

Manuela Monti and Emanuela De Sabato – Lawyers of the Turin Bar Association

3:20 PM Value Chain, Community, and Stakeholders – From Selective to Comprehensive Sustainability

Roberta Zizzari, Lawyer of the Turin Bar Association
Caterina Soldi, Cottino Social Impact Campus

3:50 PM Communication and Reporting. What Risks and Opportunities?

Giuseppina Cavasino and Filippo Traviglia, Lawyers of the Turin Bar Association
Davide Barberis, Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Turin

4:20 PM Break

4:45 PM Workshop and Final Feedback

A session to discuss insights gained in the first part of the event and to integrate the perspectives of professionals and businesses on the three areas covered in the panels: governance, value chain and community, communication, and reporting. The groups will be guided by the Cottino Social Impact Campus team, panel speakers, and representatives from the partner organizations.

5:30 PM Workshop Feedback by Group Spokespersons

6:00 PM Closing

Registrations for businesses here

Registrations for lawyers through the RICONOSCO platform. Participation provides 3 CFU.

Registrations for chartered accountants through the Formazione Commercialisti platform. Participation provides 4 CFU.

Dove i fatti non arrivano

Dove i fatti non arrivano (Facts are not enough): environmental communication matters

There is no sustainable and ecological transition without communication. This is the underlying thesis of the new book “Dove i fatti non arrivano. Antologia ragionata e appassionata della comunicazione ambientale” (Facts are not enough. A Rational and Passionate Anthology on Environmental Communication), published by Pacini and co-edited by Stefano Martello and Sergio Vazzoler. In a moment of profound transition towards a more sustainable paradigm, communication is the tool that can bridge gaps, combat misinformation, and stimulate behavior change.

The book is the concluding chapter of a trilogy that began with the “White Paper on Environmental Communication” (2020) and “The Missing Link. Environmental communication facing the ecological transition” (2022). The new text focuses on the investigation of 50 words – typical of the processes and challenges of an increasingly urgent present – within a hybrid, usable and multidisciplinary narrative framework, in which strategic communication and environmental responsibility mutually contaminate. A true manifesto that photographs the existing and speaks to the future.

Words. Yes, precisely the words

Along with 34 authors, the co-editors of this anthology seek to unravel the paradox surrounding the role of environmental communication today. On the one hand, under scrutiny is the drift of fake news created and fueled by those who intend to oppose or at least slow down the ecological transition. Simultaneously, environmental communication is also associated with the corrosive practice of greenwashing, which, through an inauthentic narrative, benefits in terms of reputation and image by deceiving citizens.
The mainstream solution to combat these distortions is a return to the primacy of facts. A primacy towards which the curators of this book harbor a sense of conscious skepticism, while still acknowledging the value the of scientific evidence and empirical data.

Facts and storytelling

“What prompted us to build this anthology,” explains Sergio Vazzoler, “and therefore, to accompany the primacy of facts with the necessity and urgency of words is a simple observation: there are many, indeed too many, who refer to communication while ignoring or forgetting its original meaning of “sharing” and incorrectly thinking of reality only as a series of facts rather than a collection of facts and their narrative (as Alessandro Baricco said).”

That is why the curators speak of a paradox: by confusing the distorting effects of environmental communication with communication itself, that crucial collective effort to address the epochal challenge of the ecological transition and sustainable development is being moved away. And how to succeed in this endeavor if not patiently sharing data and lived experiences, reasoning and feelings, rationality and emotions? Hence, the curators and authors of the book attempt with this reasoned and passionate anthology.

The identified words

“Along with some more technical words that concern methodologies and equipment, there are also others that are more generic and subtle, apparently generalistic and even off-topic,” says Stefano Martello. “It is not a provocation distilled among the pages, but a precise will. With decidedly surprising results, when ordinary and reassuring words have generated completely unexplored or simply less traveled paths that it will be the task of each individual to select, deepen, test, stress, recognize, or reject.”

Each word is then enriched by one or more insights: in this case as well, the curators have opted for a broad evaluation that includes not only the usual reference bibliography but also literary texts, films, comics, podcasts.

The volume is available on the Pacini Editore website.
Visit the dedicated page.

Dove i fatti non arrivano

Antologia ragionata e appassionata della comunicazione ambientale

Edited by Stefano Martello and Sergio Vazzoler
Contributions by Giulia Armuzzi, Federica Bosello, Micol Burighel, Pietro Citarella, Matteo Colle, Emilio Conti, Elisa De Bonis, Giulia Devani, Marcella Felerico, Daniele Fiani, Nicola Giudice, Giorgia Grandoni, Roberta Iovino, Fabio Iraldo, Irene Ivoi, Stefano Martello, Alberto Marzetta, Gloria Milan, Giuseppe Milano, Biagio Oppi, Luca Palestra, Leonardo Parigi, Riccardo Parigi, Luca Poma, Massimiliano Pontillo, Roberto Scalise, Francesca Schirillo, Rossella Sobrero, Donato Speroni, Marco Talluri, Francesco Testa, Massimo Vaccari, Luca Valpreda, Sergio Vazzoler

Pacini Editore, 2024
New Fabric collection
ISBN 979-12-5486-359-6

mario calderini

Mario Calderini reconfirmed as president of the committee for social entrepreneurship of the Turin Chamber of Commerce

Yesterday afternoon, May 28th, the CIS – committee for social entrepreneurship of the Turin Chamber of Commerce convened, with Mario Calderini reconfirmed as president by the chamber’s board. Professor Calderini has been instrumental in collaborating with the committee to establish and support Turin Social Impact, the city’s ecosystem for social entrepreneurship and impact investment. The committee, officially established in 2016, built upon the work of the previous decade by the civil economy observatory, which aimed to comprehensively understand the structure and dynamics of the third sector.

The work carried out by the committee in recent years has contributed to the debate on new forms of social impact entrepreneurship, especially in light of the reorganization decree for the third sector, emphasizing the importance of impact measurement and social impact finance. This has been further bolstered by the chamber’s adherence to the Social Impact Agenda for Italy and support for social innovation projects at the territorial ecosystem level.

One of the committee’s most significant initiatives during its first term was the 2017 launch of the Turin Social Impact project platform. This initiative aimed to promote Turin’s metropolitan ecosystem for social entrepreneurship, social innovation, and social impact finance, positioning it on the international map of social economy ecosystems. The platform now boasts over 300 partners, up from 100 in 2020 and 12 in 2017, including public and private entities, both for-profit and non-profit, forming a vast ecosystem that represents a cluster of competencies, activities, and services to strengthen and promote the region.

To ensure continuity of the work and support ongoing and future activities benefiting social impact entrepreneurship and the development of its ecosystem, as well as to better monitor the progress of these initiatives, it was necessary to renew the appointments of the committee members and its president, as stipulated by the specific regulations.

The newly appointed committee, which convened yesterday, is composed as follows:
Mario Calderini, president
Federico Michele Bellono, representing trade unions within the chamber’s council
Giuseppe D’Anna, representing AGCI Piemonte
Irene Bongiovanni, representing Confcooperative Piemonte Nord
Paolo Petrucci, representing LegaCoop Piemonte
Paolo Biancone, representing the University of Turin
Francesca Montagna, representing the Polytechnic University of Turin
Silvio Magliano, representing the world of volunteering

AGCI Piemonte joins the CIS for the first time with President D’Anna. Dr. Bongiovanni and Prof. Montagna are new members of the Committee, representing Confcooperative Piemonte Nord and Politecnico di Torino.

Dream Job

Join the voting for the Dream Jobs 2024 video lessons!

Only 3 days left to vote for the video lessons of Dream Jobs 2024, the career guidance program in the world of the sports industry.
Haven’t voted for your favorite team yet? Hurry up, there are only 3 days left!
Download the Sporters app and vote for your favorite in a few simple steps:
  1. Download the Sporters app and register
  2. Enter the code DREAMJ24 in the designated section.
  3. Watch, share, vote, and save the videos to help them climb the rankings!

Your vote counts!

The votes cast through the app will be added to those of the special jury to determine the winner of Dream Jobs

The special jury consists of:

  • Emanuela Confalonieri – ASAG | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
  • Gianluca Rosso – Sporthype | Università degli Studi di Torino
  • Fabio Santoro – formerly Lega Serie A | FIGC Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio
  • Valeria Santagata – formerly DS IIS Pacinotti – Archimede
  • Marta Serrano Valenzuela – Sport Innovation Hub
  • Rocco Galasso – ADISE – Associazione Italiana Direttori Sportivi

Make a difference, participate, vote now, and crown the winners of Dream Jobs!

180 Degree Consulting Turin ricerca progetti

180 Degree Consulting Turin: seeking projects for the upcoming academic year

180 Degree Consulting Turin is excited to announce the opening of applications for new projects to be developed during the 2024-2025 academic year. We are a student-led consulting organization based in Turin, committed to providing innovative and sustainable solutions for the social sector.

Who we are

Part of a global network operating in over 35 countries, 180 Degree Consulting Turin consists of university students from various disciplines, including economics, management, social sciences, and engineering. Our mission is to support non-profits, social enterprises, and impact-driven initiatives by offering high-quality consulting services for free.

Our offer

For the 2024-2025 academic year, we offer members of Torino Social Impact the opportunity to collaborate on projects aimed at enhancing the social impact of their initiatives. Here are some of the services we provide:

  • Market and Competitor Analysis: We conduct in-depth studies to better understand your operating environment and identify growth opportunities.
  • Fundraising Strategies: We assist in planning and implementing effective fundraising campaigns.
  • Communication and Marketing Plans: We develop strategies to improve visibility and engagement with stakeholders.
  • Operational Efficiency: We optimize internal processes to enhance productivity and impact.
  • Development of New Services or Products: We support the ideation and planning of new offerings that address community needs.

How to collaborate

Collaborating with us is simple and free of charge. Our approach includes:

  • Initial Meeting: Brainstorming sessions to understand your needs and identify priority areas for intervention.
  • Project Definition: Creating a detailed work plan and defining specific project objectives.
  • Execution and Monitoring: Implementing the proposed solutions and continuously monitoring progress with regular feedback.
  • Final Evaluation: Presenting the results achieved and recommendations for the future.

Why choose 180 Degree Consulting Turin

Partnering with us means benefiting from a fresh and dynamic approach, enriched by the innovative perspectives of our students. Our team is driven by a strong passion for social change and a commitment to making a difference. Each project is an exciting challenge and an opportunity to grow alongside our partners.

Contact us

For more information and to submit your project application, please visit our website or contact us via email at

voci di quartiere

The Neighborhood Voices Challenge Begins

Starting in May and continuing throughout 2024, a comprehensive program of activities has begun to engage those who live, study, and work in Turin. This marks the launch of “Voci di Quartiere” (Neighborhood Voices), an initiative created by Urban Lab in collaboration with the City of Turin, the Network of Neighborhood Houses, the Foundation for Culture, and Turismo Torino e Provincia. The initiative aims to foster dialogue, listening, and exchange with citizens and local communities, initiating a citywide reflection on the quality of life, public spaces, and services in Turin’s neighborhoods.

Additionally, starting from May 20th, the ‘Challenge Voci di Quartiere‘ has been launched and will be active until June 21, 2024, as part of the program.


With “Voci di Quartiere,” you can have your say, get to know your neighborhood community, have fun, and discover new things about your city.
Prizes include free entries to pools, museums, and concerts!

How does it work?

  • Sign up for the challenge;
  • Earn points by completing daily, weekly, monthly, and special missions;
  • Win prizes: free entries to pools, museums, and concerts for the top 30 participants!


  • 1st PLACE:
    20 municipal pool entries, 8 museum entries, 4 MITO concert tickets
  • 2nd PLACE:
    10 municipal pool entries, 6 museum entries, 2 MITO concert tickets
  • 3rd PLACE:
    10 municipal pool entries, 4 museum entries, 2 MITO concert tickets
  • 4th to 16th PLACE:
    2 museum entries, 2 MITO concert tickets
  • 17th to 30th PLACE:
    2 museum entries

The winners’ leaderboard will be announced on the website on July 15, 2024.

Winners will receive an email from Torino Urban Lab with instructions on how to claim their awarded prize. Join the challenge and start earning points here.

Banner IJ webinar 1

“Foundations and Principles of Solutions Journalism”: who are the guests of the webinar

Solutions Journalism – or journalism oriented towards solutions – is an approach to traditional journalism that aims to respond to social problems in a rigorous, compelling, objective, and critical manner.

While traditional journalism often focuses on reporting problems, approaches like Solutions Journalism strive to balance this perspective by showcasing effective ways to highlight what is not working, with the aim of informing and motivating people to take action.

Solutions Journalism investigates several key elements: it thoroughly explores the narrative of a response to a social problem and analyzes its functioning in significant detail; it emphasizes effectiveness rather than just good intentions, reporting tangible results; it not only inspires but also offers practical advice that others can adopt; and finally, it critically examines what is not working in the approach taken.

“Foundations and Principles of Solutions Journalism”: a webinar on new approaches to journalism

To understand the role, importance, and approach of Solutions Journalism in the current media context, on Monday, June 17, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, the webinar “Foundations and Principles of Solutions Journalism” will be held. This event is part of the Torino Impact Journalism initiative: through conferences, webinars, projects, and collaborations in the region, we aim to explore how journalism can contribute to promoting change in a context where all societal actors, from institutions to businesses, are called upon to take action to address major environmental and social challenges.

The webinar will be an opportunity for debate and discussion among experts – national and international – in journalism, impact, media, and communication. The event will be an integral part of the training courses of the Order of Journalists of Piedmont and is aimed at both professionals and anyone interested in exploring this topic.

Webinar guests

Stefano ArduiniStefano Arduini. A journalist and writer, he has directed Vita magazine and since May 2018. In 2004, he won the Mauro Gavinelli journalism award, a national recognition for under-35s for the best article addressing a current political, economic, social, or sports topic in Lombardy. He has been involved in social communication since 2002.


Peter DamgaardPeter Damgaard. As the Chief Operating Officer of the Constructive Institute, he supervises and co-develops Research and Development projects, with particular focus on research collaboration and impact measurement and AI. He conducts workshops and presentations sharing his insights on the work of the Institute and the role of constructive journalism in the current media landscape.


Alessia GianoncelliAlessia Gianoncelli. Director of Knowledge and Programs at Impact Europe, the European network for impact finance. She has contributed to the narrative and debate on impact investing, promoting its development and supporting investors, foundations, and all stakeholders committed to making a positive change in society through research, data analysis, and training opportunities.


Jodie JacksonJodie Jackson. Author and founder of News Literacy Lab, she is a prominent figure in the solutions journalism movement, bringing the topic of the impact of the “media diet” on our mental health and storytelling for social change to the global stage. Her books have helped people integrate media mastery into their lives to improve their worldview.


Tina RosenbergTina Rosenberg. Co-founder of the Solutions Journalism Network and writer. She has long been a journalist for the New York Times, writing editorials and articles for the Sunday magazine. Along with David Bornstein, co-founder of SJN, she wrote the Fixes column for the New York Times for 11 years.



To participate and receive the access link to the webinar, you need to register at the following Google Form.

social pocurement

Social Procurement, the Responsible Choice for Companies – Series of Online Meetings

There are more and more companies applying supplier selection criteria for goods and services that not only evaluate the economic and qualitative offer of the product but also consider aspects related to their environmental impact.

But what if the selection was also based on criteria for evaluating social impact?

What if companies, in selecting suppliers of goods and services, started with those that can also generate a positive impact on the community in which they operate?

A series of online meetings has been created from the collaboration between the Turin Chamber of Commerce, Turin Social Impact, the Turin Industrial Union, and the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation to delve into the topic of social procurement, for a responsible choice by companies.

The meetings aim to explore the main aspects of this business strategy by examining both the elements of greatest interest for business development (supply side) and the main opportunities for entering a market (demand side) that, in addition to meeting the needs of companies, generates positive impacts on the territory.

The Turin Chamber of Commerce, which has been active for years in supporting local companies towards greater awareness and social responsibility, also through the Torino Social Impact project platform, has enthusiastically embraced this shared proposal.

The series of online meetings begins on Wednesday, June 5, from 11 AM to 1 PM: thanks to the contributions of Torino Social Impact, the Polytechnic University of Turin, and the testimony of a local company, it will be possible to discover the opportunities that this responsible business practice offers and what tools are available to entrepreneurs to seize them. The series continues on July 3 and concludes on September 24, always from 11 AM to 1 PM.

Registration is free upon signing up at this link, available through the Turin Industrial Union: SIGN UP

The event is part of the Turin Capital of Business Culture 2024 calendar.

The activity is part of BUYSOCIAL, an European project that aims to strengthen partnerships between social enterprises and traditional businesses to improve the market for social enterprise products and services.

Social Procurement - SAVE THE DATE 5 giugno (1)

buongiorno polo

The upcoming “Buongiorno Polo” webinar by the Polo di Innovazione ICT: impact as a competitive lever for SMEs

Impact is a driver of innovation for all businesses, particularly for SMEs, which represent over 75% of the local and national entrepreneurial fabric.

But what do we mean by impact? What does it mean to plan, manage, and measure impact?

What strategic and organisational innovations can be directed by impact?

This event is specifically aimed at Small and Medium-sized enterprises and intends to provide answers to these questions, bringing them new opportunities and knowledge about new forms of enterprise, innovation pathways, and corporate models oriented towards common benefit, such as benefit corporations.


9:30 – Login time 9:35 – Welcome by Fondazione Piemonte Innova, Torino Social Impact, Polo ICT
9:45 – Impact as a competitive lever for SMEs: presentation of Impact Prototypes Labs – Caterina Soldi, Cottino Social Impact Campus
10:05 – Case History of Benefit Corporations and B Corps Domenico Tessera, Sales srl Luisa Caprotti, Whiteready
10:20 – Q&A 10:30 – End of event

The webinar is organised by Fondazione Piemonte Innova – Polo di Innovazione ICT, in collaboration with Cottino Social Impact Campus and Torino Social Impact.

ithanks intervista

iThanks featured on Circular Economy Let’s Talk

The innovative and sustainable startup, iThanks, was recently featured on Circular Economy Let’s Talk, where they were interviewed by Simone Martino, a journalist specializing in sustainability and circular economy.

Is there a concrete way to monitor shelf life, avoid waste, help the planet, and simultaneously benefit businesses?

The answer is yes, thanks to iThanks, the first digital assistant for supermarkets that addresses the issue of expired products on shelves by predicting expiration dates and simplifying product control and management in stores. But that’s not all—iThanks offers many other advantages. We asked the two founders, Marco Cartolano and Andrea Gasco, to tell us more.

What is iThanks and what are the benefits of using it?

iThanks is the digital assistant for supermarkets, the first of its kind, bringing the food retail sector directly to 5.0 by automating the entire product management and control process on shelves while also making the store sustainable. The benefits are numerous: firstly, the heavy work of control and management is entirely handled by our digital assistant, meaning less stress and effort for staff and, importantly, less wasted time.

Secondly, and equally important, is the real control over shelf products, something previously unimaginable. This means better control over the store and the business. Our tested Control Food Line system helps stores improve revenue by optimizing processes and reducing losses.

With real-time analytics and AI, we can map and control everything from an entire chain to a single department or even an individual product, tracking performance. In short, we enhance and optimize stores.

iThanks is also beneficial for retailers, distributors, and producers. Our innovative real-time product control system helps producers with market research and distributors optimize their orders.

Lastly, iThanks truly helps the environment! We genuinely reduce waste and can calculate precise sustainable data for each product, not just estimates. By using iThanks, stores reduce labor time and losses, cut food waste, CO2 emissions, and other greenhouse gases, decrease plastic and paper use, and save on electricity and other resources in the food chain.

Is there a particular achievement you are proud of?

There are several, but if we had to choose, it would be the economic savings combined with improved sustainability that we bring to stores. We’ve calculated that we save thousands of euros for each department and cut CO2 emissions by over 50% every month. These figures show that it’s possible to be sustainable while improving profit margins.

Where are you now and what are the next steps?

We are currently expanding rapidly and are already in ten Italian regions. More stores want to activate iThanks every month! Our next goals are to cover the remaining Italian regions and eventually expand abroad.

For some time now, we have launched our data storytelling campaign—a relatively new concept in Italy but widespread in many other countries. Through this campaign, we creatively and accessibly share our sustainability efforts and numbers. You can see some examples on our social media channels.

Additionally, we have an exciting project nearing completion that will further enhance the entire sector. But for now, we’ll leave you in suspense—we can’t reveal more just yet.

Business Club 2024

Turin for Social Enterprises – Services and Opportunities for the Community

Join us for the inaugural talk of the Business Club 2024 program on May 30th from 12:00 to 13:00. This event is organized by the Women’s Entrepreneurship Committee of the Turin Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with Torino Social Impact and Confcooperative Piemonte Nord.

This webinar aims to showcase the services and opportunities available to social enterprises and aspiring entrepreneurs interested in this dynamic sector.

Social enterprises are at the heart of transformative change, forming part of a broader social ecosystem that demands a shift in mindset and approach. The discussion will cover key topics such as the social economy and its ecosystems, the processes of starting and sustaining a social enterprise, and the critical need for measuring social impact. The program will also feature testimonials from established social enterprises and cooperatives.


  • Simona De Giorgio – Turin Chamber of Commerce, Committee for Social Entrepreneurship, and Torino Social Impact
  • Alessandra Brogliatto – Confcooperative Piemonte Nord


  • Monica Pisciella

Participation is free with online registration required by May 28, 2024, at 11:00 PM. Registered participants will receive the event link the day before the webinar.

For more details and to register, visit: Turin for Social Enterprises: Services and Opportunities for the Community | Turin Chamber of Commerce.

comunità di pratica - parità di genere

A new community of practice on gender equality

On May 21, numerous organizations from the TSI ecosystem came together for an initial discussion on the topic of gender equality. This is a subject that is currently at the forefront of public attention, both in public debate and in policies and projects, such as the national recovery and resilience plan (PNRR), which considers gender equality a cross-cutting priority.

The meeting was led by Monica Cerutti, an expert in social inclusion policies and gender issues. The 19 participants, representing the public, private, and third sectors, discussed gender equality not only as a means to achieve greater equity but also as a lever for community development.
The meeting was once again hosted by Open Incet, an urban innovation space managed by the Brodolini Foundation.

The next steps? Continue active discussion, focusing on gender equality certification for social economy organizations and reducing the gender gap in the digital sector.

The meeting was held as part of the community of practice project, thanks to the support of the Turin Chamber of Commerce and the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.

Il marchio

Mastering the Art of Trademarks: Essential Strategies for Success

The Innovative Enterprises Incubator of the Polytechnic University of Turin (I3P) has organized a series of free training events in collaboration with Jacobacci Lawyers and the Jacobacci & Partners group. These events are specifically designed for innovative startups and SMEs but are open to anyone interested in deepening their understanding of intellectual property protection and enhancement in a business and professional context.

Following the first session held in May, the second event, titled “Mastering the Art of Trademarks: Essential Strategies for Success,” will take place on Wednesday, June 5. Chiara Ferrari, Trademark Attorney at Jacobacci & Partners, will lead the session, focusing on various methods for protecting and enhancing trademarks. Key topics will include critical steps in choosing a name for products and services, common mistakes made by startups in this initial phase, and basic strategies to avoid disputes with regulatory offices and third parties.

The session will cover the importance of trademark distinctiveness, the necessity of prior art searches, and the best practices for using the mark once granted, to maximize its commercial potential and prevent genericization. The advantages of trademark registration and available services to protect its uniqueness will also be highlighted.

The third event in the series is scheduled for July, focusing on “Protecting Software, Data, and AI: A Practical Guide for Startups,” featuring contributions from Edgardo Deambrogi, Partner & Italian and European Patent Attorney at Jacobacci & Partners, Valerio Verdecchia, European Patent Attorney at Jacobacci & Partners, and Alberto Spoto, Lawyer at Jacobacci Lawyers.

Event Participation

The event will take place on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, starting at 5:00 PM, in-person at the Agorà Room of the I3P incubator, located within the Polytechnic University of Turin campus. The venue is accessible from the main gate at Corso Castelfidardo 30/A and the pedestrian entrance at Via Pier Carlo Boggio 59.

Participation is free, but registration on Eventbrite is required.


  • 5:00 PM: Welcome and participant registration
  • 5:10 PM: Opening remarks by Leo Italiano, Senior Consultant at I3P and Program Manager of ESA BIC Turin
  • 5:15 PM: Presentation by Chiara Ferrari, Trademark Attorney at Jacobacci & Partners
  • 6:15 PM: Q&A session with the audience
  • 6:30 PM: Closing remarks and networking aperitif

About the Organizers

Founded in 1999, the Innovative Enterprises Incubator of the Polytechnic University of Turin (I3P) supports the creation and development of highly technological and growth-potential startups, founded by university researchers, students, and external entrepreneurs. I3P offers strategic consulting, coaching, mentoring, fundraising support, and workspace. Its mission is to foster the entrepreneurial ecosystem to generate economic development and employment in innovative industrial sectors. Learn more at I3P.

Jacobacci Lawyers, established in the mid-90s, aims to be a reference point in intellectual property protection in Italy and abroad. The firm comprises 15 partners and over 40 professionals operating in four offices across Italy and France. Their expertise spans various areas of intellectual property, including trademarks, patents, and design, protecting innovative ideas for an international clientele across diverse sectors. Over the years, their professionals have represented clients in complex legal matters, setting significant precedents in Italian and European courts. Learn more at Jacobacci Lawyers.

Jacobacci & Partners is an international group with 13 offices in Europe, including Turin, Milan, Rome, Brescia, Padua, Bergamo, Bologna, Madrid, Alicante, Paris, Lyon, Nantes, and Bordeaux. For over 150 years, they have been dedicated to protecting and enhancing intellectual property, managing 100,000 patents and 120,000 trademarks for over 10,000 clients worldwide. They are consistently ranked among the top in global intellectual property rankings and have been certified as a “Great Place to Work” for 2023-2024, achieving Gender Equality Certification in 2023. Learn more at Jacobacci & Partners.

Call for solution

Call for solutions – Environmental Degradation

The RETURN project (acronym for Multi-Risk Science for Resilient Communities under a Changing Climate) is a comprehensive partnership funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). This initiative aims to enhance research on environmental, natural, and anthropogenic risks at a national level, fostering participation in strategic European and global value chains. By advancing foundational knowledge and applying cutting-edge technology, the project bolsters key competencies, facilitates technology and knowledge transfer, and strengthens Italian governance in disaster risk management, engaging public administrations, stakeholders, and private enterprises.

Coordinated by the University of Naples “Federico II”, the RETURN partnership includes the Polytechnic University of Turin, leading Spoke 6 – TS2: Multi-Risk Resilience of Critical Infrastructures, and involves 26 partners. These include 12 universities, 5 research entities and competence centers, 6 private firms, 2 territorial entities, and the Civil Protection Department, with funding exceeding 115 million euros provided by the Ministry of University and Research. Managed by the RETURN Foundation, the project also features calls for enterprises, aiming to identify and support innovative startups, spinoffs, and SMEs focused on the prevention, management, and mitigation of environmental, natural, and anthropogenic risks. I3P, the Incubator of the Polytechnic University of Turin, has organized a series of events to disseminate the opportunities offered by the RETURN calls to its network of innovative startups and to engage young companies aligned with the sought technological solutions.

The fourth and final event in this series, dedicated to the vertical segment Environmental Degradation (related to Spoke VS4 of the project), will take place on Thursday, May 30, 2024, at 3:00 PM, as a free online webinar. During this digital meeting, held in Italian, the RETURN project and its calls for SMEs will be presented, with a focus on mitigating environmental degradation risks such as forest fires, anthropogenic impacts on marine-coastal ecosystems, and chemical contamination in the environment. Additionally, a startup from the I3P network will share its innovative entrepreneurial project in this field.

Event Details and Registration

To receive the webinar link, please register on Eventbrite.


  • 3:00 PM: Opening remarks and introductory greetings by Negar Mokarram, Business Analyst at I3P
  • 3:05 PM: The RETURN project and its calls for innovative SMEs – Ciro Del Vecchio, RETURN Foundation
  • 3:30 PM: The Environmental Degradation vertical (VS4) and its applications – Marina Lipizer, Researcher at the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS)
  • 3:50 PM: Presentation by a startup active in the relevant field
  • 4:00 PM: Closing remarks and conclusion of the meeting
rieti torino social impact

Regional festival of civil economy in Rieti: the social and civil economy, the future Europe needs now

On Saturday, May 18th, Torino Social Impact participated in Rieti at the Regional Festival of Social and Civil Economy, discussing “The European Action Plan on Social Economy and Its Connection with Civil Economy.”

This event is a stepping stone from Lazio to the national festival, aimed at sharing and discussing local policies and practices gaining traction in the country, with a European perspective in mind.

The national festival of civil economy is now in its sixth edition and is held annually in Florence during the first week of October.

The festival aims to be an open forum for discussion and debate, highlighting the various forms of civil economy present in Italy and Europe, and seeking to combine economic sustainability with social and environmental sustainability.

Regional editions

Starting this year, regional editions are being introduced, with Rieti being one of them. A central theme of the national edition is the participation of individuals, organizations, and the community.

Each pre-festival regional event aims to bring forward a proposal for change that can be refined with the local network leading up to the October festival.

The goal is to engage local communities at the regional level across all components of civil society and as actors in the social and civil economy, to create tangible improvements in their lives and future-building capacities. This involves raising awareness of Europe’s strategic and practical directions in social economy, starting from the action plan.

Specifically, the Rieti edition aimed to:

  • Contribute to a shared understanding of social and civil economy in Italy and Europe by identifying priorities, common intervention strategies, and the social and environmental benefits to be achieved.
  • Experiment with new tools and models for sustainable local development through the creation of hybrid networks and social and civil economy districts. These aim to connect public and private best practices and collaboratively design sustainable development solutions at the local level.

For more information, visit here

Green Coordinator – Open Call

Apply to Green Culture to become a Green Coordinator!

With free training, both online and in-person, lasting 100 hours, you will acquire skills in cultural project design, learn about the latest environmental policies, and master collaborative tools and facilitation methods specific to design. You will actively collaborate within an Italian cultural organization selected by the Green Culture project to guide it on its ecological transition journey.

Green Culture is a training and capacity-building program designed to address the challenges of environmental sustainability in the cultural sector. The ecological transition is a complex challenge that Green Culture addresses by building a program rooted in the intersection of three disciplines: scientific environmentalism, cultural economics, and design.

Apply by June 28, as spots are limited.

On Wednesday, June 12 at 3 PM, join the webinar to learn about the program dedicated to Green Coordinators.

Green Culture is one of the winning projects of the Ministry of Culture’s “TOCC – Capacity Building for Ecological Transition” call for proposals. It is implemented by Circolo del Design, Fondazione Santagata, Legambiente Piemonte and Valle d’Aosta, and funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU.

Event in Turin by SocialTech4EU with participating companies

The two years since the launch of the SocialTech4EU project are almost over: a journey that set itself the ambitious mission of strengthening the innovation capacity, competitiveness, and sustainability of startups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that make up the social economy ecosystem, with particular focus on technological enterprises.

Today, social economy organizations face multiple challenges related to access to new digital and green business models. Examples include precarious financial sustainability, access to funding, inability to attract talent, or low market competitiveness compared to traditional SMEs.

The project’s mission was to help address social challenges on a larger scale, inspiring systemic changes in the traditional economy to accelerate the realization of impactful innovative solutions that would not have been achieved otherwise.

A networking event

On May 16, the Open Incet spaces hosted the event “SocialTech4EU: Innovate & Connect with Italian enterprises. Presentation of project results and networking session”, a meeting to illustrate the results achieved so far and to create connections between social enterprises and local stakeholders.

Organized by the Giacomo Brodolini Foundation Srl SB and Torino Social Impact, the event represented an opportunity to explore the SocialTech4EU project, which is now the largest support and training program for social enterprises in Europe, co-financed by the European Union under the Joint Cluster Initiatives (EUROCLUSTERS) for Europe’s recovery.

From knowledge exchange to new collaboration spaces

During the event, thematic tables were organized where companies, providers, and stakeholders could share their experiences and ideas. The goal was to promote the exchange of knowledge and open up spaces for collaboration, starting from the activities of the companies and reflecting on the sector’s opportunities and policies.

Banner IJ webinar 1

Webinar “Fundamentals and principles of Solutions Journalism”

On the occasion of the event organized at the Turin Book Fair within the framework of Turin Impact Journalism, we launched the start of a series of webinars that, from June to November, will focus on the role of information in the era of the impact economy.

We are pleased to invite you to the first webinar titled “Fundamentals and Principles of Solutions Journalism,” which will be held on Monday, June 17th, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM.

With the participation of experts in the fields of journalism, impact, and communication, the webinar will explain what Solutions Journalism is, its origins, and how it differs from traditional journalism, in order to understand the role and importance of its approach in the current media context.

Given its mission to research, analyze, and narrate reality, journalism can be said to be naturally predisposed to act responsibly and concretely, generating positive impact for the community, the environment, and people. According to this logic, it should also have a role in spreading best practices that help society progress, in addition to informing.

In this context, Solutions Journalism presents itself as an approach to journalism that focuses on effective responses to social problems, which can inspire individuals and organizations to take positive action, paying greater attention to solution-oriented storytelling.

The webinar will be an integral part of the training program of the Order of Journalists of Piedmont and is aimed at both professionals and anyone interested in exploring the world of journalism and impact communication!

To participate and receive the access link to the webinar, registration is required via the following Google Form.

The speakers:

  • Stefano Arduini, Director of Vita
  • Peter Damgaard, Chief Operating Officer of the Constructive Institute
  • Alessia Gianoncelli, Head of Knowledge Impact Europe
  • Jodie Jackson, author and founder of the News Literacy Lab
  • Tina Rosenberg, Co-founder of the Solutions Journalism Network
esplora futura

ExploreFuture: The City of Tomorrow

ExploreFuture: The City of Tomorrow is part of the Sustainable Development Festival and aims to stimulate reflection on ecological transition and social innovation through interaction.

The event promotes awareness of the environmental and social challenges of future cities and encourages concrete solutions. During the event, participants explore ideas that guide the transition towards a more sustainable and inclusive city, reinforcing awareness of Goal 11, which aims to make cities inclusive and sustainable, and Goal 13, which aims to adopt impactful measures to combat climate change. Together with workshop participants, we seek to develop concrete solutions for the future of the city of Turin.

The event is conducted on two levels: an initial expert panel discusses challenges and opportunities in building the city of the future, exploring strategies to engage the community and promote innovation. Subsequently, participants divide into thematic tables where they interact with local stakeholders who present innovative challenges to ensure a fair and inclusive transformation of cities. The workshop aims to create concrete guidelines on the themes of the tables, potentially to be delivered to the city of Turin as a legacy, a sort of ExploreFuture manifesto.

The event is born from a solid partnership between the Brodolini Foundation and Connecting Talents, in collaboration with SitUnito, Omnia Torino, Greencome, and Escape4Change.

Register by clicking here.

Collegio Universitario Einaudi: Open Admissions a.y. 2024/25

The application process for admissions for a.y. 2024/25 to Collegio Einaudi is now open to assign 150 accommodations to students.

At Collegio Einaudi, the study experience is enriched by a welcoming and comfortable environment. Each student will be guaranteed hospitality in a single room with a private bathroom and will have ample common areas such as study rooms, music rooms and gyms, making it an ideal environment to pursue academic results.

In addition to the university academic experience, students will benefit from a parallel enriching training. This additional training aims to develop soft skills and provide opportunities for personal and professional growth.

The call for admission will remain open until June 30, 2024.

For more information about the admission process and to present your application, visit here

Opening and closing dates of the different admission processes

Admission: for enrollees in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year of a Bachelor’s degree or Single Cycle degree and the 1st year of a Master’s or Level I Master’s programs. Application period: March 18, 2024 – June 30, 2024

Postgraduate Admission: For enrollees in PhD and Level II Master’s degree programs, postgraduate courses and graduate schools. Application period: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025

Exchange students Admission: for foreign students taking part in mobility programs or internships. International students (EU and Non-EU) participating in mobility/internship projects. Application period: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025

International students Admission: for regularly enrolled foreign students. For international students of foreign nationality regularly enrolled in university courses at Politecnico di Torino and at the University of Turin. Application period: July 1, 2024 – September 15, 2024

Al Cicapui

Bench-Mark | Ep. 67 – Al Cicapui

In 2019, Al Cicapui was founded between the Valli di Lanzo and the metropolitan city of Turin: a place where excellent craftsmanship meets the third sector and strives to carry out social projects, with the aim of revitalizing the territories in which it operates.

Chiara Ferraris and Nicolò Starnai, respectively founder and collaborator of Al Cicapui, shared their vision of circular economy with us.

Interview by Francesco Antonioli.

Watch previous episodes here.

Impact Prototypes Labs: applications open for students and businesses

Impact Prototypes Labs, the program offered by Cottino Social Impact Campus and the Turin Chamber of Commerce, is dedicated to businesses in the Piedmont region and students from the Master’s programs at the Polytechnic University of Turin and the University of Turin, within an ecosystem of 13 partners. It is a strategic, organizational, and managerial development program, perfect for any company aiming to generate social impact by engaging with new generations and expert tutors in impact measurement.

In the first three editions, 62 Piedmontese companies have already participated, involving 200 students. For this fourth edition, 120 students from the Master’s programs at PoliTo and UniTo have applied to learn about impact and work alongside local businesses.

Now it’s the businesses’ turn!

Each company will:

  • Receive dedicated training on impact planning, management, and measurement
  • Be able to envision new opportunities and develop an innovation project in teams with students and expert tutors in impact strategy and organizational evolution
  • Have the opportunity to experiment with social procurement

All activities will follow the impact logic step by step: intentional, measurable, additional. These principles will be at the heart of every activity in IP Labs.

Impact Prototypes Labs is a systemic program that for four years has involved some of the major players in the Piedmont region: the Turin Chamber of Commerce, UniCredit, API Torino – Association of Small and Medium Enterprises of Turin and Province, Confindustria Canavese, Unione Industriali Torino, Polytechnic University of Turin, University of Turin, Renato Einaudi University College of Turin, Piemonte Innova Foundation, UniGens – Volunteer Organization, YES4TO, Torino Social Impact.

For information: – applications open until June 30, 2024.

Impatto sociale come driver di sviluppo

Social impact as a development driver for professionals and businesses

Today, Monday the 13th at 2 PM, Raffaella Scalisi, Senior Advisor and International Relations Manager at Torino Social Impact, will be in conversation with Carla Bertuzzi, Vice President of Nexto and Head of Sellalab Torino, on impact economy and finance. How can professionals support the social economy?

How does Torino Social Impact plan to involve professional associations in support of impact economy?

Professionals have played a crucial role in the Social Impact Stock Exchange project: an initiative launched by Torino Social Impact aimed at creating a capital market dedicated to companies that intentionally, additionally, and measurably achieve positive social impact, where transactions are based on both financial and measured social impact value. This will also be discussed today at the Salone Internazionale del Libro, pavilion 2, booth L27 at 2 PM.

The contents of this intervention have been organized in collaboration between Nexto, Sellalab, and Torino Social Impact.


fit4benefit amapola

Fit4benefit 2024-2025: Kicking off the first event organized by Amapola!

Today marks the beginning of the second edition of Fit4benefit, an initiative involving the Community of Practice of Benefit Corporations for the 2024-2025 period. The program aims to generate shared knowledge among participants through the pooling of skills.
Amapola, a consultancy specialized in sustainability strategies and projects, inaugurated this season’s journey with a discussion on stakeholder engagement in an online meeting titled “Sustainability is elsewhere“.

A new way of understanding people and businesses, between communication and participation

Alberto Marzetta, partner and client director, together with Micol Burighel, head of marketing and communications, led the group in reflecting on how organizations can better relate to their stakeholders.

The importance of relational capital is also growing: great attention is paid to the company’s ability to dialogue, interact, and share strategies with stakeholders. Today, no organization can be a closed system but must become an entity capable of managing relationships with other social actors.”

For the 21 participants, this was a valuable opportunity to discuss doubts, implementation methods, and the challenges of stakeholder engagement practices.

The Fit4benefit journey is carried out as part of the Community of Practice project, thanks to the support of the Turin Chamber of Commerce and the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.

policentrismo e marginalità territoriale

LINKS Supporting the Third Sector

As part of the 3P4SSE – Social and Solidarity Economy – CentralEurope Network project, where LINKS is a scientific partner, a series of meetings on social and solidarity economy themes has been organized.

The third seminar in the series, “Polycentrism and Territorial Marginality,” will be held in Italian and will examine territorial development dynamics, focusing on the role of social economy regeneration.

The event will take place on May 22, from 2:30 PM to 6:00 PM, at the University of Turin – Luigi Einaudi Campus (Lungo Dora Siena, 100) – Red Graduation Hall.

The program includes in-depth discussions with various public and private practitioners who will help explore existing best practices aimed at promoting the construction of territorial networks in the social economy, highlighting their innovative dynamics.

To attend the event, registration is required here.

When: May 22, 2024 – 2:30-6:00 PM
Where: University of Turin – Luigi Einaudi Campus (Lungo Dora Siena, 100)

argotec spacepark accelerator

Argotec SpacePark Accelerator: open for ambitions

The Argotec SpacePark aims to be one of the most advanced space factories in Europe, with the capability to build more than 50 satellites per year and encompassing its own Mission Control Center to operate missions. This way Argotec, the Italian aerospace engineering company founded in 2008 in Turin, can maintain full ownership of the programs, from inception to the final operations in space.

The SpacePark is situated in the iconic building designed by architect Oscar Niemeyer in San Mauro Torinese, just outside Turin. With over 11,000 sqm of operational spaces, about 17,000 sqm of open green areas, and 1,200 sqm dedicated to its industrial accelerator, the SpacePark will undoubtedly be one of the places where the future of space comes to life.

In this context, the Argotec SpacePark Accelerator provides access to state-of-the-art laboratories and instruments, offering participants a unique opportunity to establish commercial partnerships with Argotec, executing a range of projects and missions aimed at revolutionizing the space landscape. With these resources at their disposal, start-ups and small companies can conduct in-depth research and development, innovate faster, and bring their ideas to fruition. This access extends further to international opportunities, enabling start-ups to connect and collaborate with space professionals and enthusiasts from around the globe.

Argotec, already a corporate partner of the ESA BIC Turin incubation program, will introduce and present its SpacePark Industrial Accelerator to the innovation ecosystem with a public event hosted by I3P, the Incubator of Politecnico di Torino. The event is open: it is intended not only for start-ups and small companies involved in the space sector, but also for those who want to learn more about the space business and the available opportunities with Argotec.

The presentation will be held mainly in Italian language, but non-Italian speakers are welcome and will be able to interact in English during the Q&A session.

How to join the event

The event will be held on Monday, May 20th, 2024, starting at 5 PM (CEST), in presence in the Agorà hall of the I3P incubator, located within the Campus of Politecnico di Torino and accessible from both the main gate of Corso Castelfidardo 30/A and the pedestrian entrance of Via Pier Carlo Boggio 59.

Participation in the event is free of charge, subject to registration on Eventbrite.

Event programme

  • 17:00 | Welcoming and registration of participants
  • 17:10 | Introductory remarks by Leo Italiano, Senior Consultant of I3P and Program Manager of ESA BIC Turin
  • 17:15 | Introduction to Argotec SpacePark, the new space factory in Europe
  • 17:30 | “SpacePark Industrial Accelerator: open innovation to scale up the global space market” – Aurora Bontade, Chief Growth Officer of Argotec
  • 17:45 | “Latest updates from Argotec: technology excellence at a glance” – Alessandro Balossino, Head of R&D of Argotec
  • 18:00 | Q&A session
  • 18:20 | Networking aperitif
San salvario ha un cuore verde

San Salvario has a green heart

SAN SALVARIO HAS A GREEN HEART returns this year to transform the central avenue of the neighborhood into a lush garden.
Under the ancient trees of Corso Marconi, a day dedicated to greenery, art, and culture along with associations, nurseries, florists, artisans, sustainable and zero-kilometer agricultural producers.
An horticultural and floricultural event created to involve the citizens in a moment of active participation in the public space.

On Saturday, June 1st from 10 AM to 7 PM, Giardino Forbito will share best practices with the neighborhood through botanical meetings, workshops, lessons with art and garden masters, contests, and photographic exhibitions, tours, guided visits to discover the neighborhood, and literary and musical moments.

San Salvario Has a Green Heart is a project of the Women’s Association for the Defense of Civil Society, organized in collaboration with Giardino Forbito.

Tina Rosenberg Solutions Journalism

Solutions Journalism Intervenes in “The role of journalism in the era of the impact economy”

Who are the speakers at the event “The role of journalism in the era of the impact economy“, organized by Torino Social Impact within the Torino Impact Journalism initiative? Journalists, communicators, and impact experts will speak on Friday, May 10th at 10:30 AM in Sala Bianca.

Among the names that best describe the positive impact of solution-oriented journalism is undoubtedly Tina Rosenberg, co-founder of the Solutions Journalism Network.

Tina Rosenberg is a veteran journalist at The New York Times, for which she has written editorials as well as articles for the Sunday magazine. Together with David Bornstein, she wrote the “Fixes” column in The New York Times for 11 years. She has also written hundreds of articles, in addition to three books: “Children of Cain: Violence and the Violent in Latin America”; “The Haunted Land: Facing Europe’s Ghosts After Communism”; and “Join the Club: How Peer Pressure Can Transform the World”. “The Haunted Land” won the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award.

Along with Tina Rosenberg, the award-winning journalists David Bornstein and Courtney Martin co-founded the Solutions Journalism in 2013, with a virtuous mission: to transform journalism so that everyone has access to news that helps them imagine and build a more just and sustainable world.

The Solutions Journalism Network by the numbers

Convinced that highlighting critical intelligence accelerates innovation in journalism and society, the network supports entrepreneurial actors, individuals, and outlets that bring journalistic solutions to new markets.

Today, the network includes over 30 team members spread across four continents; 47,000 journalists trained and using the tools offered by the SJN; a searchable database with a selection of “solution stories” from 1,900 journalistic organizations; 100 partner journalism schools; 8 institutional training partners in North America, Europe, Africa, and Latin America, as well as fellows and trainers certified in Solutions Journalism in 40 countries.

Why solution-oriented journalism?

Solutions Journalism is a rigorous, compelling, and virtuous approach to journalism precisely because it offers answers to social problems. In its journalistic work, it includes some key elements: it explores in depth the narrative of a response to a social problem and analyzes its functioning in its most significant aspects; it emphasizes effectiveness rather than just good intentions, reporting tangible results; it does not merely inspire, but also offers practical advice that others can adopt, and finally, it critically examines what does not work in the adopted approach.

Around the world, journalistic organizations are shaping journalism and influencing their communities. It is an international network of realities and journalists that daily promotes solution-oriented journalism to foster equity, strengthen trust, stimulate civic engagement, identify new sources of income, and reduce polarization in public debate.

forum energia legambiente

Energy Forum in Piedmont

Legambiente Piemonte e Valle d’Aosta organizes the fourth edition of the Energy Forum, a moment of discussion among administrations, companies, and third sector entities on the topic of energy transition in Piedmont.

The event will take place in Turin at the Music Hall of the Circolo dei Lettori, at Via Bogino 9, at 10:30 am.

With the introduction by Alice De Marco, President of Legambiente Piedmont and Valle D’Aosta, three themes will be explored:

  1. Energy welfare and combating energy poverty with Caritas Italiana
  2. CERS: a social tool for energy transition with the Polytechnic University of Turin, AEG Cooperative, and Planet Smart City
  3. #Foraclassleap: energy efficiency of the building heritage with the European Environmental Bureau, Techbau SpA, and Veos SpA.

The conclusions will be presented by Katiuscia Eroe, Energy Manager of Legambiente.

Voci | Words without limits: inclusive language with Vera Gheno

The first six episodes of Voci | Words without limits are online. Voci is the column of the Benefit Corporation Amapola, specializing in sustainability and communication. The project intends to shine a light on important social issues that risk being submerged in the constant stream of daily news. The last episode addresses the theme of language in the face of diversity and inclusion, or rather, “coexistence of differences”, as the interviewee Vera Gheno, sociolinguist, specifies, quoting the activist Fabrizio Acanfora.

Is inclusive language scary? And if so, does this mean that inclusion is also scary? What is the relationship between reality and language and how do these two dimensions influence each other? The episode featuring Gheno as the protagonist starts from these questions to stimulate a reflection on how communication, today and increasingly, can be a tool for enrichment and emancipation.

The playlist with all the interviews is available on YouTube.

julie pybus - pioneers post

Pioneers Post speaks on “The role of journalism in the era of the impact economy”

Who are the speakers at the event “The role of journalism in the era of the impact economy“, organized by Torino Social Impact as part of the Torino Impact Journalism initiative? Journalists, communicators, and impact experts will intervene on Friday, May 10th, at 10:30 in the Sala Bianca.

Among the names of pioneering media outlets in the field of journalism focused on solutions, it is necessary to mention Pioneers Post, an independent media platform that addresses the impact community. Among the journalists who are part of its editorial team is Julie Pybus: besides being an editor, her role consists of supporting the team in producing stimulating content about social enterprises worldwide, targeting a global audience.

She trained as a journalist at the University of Wales, Cardiff, and her work has always been based on the principles of solutions journalism to provide positive coverage of how society’s challenges can be addressed, to share knowledge, and inspire people to take more informed actions.

More than a magazine: this is how Pioneers Post addresses impact pioneers

Pioneers Post, co-founded by Tim West, current CEO and editor, has established itself over two decades as a source of quality information, targeting those it considers “impact pioneers”: social entrepreneurs, impact investors, as well as change-makers operating in the business world, civil society, philanthropy, government, and public services.

Exploring reality through articles, interviews, podcasts, and investigations

As an independent multimedia platform committed to “solutions-driven journalism,” its mission is to explore, explain, connect, challenge, and inspire the new wave of innovators worldwide, who are dedicated every day to building a better future for people and the planet.

To offer positive, proactive, and sustainable solutions, Pioneers Post develops its content in some key sections: News and Views – what happened, when, and what people think about it; Business School – how it happened and how to do it better; Collections – thematic content streams curated by partners; Publications – reports, guides, and multimedia content; Video and Podcasts – short videos, classic interviews, podcasts, and newsletters.

Collaborating to support journalism and solution-oriented stories

Collaboration is at the core of Pioneers Post’s work, which has built long-term editorial partnerships over time. The aim is to contribute to creating a positive impact measured today in expanding the reader base, discovering new impact stories, and, at the same time, supporting partners who can tell their stories with journalistic creativity, authenticity, and rigor, increasing their visibility and ability to tell stories to a global and cross-sector audience.

Some collaborations initiated with leading organizations in various sectors include those carried out with the British Council, EVPA, GSG, Social Value International, and with Amsterdam Impact. By commissioning an editorial partnership with Pioneers Post, partner organizations also have the opportunity, above all, to make a “social purchase,” contributing to supporting impact journalism.

Circular economy and food: new perspectives for SMEs in Turin

On the upcoming 21st of May, Turin will become a focal point for discussions on circular economy in the food sector, thanks to the fifth meeting of the “Food Tuesdays“, a key initiative of the “Atlas of Food of Metropolitan Turin” project. The event will be held at the Environmental Science and Technology Park on Livorno Street, 60, starting at 4 p.m.

The meeting is focused on the opportunities that the circular economy can offer to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), with a program featuring talks from experts and institutional representatives. Among the main speakers, Laura Ribotta from the Innovation and European Funds Service of the City of Turin will discuss the city’s food policies. This will be followed by a pitch session where nine innovative food sector companies will present their commitment to circularity, moderated by Franco Fassio, an expert in Industrial Design from the University of Pollenzo.

Also present will be seven winning companies of the “Circular Food” grant from the City of Turin, including Panacea Social Farm, Italia Plant Based S.R.L. Benefit Corporation, Consorzio Kairos s.c.s. Onlus, Biova s.r.l., Mercato Circolare s.r.l. Benefit Company, Weco Social Enterprise, Att s.r.l. Social Enterprise and two companies selected from the “In Cibo Civitas” project.

Barbara La Licata from Environment Park SpA Green Chemistry will outline regional and European funding tools available for companies wanting to invest in sustainable practices.

The event promises to be an unmissable opportunity for businesses and stakeholders interested in exploring how the circular economy can become a lever for growth and sustainable development.

Book now

Accessibility by Design | A talk and a workshop on the accessibility of languages and communication – Graphic Days In the city

The design of forms and contents determines who that communication/product/environment is addressed to and who will participate as a user or as a represented and protagonist person. Designing accessibility “by design”, intentionally, means involving, from the early stages of ideation, those who are most often excluded from places, languages, and representations.

Time2 Foundation in collaboration with GiustiEventi organizes a talk and a workshop to reflect on the accessibility of communication within the framework of Graphic Days in the City.


Thursday, May 23 at 6:00 PM @ Open, 62/b Corso Stati Uniti, Turin

We will discuss accessible languages and communication with:

  • Anita Donna Bianco and Laura Polazzi from Dear Onlus, on the C.I.A.O. project – Inclusive Alternative Communication in Hospitals (Regina Margherita);
  • Dajana Gioffré, Chief Visionary Officer of AccessiWay;
  • Anna Peiretti, project manager of Libri per tutti at Fondazione Paideia;
  • Arch. Rocco Rolli from Tactile Vision Lab.

Free admission. Reservation recommended but not mandatory: seating is guaranteed until the start of the event!
Reservations here


Friday, May 24 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM @ Open, 62/b Corso Stati Uniti, Turin

Hikimi leads the graphic design workshop for the accessibility of environments and contents, through dialogue with the coordination of Disability Pride Turin. The workshop is free and is aimed at a maximum of 12 people. No specific skills are required. Send your registration request by May 22 to:

For information: |

le parole che usiamo

The words we use: how language shapes reality | Salone OFF

Saturday, May 11th at 6:30 PM a dialogue on language and the words we use when talking about disabilities.

A dialogue on the representations we create when speaking and communicating about disabilities, with Vera Gheno, sociolinguist, and Valentina Tomirotti, freelance journalist and activist for the disability community.
Moderator: Samuele Pigoni, General Secretary of the Time2 Foundation.

The event will take place at Open, an open space of diversity, the headquarters of the Time2 Foundation in Torino, at 62/b Corso Stati Uniti.

Reservation recommended but not mandatory: what does it mean? It means ensuring yourself a seat during the event. Your seat is guaranteed until the beginning of the event!

Reserve your spot

During the meeting, the Binary Bookstore will be present with a selection of books as the event’s bibliography.

Accessibility Information

  • The spaces at Open are wheelchair accessible.
  • The event will be subtitled (with automatic transcription).
  • The front rows are reserved for those who need to read lips.
  • Noise-canceling headphones are available for those who need them.
  • In the adjacent room where the event takes place, there will be a decompression space where you can follow the meeting on video.
voci amapola

Voci by Amapola: gender violence with Lella Palladino

In the fifth episode of Voci, we discuss an issue that – fortunately – is attracting growing attention, an issue based on a patriarchal worldview whose deep cultural roots are difficult to eradicate: gender violence. More precisely, male violence against women, as Lella Palladino observes in this episode.

A structural phenomenon

Worldwide, gender violence affects 1 in 3 women. In Italy, there were 24 feminicides between January and April 2024, about one every 3/4 days. According to Istat data, 31.5% of women in Italy experience some form of physical or sexual violence in their lifetime. The most serious assaults are perpetrated by partners or ex partners, relatives or friends. In 62.7% of cases, rape is committed by partners.

Besides physical and sexual violence, gender violence can assume many other guises. This is reflected in the data in the Libellula Foundation’s latest L.E.I. survey (Lavoro, Equità, Inclusione) on the workplace and discrimination against women. Of the 11,000 respondents, about 60% receive a lower salary than male colleagues with an equivalent role, responsibility and seniority of service. With regard to harassment, 40% said they had experienced unwelcome physical contact in the workplace. These two figures are particularly significant, but the discrimination list continues, and extends to maternity, leadership and clothing issues.

L’intervista a Lella Palladino

Lella Palladino is founder of the E.V.A. Social Cooperative and Past President of the Di.Re Foundation (Donne in rete contro la violenza). In this episode of Voci, she talks about anti-violence centres, explaining their activities, the importance of territorial networks, and the methods used to approach women in danger and difficulty. The work is complicated: listening and empathy are core skills for the operators, together with the ability to suspend judgement and respect the woman’s culture and personal situation. The interview then turns to the experience of the E.V.A. Cooperative, which runs five anti-violence centres and shelters, including one for victims of sex trafficking. The cooperative’s main projects focus on job placement for women who have been victims of violence, specifically economic violence.

The episode closes with a look at the current situation in Italy. Today, gender violence has at last gained visibility in public debate, a necessary but not sufficient step to bring it to an end. There are still too many obstacles to women’s freedom and empowerment. Fighting the phenomenon means first of all understanding its cultural and structural nature, based on “the idea that women are second-class citizens, (…) something else with respect to a male universe that continues to regulate everyone’s lives.”.

The Voci series

Voci is the Amapola collection of stories, people and words without limits. It was created with the intention of shining a light on important social issues that risk being submerged in the constant stream of daily news. The playlist with all the interviews is available on YouTube.

zoe mcdonagh salone del libro

The Media Development Investment Fund speaks on “The Role of Journalism in the Era of Impact Economy.”

Who are the speakers at the event “The Role of Journalism in the Era of Impact Economy“, organized by Torino Social Impact as part of the Torino Impact Journalism initiative? Journalists, communicators, and impact experts will intervene on Friday, May 10th, at 10:30 am in the Sala Bianca.

One of them is Zoe McDonagh: she is part of the global Outreach and Strategy team at the Media Development Investment Fund and is responsible for funding and investor relations. She spent almost a decade at the CRT Foundation, where she gained extensive experience in implementing international projects in impact entrepreneurship, data science, AI, and business acceleration. Zoe McDonagh’s professional background also includes roles in the education sector, having taught both in the UK and in Italy, as well as training programs for social entrepreneurs in collaboration with the UN.

As Zoe McDonagh will delve into at the Salone del Libro, the Media Development Investment Fund invests in businesses that deal with information in countries where access to free and independent media is threatened. At the core of its mission lies a vision that sees timely, accurate, and relevant information as a tool to ensure broader participation in public life and greater protection of individual rights.

Investing in independent media to promote societies that can thrive

In many countries, funding for media companies is contingent on editorial conditions. Thus, the Media Development Investment Fund offers an alternative aimed at safeguarding editorial independence.

It does so by providing the debt and equity investments that independent news outlets need to grow and compete with the competition; but also by supporting investments through intense financial monitoring, technical assistance, and strategic advice that allows them to make the most of the funding received. It also helps outlets expand their audience, improve their journalistic products, and increase their revenues.

Funding media for social impact

As reported by the Media Development Investment Fund, from 1996 to December 2023, MDIF has invested in 152 clients in 47 countries. It has also provided financing totaling $316.2 million, including millions in loans and equity investments, and grants for technical assistance.

Starting from the premise that 80 percent of people live in countries with limited access to independent information and news, MDIF, in its 25 years of work, has virtuously and effectively contributed to creating and supporting financially sustainable media institutions that have contributed, and continue to contribute, to political, social, and economic development, protecting the rights of individuals and minorities.

Bench-Mark | Ep. 66 – Open Incet

Since 2015, Open Incet has been operating in the Turin area with an innovative approach, aiming to foster the development of a local impact economy.

In this latest episode of Bench-Mark, Debora Greco and Sara Carrabba, respectively Project Manager and Project Officer at Open Incet, joined us to explore what impact economy means to them and the value of networking with both public and private stakeholders in the surrounding territory.

Interview by Francesco Antonioli.

Watch previous episodes here.

mostra collettiva salone off

Artàporter for the Salone del Libro OFF – Imaginary Life

“The imaginary life drives the creative life, as Natalia Ginzburg beautifully writes in her essay, sometimes anticipating and guessing the events of real life. It also concerns the anticipation of a future that we can build through literature, cinema, art, written words, and the voices to which we dedicate our special attention. Even our secret devotion and our hopes. This Salon is then a tribute to the imaginary life, in all its forms: its creative, melancholic, hopeful, and always new way of creating other worlds and making them meet, even hoping that some of them may become real.”

This is how Annalena Benini, Editorial Director of the International Book Fair, writes.

Ginzburg’s passage seems to reflect on how the imaginary life, or the inner world of fantasy and imagination, can influence real life and the creative process.

Artàporter has invited artists from all disciplines to participate in this open call, welcoming visual, performative, literary, and multimedia works. It invites deep reflection on the powerful message expressed in the above-mentioned text. The imaginary life, with its richness of imagination and creativity, could be the key to unlocking new perspectives in artistic work. It is necessary to take a moment to consider how the imaginary life influences the creative process. Explore how dreams, fantasies, and visions can transform into artworks that inspire and move others. Experiment with new techniques and approaches that can be fueled by the imaginary life.

The exhibition, signed by Artàporter, will take place at the Con/Temporary Space Santa Teresa in Turin, from May 4th to May 13th, 2024, with the vernissage on May 4th at 6:00 PM. The exhibition is part of the Salone del Libro OFF showcase.

Styli Charalambous

Daily Maverick speaks on “The Role of Journalism in the Era of Impact Economy”

Who are the speakers at the event “The Role of Journalism in the Era of Impact Economy“, organized by Torino Social Impact as part of the Torino Impact Journalism initiative? Journalists, communicators, and impact experts will speak on Friday, May 10 at 10:30 AM in Sala Bianca.

One of them is Styli Charalambous, co-founder of the Daily Maverick, an online news outlet and South African daily newspaper that started as a 5-person startup and has grown to over 100 full-time employees. Passionate about leadership and innovation, Styli was awarded the most important South African journalism award in 2021 for courage and integrity for his pivotal role that led to the success of the Daily Maverick.

What he proposes is independent journalism based on the principles of truth, honesty, and analytical depth. Aware of the importance of journalism that not only informs but also inspires positive change, the Daily Maverick focuses on the global challenges of our society: from sustainability issues to human rights, from domestic politics to social justice. In this way, besides being a journalistic outlet, it aims to promote a fairer and more aware society.

Impact Journalism

Funded by philanthropic organizations, commercial activities (such as the digital and print ownership of the publication, events, and sponsorships), as well as reader support, the Daily Maverick has created over 100 jobs over the years, most of them permanent.

Constructive information, measurement of the social impact of news, and civic engagement characterize this editorial project, thanks to a team of journalists convinced that information should guide society in making better and more informed decisions.

Thus, beyond mere information, the Daily Maverick today positions itself as a community reference point, actively promoting the participation of its readers through forums and social media platforms where dialogue and the exchange of ideas are encouraged. This community spirit strengthens the bond between the newspaper and its audience, to create an online space where different voices can coexist and enrich the public debate.


Call for solutions – Water

The RETURN project (an acronym for Multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate) is an extensive partnership funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), which aims to strengthen the research sectors related to environmental, natural, and anthropogenic risks at a national level, promoting participation in strategic European and global value chains. Through the enhancement of basic knowledge and the application of technology, the project contributes to the strengthening of key skills, technological and knowledge transfer, and Italian governance in disaster risk management, involving public administrations, stakeholders, and private companies.

The RETURN partnership, coordinated by the University of Naples “Federico II”, includes the participation of the Polytechnic of Turin, leader of Spoke 6 – TS2: Multi-Risk Resilience of Critical Infrastructures, and involves 26 partners, including 12 universities, 5 research institutions and centers of competence, 6 private entities, 2 territorial bodies, and the Department of Civil Protection, with funding provided by the Ministry of University and Research exceeding 115 million euros. The RETURN Foundation manages activities including calls for businesses: the project aims to identify and support innovative startups, spinoffs, and SMEs with specific activities in prevention, management, and mitigation of environmental, natural, and anthropogenic risks. The program also includes participation from I3P, the Incubator of the Polytechnic of Turin, which has organized a series of events to disseminate the opportunities of the RETURN calls to the network of innovative startups and to involve young companies that align with the types of technological solutions sought.

The third event in this series, dedicated to the Water vertical (related to Spoke VS1 of the project), will take place on Thursday, May 2, 2024, at 4:00 PM, in an online webinar format with free participation. During the digital meeting, which will be held in Italian, the RETURN project and its calls for SMEs will be presented, with a focus on the specific vertical related to the mitigation of water-related risks, such as in cases of floods or droughts. A startup will also share a testimony of its innovative entrepreneurial project in this field.

To receive the link to connect to the webinar, it is necessary to register on Eventbrite.


  • 4:00 PM | Opening of the webinar and introductory greetings by Negar Mokarram, Business Analyst at I3P
  • 4:05 PM | The RETURN project and its calls for innovative SMEs – Ciro Del Vecchio, RETURN Foundation
  • 4:30 PM | The Water vertical (VS1) and its fields of application – Martino Bernard, Researcher at the University of Padua
  • 4:50 PM | Presentation of a startup active in the Water area
  • 5:00 PM | Thanks and conclusion of the meeting
gli ospiti impact journalism

Salone del Libro 2024: Guests of the Event “The Role of Journalism in the Impact Economy Era”

There are those who have been orienting journalistic work towards positive social values for years and those who have invested in innovative tools to promote new ways of reporting. Some have founded a successful news outlet from scratch, while others have championed journalism that focuses on solutions as a means to change the world.

The guests, who are journalists, communication experts, and innovators, will meet on Friday, May 10, at 10:30 AM at the Turin Book Fair to participate in the event “The Role of Journalism in the Impact Economy Era“, organized by Turin Social Impact.

This event is part of the Torino Impact Journalism initiative, which aims to explore how journalism can help drive change in a context where all societal actors, from institutions to businesses, are called to address major environmental and social challenges.

The event, free and open to the public until full, will provide an opportunity for debate and discussion among experts who apply impactful journalism daily to help society progress and inform the public.

The discussion will feature stories from a growing and increasingly widespread movement of journalists and experts from the United States to South Africa, from France to Italy, who investigate reality and address societal problems through rigorous, fact-based journalism that highlights positive experiences through constructive approaches.

We will introduce the guests who, on Friday, May 10, at the Sala Bianca of the Turin Book Fair, will share their experiences in impactful journalism.

Mario Calabresi

Mario CalabresiJournalist and author, began his career as a parliamentary reporter at Ansa, was a correspondent in the United States, and directed La Stampa and La Repubblica. He has written nine books and is dedicated to experimenting with new forms of journalism and narrative. He runs a weekly newsletter called Altre/Storie and directs the podcast company Chora Media, of which he is a co-founder.


Mario Calderini

Mario CalderiniInternationally recognized as an expert and innovator on sustainability, social impact, and Purpose Driven Innovation. He is the director of Tiresia, the research center on finance and social impact innovation at the Graduate School of Management of Politecnico di Milano, which he founded in 2013.


Styli Charalambous

Styli CharalambousCo-founder of the Daily Maverick, which he helped grow from a five-person startup to over 100 full-time employees. Passionate about leadership and innovation, in 2021 he received South Africa’s most prestigious journalism award for courage and integrity for his pivotal role in the success of the Daily Maverick.


Zoe McDonagh

Zoe McDonaghPart of the global Outreach and Strategy team at the Media Development Investment Fund, focusing on funding and investor relations. She spent nearly a decade at the CRT Foundation, where she gained extensive experience in implementing international impact entrepreneurship projects.


Julie Pybus

Julie PybusEditor at Pioneers Post, an independent news network for the global impact community. Her work has always been based on the principles of solution journalism, offering coverage of positive news that explores how societal challenges can be addressed.


Tina Rosenberg

Tina RosenbergCo-founder of the Solutions Journalism Network and writer. She was a long-time journalist at the New York Times, writing editorials and articles for the Sunday magazine. Together with David Bornstein, co-founder of SJN, she wrote the “Fixes” column for the New York Times for 11 years.


Raphael Zanotti

Raphael ZanottiJournalist at La Stampa since September 2007, he covered crime and judicial news for 15 years before specializing in Data Journalism, Visual Journalism, OSINT, and Social Media Intelligence. He was the deputy head of the national web of La Stampa and is now responsible for the city news web edition in Turin.

Mercato Gogreen SaloneOFF

Googreen Market – May | Special SaloneOFF

The Imaginary Life of the Giardino Forbito obviously in the garden! On the occasion of the 2024 Salone Internazionale del Libro, the Googreen Market returns to Sambuy on May 11 and 12 for two days of small-scale productions and cultural encounters.

Saturday, May 11
12 PM
“Imagine that snack!”
With Federico Gordini, Chiara Cavalleris, and Marco Fedele a collective narrative of the very Piedmontese ritual of the “Merenda Sinoira” featuring a Googreen market area dedicated to ingredients, flavors, and the rural gastronomic tradition, the undisputed origin of the now indispensable “aperitif” moment.

Saturday, May 11
2:30 PM
“The Italy of Miracles. Stories of saints, magic, and mysteries”, Raffaello Cortina Editore
The author Marino Niola will converse with Davide Monopoli and Silvia Casolari of the Mufant – Museum of the Fantastic in Turin – who, interviewed by Antonella Giani, will engage in a visionary comparison between past and future, in a dialogue that brings the figure of the Saints, active witnesses of a “doing good” so necessary today, back to the center of everyday life.

Saturday, May 11
3:30 PM
“In Spirit”
Journeys in search of Saints and at the same time of wine productions in Langhe, Roero, and Monferrato. In collaboration with Domenico Papa and Art Site Land, the first immersive tourist excursion will be previewed, which during the summer, will take place in Monferrato, specifically in Moasca at the church dedicated to San Rocco and in the land of the Amistà winery, with the participation of Michele and Jacopo Marsiaj who will talk about their passion for the grapes of this region.

Sunday, May 12
All day
“So Much Hat”
The project by the Well-Groomed Garden that merges street art and the Googreen Biodiversity Market in the name of the regeneration of the Sambuy Gardens and the Porta Nuova ring. A show of “active participation” continuously with surprise encounters among the garden paths and “Whispers,” stories and sounds face-to-face in the garden.


May 7th, Overcoming Tolerance at Pink Coworking | Salone OFF

What does Diversity Mindset mean? Why do we talk about inclusion in organizations and workplaces? If I’m a freelancer or run a small business, how can I concretely incorporate this theme into my content and communication strategy?

Let’s work together on the answers on Tuesday, May 7th, from 6 PM to 7:30 PM. Associazione Acca, as part of the Salone OFF event offerings, is organizing a meeting at Pink Coworking (via Bertolotti 10 in Turin, near Piazza Solferino) on a foundational topic: inclusion and a broad intersectional approach in the workplace.

We believe it is important to address these questions in a rapidly changing work environment, where corporate welfare and inclusion are crucial for reputation and appeal. Yet too often, in the rush for sustainability, they are reduced to merely “cosmetic” actions; this is also an issue that affects freelancers when they are integrated into complex and diversified organizations.

We will discuss all these topics, and more, with Sambu Buffa, author of the upcoming book “Change your mindset with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in your activity”. We will have some previews of the book during the event: a meeting that lies between an interview and an extended discussion with the audience.

Engaging in dialogue with the author will be Chiara Zoia, an expert in accessible communication, and Sylvia Oberto, a consultant for Diversity Equity and Inclusion interventions in companies and third-sector entities.

The event is part of the Salone OFF programming of the Salone del Libro of Turin, in collaboration with Flaco Edizioni; and is supported by the Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, within the framework of the Time and Skills Bank of Pink Coworking.

Click here to read the news on our website, where you can also find a form to register.

For more information:

il know-how come asset per la startup

Know-how as an asset for startups: ownership and enhancement

The Innovative Business Incubator of the Polytechnic University of Turin (I3P) has organized a series of free educational events, in collaboration with Jacobacci Lawyers and the Jacobacci & Partners group, specifically aimed at startups and innovative SMEs, but open to anyone interested in deepening their understanding of the defense and enhancement of intellectual property in a business and professional context.

The first event on Wednesday, May 8th will focus on the most suitable technical-legal tools to ensure the ownership of rights on know-how and trade secrets of a young company, exploring how the protection and regulation of such rights can be an essential element for proper exploitation within their market strategy.

During the meeting, led by Leo Italiano, Senior Consultant at I3P, and conducted by Alberto Spoto, Lawyer at Jacobacci Lawyers, typical scenarios will be pragmatically addressed where startup partners manage technical and commercial information, including interactions with external parties. Emphasis will be placed on the main contractual structures that can cover know-how, relationships with universities and research institutes, and practical measures to solidify contractual provisions.

The second session in this series, titled “The Brand: Basic Concepts for a Successful Strategy“, is scheduled for early June, led by Chiara Ferrari, Trademark Attorney at Jacobacci & Partners. The third meeting will take place in July on the topic of “Protecting Software, Data, and AI: A Practical Guide for Startups“, featuring talks by Edgardo Deambrogi, Italian and European Patent Attorney and Partner at Jacobacci & Partners, Valerio Verdecchia, European Patent Attorney at Jacobacci & Partners, and Alberto Spoto, Lawyer at Jacobacci Lawyers.

How to participate

The meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 8th, 2024, starting at 5:00 PM, in person at the Agorà Hall of the I3P incubator, located within the Campus of the Polytechnic University of Turin, accessible both from the main gate at Corso Castelfidardo 30/A and the pedestrian entrance at Via Pier Carlo Boggio 59.

Participation in the event is free, with prior registration on Eventbrite.


5:00 PM | Reception and registration of participants
5:10 PM | Introductory greetings by Leo Italiano, Senior Consultant at I3P and Program Manager at ESA BIC Turin
5:15 PM | Presentation by Alberto Spoto, Lawyer at Jacobacci Lawyers
6:15 PM | Q&A session with the audience
6:30 PM | Conclusion and networking aperitif


Founded in 1999, the Innovative Business Incubator of the Polytechnic University of Turin (I3P) supports the creation and development of high-tech innovative startups with growth potential, founded by both university researchers and students as well as external entrepreneurs, providing strategic consulting services, coaching, mentoring, fundraising support, and workspace. I3P’s mission is to support the entrepreneurship ecosystem with the goal of generating economic development and employment in innovative industrial sectors.
For more details:

Jacobacci Lawyers, established in the mid-90s, has always aimed to be a benchmark in intellectual property protection, both in Italy and abroad. Today, the firm boasts a consolidated team of 15 partners and over 40 professionals operating in four offices across Italy and France. Its professionals specialize in various aspects of intellectual property, from trademarks to patents to design, to protect the innovative ideas of an international clientele across various sectors, from technology to services. Over the years, the firm’s professionals have represented their clients in particularly complex legal matters across the entire spectrum of intellectual property, achieving landmark precedents in Italian and European courts in numerous areas.
For more details:

Jacobacci & Partners is an international group with 13 offices across Europe – including Turin, Milan, Rome, Brescia, Padova, Kilometro Rosso (Bergamo), Bologna, Madrid, Alicante, Paris, Lyon, Nantes, and Bordeaux – that has been operating in the field of intellectual property protection and enhancement for over 150 years, managing 100,000 patents and 120,000 trademarks for over 10,000 clients of every size, sector, and geographical area. For several years, it has ranked highly in major international intellectual property rankings: Managing Intellectual Property, World Trademark Review, Intellectual Asset Management, Financial Times, and Leaders League. Certified as a “Great Place to Work” also for the biennium 2023-2024, in 2023 it also achieved the Gender Equality Certification.

For more details:

Reusable Packaging Revolution

Reusable Packaging Revolution – The revolution also goes through the supermarket

The Reusable Packaging Revolution project has started in Turin to reduce the use of single-use packaging in large-scale retail.

This is an experiment that, until the end of June, will test two different packaging reduction strategies at some Crai retail points in the city.
For some weeks now, at CRAI at Corso Moncalieri 267C, it has been possible to purchase products from the deli and butcher counters served for free in Around reusable containers, instead of single-use ones. After consuming the meal without producing packaging waste, the container must be returned within 7 days to the retail point, where it will be sanitized and recirculated.

The second experiment, starting in early May, will involve some Crai retail points in districts 1 and 8 and some deli counters at the Crocetta market, where a “pilot” group of 50 people will experiment with using containers brought from home.
The applications to participate in this experiment are open right now. The selected individuals, after an initial training phase, will go to the involved retail points using their own reusable containers brought from home and appropriately sanitized.

To apply, you can register here.
For information, write to

The Reusable Packaging Revolution is a project by Mercato Circolare srl, University of Turin, and Aarhus University, in collaboration with Around and Crai, for the EIT FOOD – POC (Proof of Concept) 2023-2025 call.

scintille chiara montanari

Scintille #3 – Chiara Montanari and the Adventure Towards New Horizons

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of its operations, I3P, the Innovative Enterprise Incubator of the Polytechnic University of Turin, has launched a series of special events titled Scintille: a series of meetings with brilliant minds and prominent figures not only from the world of technology, who have made a significant mark in their field and beyond.

Following the success of the first two events in March and April, I3P is pleased to present the third appointment on Tuesday, May 14, with a uniquely profiled new guest: Chiara Montanari, the first Italian woman to have led an expedition to Antarctica and an engineer with decades of experience in managing polar missions at international research stations.

“Uncertainty has a bright side because it awakens our vitality”. This is one of the phrases with which Chiara describes her relationship with adventure and the exploration of ever-new horizons, often under challenging conditions that require constant ingenuity. This state of mind is familiar to young entrepreneurs who tackle their nascent ventures every day, still devoid of certainties and exposed to countless unforeseen events, but driven by passion and the desire to achieve something never seen before.

In addition to having participated in five expeditions to Antarctica, representing not only Italy but also France and Belgium, Chiara Montanari has managed some of the most extreme research stations on our planet, such as the Concordia station, located at the top of the polar ice cap, at 4,000 meters altitude with temperatures ranging between minus 50 and minus 80 degrees Celsius.

Moreover, Chiara has conducted research in Organization Theory at the Polytechnic University of Milan and at the Center for Epistemology of Complexity at the University of Bergamo, before assuming managerial roles in various sectors and prominent companies. She has collaborated with the Cherenkov Telescope Array, the international astronomical observatory for exploring the high energies of the universe, and currently offers training courses to companies interested in developing the so-called Antarctic Mindset, the ability to thrive in uncertainty. She is a TEDx speaker and collaborates with various non-profit organizations on issues of empowerment in youth entrepreneurship, awareness of research, and environmental sustainability.

How to Participate

The meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, starting at 18:00, in person at the Agorà Hall of the I3P incubator, located within the Campus of the Polytechnic University of Turin and accessible either from the main gate at Corso Castelfidardo 30/A or from the pedestrian entrance at Via Pier Carlo Boggio 59.

Participation in the event is free, with prior registration on Eventbrite.


18:00 | Welcome of participants

18:10 | Introductory greetings – Paola Mogliotti, Director of I3P

18:15 | Opening of the meeting – Adriano Marconetto, Entrepreneur In Residence at I3P

18:20 | Chat with Chiara Montanari, Antarctic Expedition Leader

19:00 | Q&A session with the audience in the hall

19:20 | Conclusion of the meeting

biennale tecnologia

Panel at Biennale Tecnologia “The social entrepreneurship tribunal: heroes or facilitators?”

From April 19 to 21, the Biennale Tecnologia 2024 is taking place in Turin, an event organized by the Politecnico di Torino dedicated to the decisive role that technology has assumed in all areas of human life, from health to the environment, from personal relationships to democracy.

As part of the Biennale, a panel will be held at the OGR on Sunday, April 21 at 11:30 am, titled: “The social entrepreneurship tribunal: heroes or facilitators?” In a simulated judicial process, the narrative of entrepreneurial heroism will be addressed: are social entrepreneurs contemporary heroes or rather facilitators of collaborative action?

Along with Alberto Masetti-Zannini (Director of Global Development for the international Impact Hub network), Marco Nannini (CEO of Impact Hub srl SB), Tiziana Monterisi, founder of Ricehouse Srl SB, and Ugo Vallauri, founder of The Restart Project, Elena Ferrero, co-founder of TSI partner Atelier Riforma, will also participate.

comunità di pratica fit4benefit

Benefit Companies: the Practice Community’s journey continues for the years 2024-2025!

The journey started with the Benefit Companies part of the Torino Social Impact network is filled with enthusiasm and a willingness to face ever-new challenges. Step by step, this path continues to surprise us with new opportunities.

Today, the ecosystem includes 50 benefit companies that have joined the network: each with its mission, its projects, and its vision believes in the power of collaboration and “doing together”. Following the success of the Fit4benefit networking and training program launched in 2023, on April 25, 2024, part of the Practice Community gathered to design new meetings based on the needs identified at the end of the course.

The new edition of Fit4benefit, continuing from the previous year, today shares some important goals, such as creating common knowledge through a peer learning path and fostering new relationships.

With great enthusiasm, today we are pleased to announce the start of the second edition of Fit4benefit for the 2024-2025 period, which includes two parallel training paths:

Fit4benefit “online version”

These are virtual meetings where snippets of content already covered in 2023 will be proposed. These sessions are designed for new members joining the Practice Community, for those who did not participate in previous meetings, and for those interested in revisiting some topics. The meetings will last 1 hour and will cover the following topics:

  • Stakeholder engagement: sustainability is elsewhere
    curated by Amapola
    May 8, 2024, from 12:15 PM to 1:15 PM
  • Social Benefit Object
    curated by Futura Law Firm
    December 11, 2024, from 12:15 PM to 1:15 PM
  • Communicating Benefit
    curated by Synesthesia
    March 5, 2025, from 12:15 PM to 1:15 PM

Fit4benefit “in-person version”

These are offline meetings where some topics related to being a Benefit will be discussed more in-depth. The meetings, lasting 3 hours, are aimed at the entire group of Benefit Companies and will conclude with a networking aperitif. The topics to be addressed are:

  • The game of Good Governance
    curated by Operàri
    June 21, 2024, from 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM
  • Function and drafting of the Benefit Report
    curated by FL20 Studio and Futura Law Firm
    November 8, 2024, from 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM
  • Positive organizations and gender equality management systems
    curated by Uomo & Ambiente and Clover
    January 24, 2025, from 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM
  • Being Benefit: communicate, engage, share
    curated by Amapola and Synesthesia
    April 18, 2025, from 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM

If you represent a Benefit Company, you are welcome to participate in this experience! Write to to register for the meetings.

The Practice Community project is made possible thanks to the support of the Chamber of Commerce of Turin and the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.

formazione psicologica team different

The Impact training program designed for entrepreneurs, HR, C-level, Labor Consultants, and Welfare Managers has been launched

Caring for the psychological well-being of employees is not only strategically important for organizations, but it also allows companies to comply with regulatory obligations to protect the psychosocial risks of their human capital.

In recent years, we have witnessed profound socioeconomic changes that have affected the world of work: from job insecurity to an increase in workload and pace, from continuous innovations to poor work-life balance.

In Italy, about 50% of sick days are due to work-related anxiety and stress. Companies (and individuals) need new skills and abilities to manage current and future challenges, especially in the interests of the new generation of workers. For this reason, we have decided to do our part, this time too, for everyone’s mental health.

Our training program is comprehensive, intense, and aimed at HR, Welfare Managers, Chief Happiness Officers, and Entrepreneurs.

  • 6 training sessions (3 in-person + 3 online)
  • A total of 3 months of impactful training
  • Only 50 spots available

A set of topics ranging from psychological training to corporate counseling; from welfare to high emotional impact leadership styles; from monitoring employee well-being to a corporate culture based on feedback and proper information flow.

It is necessary to take concrete actions to promote psychological well-being in the workplace, and we believe that one of the best ways to do so is through training!

Purchase the ticket for 3 months of intensive on-site training and learn how to effectively implement a Corporate Mental Health Strategy!

The reserved price is 590.00 EUR, valid only if you register by April 25th! It includes a 20% discount on the next TeamDifferent course (we will tell you more about this soon).

Let’s make an impact together.

Browse the detailed program of the course here!

The course is organized in partnership with NotOnlyDesk, with the strategic collaboration of Econgood (Economics Federation for the Common Good), the magical team of GeCo | Generazione Competente, WellWork, and M74 Solution.

faros call startup

The third edition of FAROS, the Blue Economy Accelerator of the National Network CDP Venture Capital

With the launch of the new Call for Startups – a phase in which startups can submit their applications on the dedicated website – the third edition of FAROS officially begins. FAROS is an accelerator of the National Accelerator Network CDP Venture Capital, established in 2021 to promote a marine economy in Italy in support of sustainable development.

For this edition, the selected startups will be offered an acceleration program with masterclasses, one-to-one coaching activities, mentoring with industry experts, networking with national and international stakeholders; moreover, the best solutions will have the opportunity to engage in open innovation activities with corporate partners; the startups will receive an investment in the form of a convertible note starting from 75,000 euros with potential follow-on up to 400,000 euros.

The goal of FAROS is to identify the most interesting national and international entities that develop products or services impacting on eight focus areas of the marine economy:

  • Ocean Data: intelligent systems and innovative technologies for the collection, monitoring, and evaluation of data from the sea and oceans
  • Ocean Energy Systems: creating an energy mix based on ocean resources
  • Sea Health & Restoration: activities for the prevention, protection, restoration, and monitoring of the marine environment and ecosystem
  • Smart Ports & Green Shipping: digital and automated processes for optimizing port activities and decarbonizing maritime transport
  • Sustainable Aquaculture: farming and processing of fish, algae, and mollusks for the food chain
  • Innovative use of marine resources: for industrial applications and processes
  • Shipbuilding: innovative and sustainable processes in the shipbuilding supply chain
  • Coastal Tourism: services for the development of a more sustainable tourism supply chain

Teams can submit their applications by June 16, 2024, and the selection process will culminate in July 2024 with the Selection Day, during which up to 10 of the best entities will access the acceleration program that will last 4 months (November 2024 – February 2025) and will conclude with the final Demo Day event, scheduled for March 2025.


The regulations of the call with details on eligibility criteria, conditions, and methods for submitting applications are available here. The Call closes on June 16, 2024.

FAROS is the first accelerator in Italy dedicated to this sector, created by the initiative of CDP Venture Capital Sgr in collaboration with the Port System Authority of the Ionian Sea – Port of Taranto and is managed by a|cube, an accelerator for social and environmental impact enterprises, and the local manager Wylab. With a national and international scope, FAROS promotes its activities through two significant Italian hubs, Taranto and La Spezia.

save the date banner

Torino Impact Journalism at Salone del Libro di Torino

What is the role of information in the era of the impact economy? This is the question at the heart of the event organized at the Turin Book Fair. From here begins a journey to explore how journalism can contribute to promoting change in a context where all actors in society, from institutions to businesses, are called to activate to face the major environmental and social challenges.

Friday, May 10, 2024 – 10:30 AM
“The Role of Journalism in the Era of the Impact Economy”
Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino, Sala Bianca

An international debate to delve into how journalism can help promote change in a context where all the actors of society, from institutions to businesses, are called to activate to face the major environmental and social challenges. The event will also illustrate the solution journalism movement, which offers information aimed at producing social impact by not only showing problems but also solutions, thus contributing to societal progress.

The event is organized by Turin Social Impact as part of the Turin Impact Journalism initiative.

Raphael Zanotti, journalist at La Stampa and curator of Turin Impact Journalism

Mario Calderini, Professor at Politecnico di Milano and spokesperson for Turin Social Impact

Tina Rosenberg, co-founder of Solution Journalism Network and Pulitzer Prize winner
Styli Charalambous, co-founder of Daily Maverick
Julie Pybus, journalist at Pioneers Post
Zoe McDonagh, Media Development Investment Fund
Mario Calabresi, journalist and writer, founder of Chora Media

The event is part of the SalTO24 program.
Entry to the event is free, subject to availability of seats.

Panacea Banner

Bench-Mark | Ep. 65 – Panacea Social Farm

The food sector offers a prime opportunity to witness the intelligent and beneficial impacts of impact economy.

Established in 2014 in the vibrant barrier district of Milan, Panacea is a social cooperative dedicated to bread production, with a specific focus on strengthening the relationship with the surrounding territory.

Isabella de Vecchi, member of Panacea Social Farm, joined us in this new episode of Bench-Mark to tell us more about the company.

The interview is conducted by Francesco Antonioli.

Watch previous episodes here.

multi risk resilience

Call for solutions – Multi-Risk Resilience of Critical Infrastructures

The RETURN project (acronym for Multi-Risk Science for Resilient Communities Under a Changing Climate) is an extensive partnership funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). It aims to strengthen the research supply chains in environmental, natural, and anthropogenic risks at the national level, promoting participation in strategic European and global value chains. By enhancing fundamental knowledge and applying technology, the project contributes to the strengthening of key competencies, technological and knowledge transfer, and Italian governance in disaster risk management, involving public administrations, stakeholders, and private enterprises.

The RETURN partnership, coordinated by the University of Naples “Federico II”, includes participation from the Polytechnic University of Turin, leading Spoke 6 – TS2: Multi-Risk Resilience of Critical Infrastructures, and involves 26 partners, including 12 universities, 5 research bodies and competence centers, 6 private entities, 2 territorial bodies, and the Department of Civil Protection, with funding of over 115 million euros from the Ministry of University and Research. Among the activities managed by the RETURN Foundation are calls for enterprises: the project aims to identify and support innovative startups, spinoffs, and SMEs specializing in the prevention, management, and mitigation of environmental, natural, and anthropogenic risks. The program also includes I3P, the Incubator of the Polytechnic University of Turin, which has organized a series of events to disseminate the opportunities of the RETURN calls to the network of innovative startups and engage young enterprises that align with the sought technological solution types.

The second event in this series, dedicated to the vertical area Multi-Risk Resilience of Critical Infrastructures, will take place on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at 2:00 PM, in an online webinar mode with free participation. During the digital meeting, which will be held in Italian, the RETURN project and its calls for SMEs will be presented, with some scientific insights; a startup will also share a testimonial of its entrepreneurial project in the field of increasing the resilience of an area after a catastrophic event or natural disaster.

To receive the link to join the webinar, it is necessary to register on Eventbrite.

The first webinar of the series, held on March 21, 2024, on the vertical area Ground Instabilities, Earthquakes, and Volcanoes, is available on the YouTube channel of I3P.


  • 2:00 PM | Opening of the webinar and introductory greetings by Negar Mokarram, Business Analyst at I3P
  • 2:05 PM | In-depth presentation of the RETURN project and its calls for innovative SMEs – Ciro Del Vecchio, RETURN Foundation
  • 2:30 PM | Activities of Spoke 6 – TS2: Multi-Risk Resilience of Critical InfrastructuresGabriele Freni, Co-Leader of Spoke TS2
  • 2:50 PM | Presentation of a startup active in the Multi-Risk Resilience of Critical Infrastructures (TS2)
  • 3:00 PM | Thanks and conclusion of the meeting

Atelier Riforma wins $190.000 grant from Google Accelerator

Social startup Atelier Riforma is among the 13 social enterprises selected from across Europe for “Grow AI – Social Tides”, one of the programmes supported by Google for Startups Accelerator.
Grow AI is an accelerator programme dedicated to social companies and impact organisations that use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to pursue positive impact. Social Tides is promoted by INCO Academy with the support of
Over the next 6 months, the startup will receive tools, technical knowledge, mentoring and a $190,000 grant to grow its technology and business.

Atelier Riforma has designed and developed (from 2021 until now) Re4Circular, a technological tool – based on Artificial Intelligence – used to smartply classify clothes and fabrics that are no longer used. Starting from a simple photograph of a garment and of its label, Re4Circular extracts and records all the essential data to best recover that garment through circular economy processes (such as reuse, recycling, tailoring, etc.).

Connected to this classification technology there is also a digital platform, which matches supply and demand (B2B) of this material, so that the organisations that collect used garments, as well as fashion brands that have deadstocks, – by using Re4Circular – can direct them to all those professionals and companies that are able to reuse the material in their business. This serves to reduce waste in the fashion industry, saving textiles from landfill and, on the contrary, valorising them as productive resources instead of virgin material.

Only two Italian projects were selected across Europe and Atelier Riforma is also the only project focused on the fashion sector.
The other selected social enterprises come from countries such as Sweden, the United Kingdom, Spain, Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania and Lithuania and all use AI for the common good, e.g. to improve the lives of blind people, increase pedestrian safety on the streets, diagnose heart diseases in advance, provide ongoing support to people with psychological disorders, make healthcare services accessible to all, combat fake news in information, promote women’s employment, make agriculture more sustainable, train young people in new technologies, etc.

Between the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024, the Piedmontese startup has been awarded funds (both national and international) amounting to around €250,000, which they will use to improve their technology and spread their service as widely as possible. A project that is the result of a lot of hard work and determination, which is beginning to receive rewards and have its important social mission recognised internationally.

il lavoro viaggia con noi

Tour Truck in Turin for professional orientation and work safety

The city of Turin enthusiastically welcomes the arrival of the Tour Truck, a unique event dedicated to professional orientation and the promotion of safety and legality in the workplace. The initiative, which will be held on April 18th from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, is organized by the Foundation of Labor Consultants in collaboration with numerous institutions and local entities.

During the day, participants will be able to explore six stands offering job orientation services, support in drafting resumes, information on local job opportunities, and much more. Additionally, attendees will have the chance to engage with GeL, the first videogame dedicated to ethical work that helps to navigate the world of work.

The event will open with the participation of the Regional Minister of Labor, Education, and Merit of Piedmont, Elena Chiorino, and the President of the Foundation of Labor Consultants, Vincenzo Silvestri.

This will be followed by a dense program of conferences at Aula A2 of the Luigi Einaudi Campus, featuring speeches from various academic and institutional authorities discussing themes related to safety, legality, and orientation in the world of work.

The Tour Truck presents an invaluable opportunity for students, young professionals, and anyone interested in better understanding the dynamics of the job market and enhancing their skills in a stimulating and informative professional context.

For more information about the event program, click here.

From charity to change

From charity to change: resources and actors in the social economy

Our future lies in the Third Sector

Why does the work of social enterprises still receive limited support from philanthropic organizations? Why are these large institutions —with enormous economic resources— in the last place among impact investors?

We will try to answer these and other questions on Thursday, April 11, from 6:30 to 8.00 p.m. in Dorado (lungo Dora Firenze 37), during an event dedicated to the strategic role of philanthropic entities in supporting social enterprises and third sector organizations.

We will have with us four professionals who have been involved insocial innovation, nonprofits, and sustainable development for years: Carola Carazzone (Assifero general secretary) / Arianna De Mario (Director of Strategic Partnerships at Ashoka) / Paola De Leo (founder and president of Semia) / Mario Montalcini (founder and CEO of Brainscapital). Introduced by Luca Ballarini, founder of Stratosferica.

Participation in the event is free.
At the entrance, you can get your membership card and become a “Friend of Dorado” (€5), which enables you to participate in all the events that will take place in Aurora’s new community hub.

Green Growth Generation

SAVE THE DATE: Join us on April 21st for an extraordinary day!

We are thrilled to announce the event “Global Challenges, Local Solutions: Turin and the G7 on Climate“, organized by Green Growth Generation as part of Planet Week 2024!

What is it about? The Planet Week will take place from April 20th to 28th in the municipality of Turin, a calendar of initiatives leading up to the G7 Climate, Environment, and Energy. With “Global Challenges, Local Solutions: Turin and the G7 on Climate,” our goal is to inspire and engage the entire community to greater climate and environmental awareness. We will have the pleasure of hosting distinguished speakers, including representatives from Greenpeace, Relearn, ECCO, and Climate Fresk, who will guide us in an engaging discussion on the topics of ecological and digital transition.

And at the end of the morning, don’t run away: lunch is provided by Green Growth, with the kind contribution of the cooperative “Karibu Kitchen.”
Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this important moment of discussion and action for our planet!

When? Sunday, April 21st, from 10:00 onwards.

Where? Bagni Pubblici di Via Agliè – Via Agliè 9, Turin.

Register now on Eventbrite and secure your spot!

Startup To Space. Visions and technologies of new space ventures

On the occasion of Biennale Tecnologia 2024, a permanent biennial event organised by Politecnico di Torino and dedicated to technology’s decisive impact on each aspect of human life, the innovative companies incubator I3P is offering an opportunity to meet the founders of several start-ups in the space sector to talk about their vision of humanity’s future in space, the origin of their business idea in this field, and the steps they are taking to turn it into reality.

Among the guests at the meeting, there will be three innovative companies supported by the incubator on their entrepreneurial growth path: AIKOSpace Cargo Unlimited and Space V. AIKO develops artificial intelligence for the automation of space missions, while Space Cargo Unlimited intends to exploit the potential of manufacturing in space for terrestrial commercial applications, and Space V operates in the field of bio-regenerative systems for inhabited space missions. United by their activities in the spacetech sector, the representatives of the three start-ups will share their experience in this field of enormous potential and their perspectives on the future of human presence in the cosmos.

During the event, an in-depth look will be given at the projects and initiatives offering concrete support to the birth and development of new businesses in the space economy, such as the ESA BIC Turin incubation program and the NODES Ecosystem, with its Spoke 1 dedicated to Aerospace and Sustainable Mobility, of which I3P is a partner. At the end of the meeting, it will be possible to meet in person several players in this fast-growing sector and possibly submit one’s own technology-based business idea in the space field to the ESA BIC Turin specialists, for a free initial discussion.

How to join the event

The event will be held, in Italian language, in the afternoon of Thursday, April 18th, 2024, starting at 16:30 CEST, in presence at the Agorà hall of the I3P incubator, located within the Campus of Politecnico di Torino and accessible both from the main gate of corso Castelfidardo 30/A, and from the pedestrian entrance of via Pier Carlo Boggio 59.

Participation is free of charge, only requiring registration on Eventbrite.

Event programme

  • 16:30 | Opening of the event and welcoming of the public
  • 16:45 | Introductory remarks – Giuseppe Scellato, President of I3P and Coordinator of ESA BIC Turin
  • 16:50 | “Innovative entrepreneurship in the Space Economy” – Leo Italiano, Program Manager of ESA BIC Turin
  • 17:00 | “The opportunities of the NODES Ecosystem for companies” – Sabrina Corpino, Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) of the Politecnico di Torino
  • 17:10 | The case of AIKO – Giorgio Albano, Chief Legal Officer
  • 17:20 | The project of Space Cargo Unlimited – Veronica La Regina, Director General
  • 17:30 | The vision of Space V – Franco Malerba, Business Strategy Manager
  • 17:40 | Round table: space startuppers discuss the role of innovation in the sector
  • 18:10 | Q&A session with the audience
  • 18:30 | Conclusion of the meeting and networking aperitif

Event speakers

Giorgio Albano, Co-Founder and Chief Legal Officer of AIKO, holds a degree in Law from the University of Turin and is a qualified lawyer. After several experiences in the legal and privacy departments of international companies, he founded AIKO in 2017 together with two other partners and joined the company in 2021. Always passionate about new technologies, in 2023 he published together with Maura Zara the article “New Age Space Activities: Implementing Earth Observation and Reducing Inequality through Artificial Intelligence“, presented at the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 2023.

Veronica La Regina, Director General of Space Cargo Unlimited, has an illustrious professional background, with current roles in several international organisations and previous positions in large aerospace companies, as well as the European Space Agency (ESA), in addition to research roles at universities in Europe and the United States. Her educational background has included academic studies in systems engineering, space policy, economics and law. La Regina’s contributions in the field of space include publications, research affiliations, mentorship, government consulting and coaching within prestigious networks, cementing her as a leading figure in the field of space exploration and innovation.

Franco Malerba, Co-Founder and Business Strategy Manager of Space V, is a lecturer at the University of Genoa and the University of Leicester, but he made history as the first Italian astronaut: in 1992 he flew into space aboard the shuttle Atlantis, which carried the Eureca laboratory and the Tethered satellite. During his career he has been a researcher at CNR and ESA, held management positions in industry, was an elected member of the European Parliament and scientific attaché of the Italian diplomatic representation to the OECD, ESA and the International Energy Agency in Paris. Today, he contributes to the dissemination of science by organising the annual Space Festival in Busalla, Liguria.

Giuseppe Scellato, President of I3P and Coordinator of ESA BIC Turin, is Professor of Business Economics and Innovation Economics and Management at Politecnico di Torino. His research activities focus on the economics and management of innovation, innovative entrepreneurship and the economics of science: on these topics he is the author of publications in international journals, including Science, Nature, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Corporate Finance, and Research Policy. In recent years he has been scientifically responsible for research projects on economics and innovation policy funded by the European Commission, European Patent Office, EU Joint Research Center, European Investment Bank, MIUR, National Bureau of Economic Research.

Leo Italiano, Senior Consultant at I3P, has a degree in Management Engineering from Politecnico di Torino and has been working since 2010 at I3P, where he provides consulting support to technology start-ups and entrepreneurs in business planning and business development. He is also the Program Manager of ESA BIC Turin, the incubation programme for start-ups active in the aerospace sector promoted by the European Space Agency and managed by I3P.

Vol.To ETS and Fondazione Piemonte Innova join forces for the digital renaissance of the Third Sector

On April 5, 2024, Vol.To ETS and Fondazione Piemonte Innova signed a collaboration agreement aimed at revitalizing the Third Sector. This three-year partnership aims to modernize volunteer organizations through the adoption of digital technologies and more efficient management practices. The entities will actively collaborate to meet the needs of the associations, focusing on aspects such as cybersecurity, compliance with GDPR, and customer relationship management through CRM.

The agreement also includes a concrete commitment to professional training, with specific focuses on digital skills and other relevant areas for the Third Sector. It encompasses the efficient management of Vol.To ETS spaces within the Innovation Block – an innovative experimentation area established by the Chamber of Commerce of Turin through the redevelopment of the historic buildings of Piazzale Valdo Fusi, contributing to strengthening the dynamism of the innovative environment in Turin.

The collaboration between the two entities promotes a fruitful exchange of knowledge and experiences through regular meetings and specific actions aimed at enhancing digital skills among young people involved in volunteering, Civil Service, and international mobility programs. The common goal is to strengthen the digital competencies of Third Sector organizations, thereby promoting conscious social change, building a fairer and more inclusive future.

Discover more

Seminar “Social Economy and Territory: The Third Sector as a Driver of Territorial Development”

As part of the #3P4SSE project – Social and Solidarity Economy – Central Europe Network, for which LINKS is a scientific partner, a series of meetings on the themes of social and solidarity economy has been organized.

The second seminar scheduled, “Social Economy and Territory: The Third Sector as a Driver of Territorial Development,” will be held in Italian and will delve into the role of territorial entities, both public and private, in the social economy.

The event will take place on April 15th, from 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM, at the headquarters of the Metropolitan City of Turin: the program includes in-depth discussions with various public and private practitioners who will help explore existing good practices aimed at promoting the construction of territorial networks in the social economy, illustrating their innovative dynamics.

It will be possible to participate in the event remotely by connecting here

economia sociale e territorio fondazione link

Nutri-Minds: Culture, Sustainability, and the Right to Food at the Ferdinando Rossi Forum 2024

“Nutri-Minds. Cultural Significance, Sustainability, and the Right to Food” is the title of the eighth edition of the Ferdinando Rossi Forum, dedicated to the relationship between human beings and food, which will be held in Turin from April 17 to 19, 2024.

The discussion will take place at the Terracini Hall of the Palazzo Nuovo (April 17-18) and the Aula Magna of the Rectorate (April 19) and will be approached from different perspectives, through the contribution of disciplines such as anthropology, semiotics, bioethics, social sciences, and life sciences.

A disciplinary approach to food

Never before have we been so obsessed with nutrition, with eating healthily. Never before has food become a vehicle for political ideas, a tool for communication and identity building, and, finally, never before have we been continuously exposed to images and representations of food.

From observing contemporary daily reality, and especially the frequent lack in public and academic communication of an interdisciplinary approach to food, the idea was born to dedicate the eighth edition of the Ferdinando Rossi Forum to this theme, realized thanks to the contribution of the University of Turin and the “Ferdinando Rossi” School of Advanced Studies of Turin.

Food policies, food influencing, sociability, and nourishment

The 2024 Forum will delve into the theme through a disciplinary lens, to offer a fruitful and meaningful exchange between different disciplines. The conferences, free and open to the public, will be divided into three days in which experts will be invited to speak on the theme. Among the many topics that will be explored at the event, local food policies, food influencing, popular gastronomies, the beneficial role of nutraceuticals, moral choices regarding food production, the link between food and writing, and eating disorders will be discussed.

The event will be completed by two Round Tables in which selected students will discuss the relationship between food, nourishment, and sociability. The participation of the public in this debate is welcome.

The Ferdinando Rossi Forum

The Ferdinando Rossi Forum is an annual cultural event, conceived and organized by the Organizing Committee, a body composed of university students of the “Ferdinando Rossi” School of Advanced Studies, the path of excellence of the University of Turin (SSST).

Born from the desire to stimulate a fruitful exchange between the academic world, associations, and the territory, it aims to promote knowledge of scientific, humanistic, and social topics of current relevance, through an interdisciplinary approach and with the intervention of experts from different disciplinary fields.

For more information, the complete program of expert interventions can be consulted on the event’s website.


Social Working Day #SWDAY2024

Working together, finding new friends, and building new collaborations


On Thursday, April 18th, from 9 AM to 6 PM, the first Social Working Day of the year will take place in Turin at the new Urban Innovation & Community Hub by Stratosferica: DORADO! A new multifunctional space along the Dora River that has breathed new life into a former Lavazza warehouse.

The #SWDAY24 is organized by MyOrango with the goal of bringing together freelancers, professionals, and companies in a unique location to exchange ideas and foster new opportunities and collaborations. It will be a full day of shared work, aimed at socializing and gaining new knowledge.

During the event, there will be three speeches given by Luca Ballarini, a graphic designer and founder of Bellissimo and the creator of Stratosferica, Cristina Leonetti, a consultant for change strategies, and Andrea Visconti, a content creator and entrepreneur of Reelations.

Tickets available at

fiorile aprile

FIORILE | Gardens & Flowers Exhibit 2024 – Spring 2024

New date, same FIORILE.
Following the cancellation of the March 30/31 edition due to bad weather, we return to the Rose Garden of Moncalieri Castle on SATURDAY 20 and SUNDAY 21 APRIL.

A weekend among seasonal excellences, flowers, agricultural productions, and crafts. Together we will explore the Moncalieri hill, meet new producers and new professions, listen to music, talk about biodiversity and ethical cooking.
It will be an opportunity for exchange, discovery, and participation with the WORKSHOPS of Beesù, Metropolitan Pollinators Slow Food, Floriculture Racca, and Orso Objetos, the IMMERSIVE WALK in the hill by Asd Nordic Walking Andrate towards PininAgri Farm, the ART SPACE of Benedetta Piovesana, and the CONCERT of Strawman & Celine.

Discover more here

Mercato Gogreen

Mercato Googreen – April 2024

April brings the bloom. And the Giardino Forbito brings it to the market.

Sunday, April 14th, we return to the Sambuy Gardens with the Googreen Market of the month: agricultural producers, craftsmen, and nurserymen for a spring shopping in the city center.

From the fruits of the earth to handmade objects, a day in the park to discover our territory together through small excellences and new professions.

Not just a market! Postponed by a month, the art of street performance returns to Sambuy with surprise encounters along the park’s paths. WHISPERS, sounds, and stories face to face in the garden, together with the artists Arianna Abis, Chiara Trevisan, and Sandro Reina.

scintille angelo gaja

Scintille #2 – Angelo Gaja, Innovation and the search for excellence

This year, I3P, the Incubator of the Polytechnic University of Turin, celebrates 25 years: a significant milestone, dotted with the successes of the hundreds of startups it has supported over time, to be celebrated together with the innovative entrepreneurship community through a series of special initiatives throughout 2024.

In the series of special events titled Scintille (Sparks) – a series of meetings with brilliant minds and leading personalities, coming not only from the world of technology but who have made a significant mark in their field of activity – I3P is pleased to present the meeting on Tuesday, April 16, with an internationally renowned winemaking entrepreneur: Angelo Gaja.

Angelo Gaja is the most famous producer of fine Italian wines in the world; the “king of Barbaresco,” a wine that once few considered and that Gaja has made appreciated – both by the best international critics and by the most refined clientele – through the combination of an obsessive orientation to the quality of the product and evolved commercial strategies.

Angelo Gaja has changed the fortunes not only of his family company but of his entire territory, with insights and courageous choices decades ahead of his time: an entrepreneur who has always and obstinately focused on the search for excellence in all aspects of the business: product, brand, organization, environmental sustainability. His bottles continue to win the best international awards and are a must in the biggest restaurants in the world. Even today, Angelo Gaja continues to have a great passion for his work and a constant inclination to imagine and design the future.

How to participate

The event will take place on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, starting at 6:00 PM, in person at the Agorà Hall of the I3P incubator, located inside the Campus of the Polytechnic of Turin and accessible both from the main gate at Corso Castelfidardo 30/A and from the pedestrian entrance at Via Pier Carlo Boggio 59.

Participation in the meeting is free, upon registration on Eventbrite.


6:00 PM | Welcome of participants

6:10 PM | Introductory greetings – Paola Mogliotti, Director of I3P

6:15 PM | Opening of the meeting – Adriano Marconetto, Entrepreneur In Residence at I3P

6:20 PM | Speech by Angelo Gaja, internationally renowned winemaking entrepreneur

Cover banner Dalla Stessa Parte

Bench-Mark | Ep. 64 – Dalla Stessa Parte

For over forty years, Dalla Stessa Parte Cooperativa Sociale has been actively engaged in the Turin area in support of disadvantaged individuals, drawing inspiration from the story of its “founding father”, Franco Malerba. Following a tragic car accident, Malerba made the decision to dedicate his life to a project of solidarity and inclusion.

In this new episode of Bench-Mark, Gianluca Bruna, Project planning manager of Dalla Stessa Parte Cooperativa Sociale, explains how their current activities take into account impact economy, carrying on Franco’s legacy and continuing to make a difference in the community

Interview by Francesco Antonioli.

Watch previous episodes here.

tutoring marcopolo

Marcopolo tutoring course dedicated to ‘It’s Adventure!’ team kicks off

“It’s Adventure – School Years” is the winning project of the Gaming, Augmented Reality and VR section of the 6th edition of Faber. The Formade team, which developed the idea, was also selected by Marcopolo for its Special Award, consisting of a 20-hour mentoring course aimed at refining the project idea from a communication point of view.

The mentoring program was built together with the It’s Adventure project’s referents, to meet their interests and needs and enable them to obtain practical knowledge useful in defining the identity, including the visual identity, of the game and its launch on the market.

The appointments will be structured through online and in-person meetings and will involve various professional figures from the Marcopolo staff, including CEO Maurizio Bazzano, who will offer his entrepreneurial experience to help Formade transform its idea into business.

Although many within the Marcopolo team have already had teaching experience, first and foremost thanks to the collaboration with the IED, with which we have been collaborating as trainers for several years as part of the Master in Marketing and Communication, this will be the first time that we will all be working together on a project that makes our vertical skills available in a transversal manner, and we are very curious to put ourselves to the test, as individuals and as a team!

We hope to live up to the expectations of the young men and women who will participate in the programme, and we are confident that this can be a wonderful opportunity for us to reflect on all the knowledge that underpins the daily work we do for our customers. We are delighted to have the opportunity to share what we know, and we hope that this can be the first step towards a systematisation of our expertise, which can open up more and more to the various players in the area interested in learning more about issues related to the definition of a brand personality, including through the use of methodologies borrowed from the approaches of Design Thinking and Human Centred Design, the construction of a recognisable and coherent visual identity, and the adoption of an effective multi-channel communication strategy.

GrandUP! Tech Academy: Pitch Day 2024

Internet of Things for SMEs without the need for new investments in machinery, digital platforms for sexual education and contact with specialists, advanced tools in the zootechnical field for the sanitation of farms. These are just a few examples of the types of technological projects developed by aspiring startups of GrandUP! Tech Academy 2023-2024, the training program for innovative entrepreneurs, which will be publicly presented during the Pitch Day scheduled for April 15th in Cuneo.

There are ten startup teams selected to participate in the program, who are now ready to present their projects: Dabycon, Euli, myReMuS, OneInput, QRTonic, Saniwash, SE.RI., Smartscholars, Unirooms, and YesPop.

During the event, each team will have seven minutes to present the result of months of work, plus three minutes to answer the in-depth questions from the evaluation jury, which will then select the best project proposals to offer them a pre-incubation path in I3P, the Incubator of the Polytechnic University of Turin, funded by the CRC Foundation.

The Academy’s initiative is part of the GrandUP! Tech project, promoted by the CRC Foundation in collaboration with I3P to support the development of an innovation ecosystem and the birth of new businesses in the Cuneo area. The activity was carried out within the framework of the “Memorandum of Understanding for Innovation and Digitalization of Companies in the Province of Cuneo“, signed in 2022 by the CRC Foundation and the Chamber of Commerce of Cuneo, with the participation of all the main trade associations in the area, including Coldiretti, Confagricoltura, Confartigianato, Confcommercio, Confindustria, and Legacoop.

How to participate

The Pitch Day event will take place on Monday, April 15, 2024, from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm, in person at the Rondò dei Talenti in Cuneo, at via Luigi Gallo 1.

The meeting is open to everyone, and participation is free, upon registration on Eventbrite.

After the initial presentations and project pitches, the organizers will offer a networking cocktail to facilitate opportunities for in-depth discussion and exchange of contacts.


5:00 pm | Accreditation and welcome

5:10 pm | Opening of the meeting

  • Introduction by Eleonora Lavalle, Program Manager of GrandUP! Tech
  • Initial greetings from I3P and CRC Foundation
  • Institutional greetings from the partner entities of the initiative

5:50 pm | Dabycon pitch

6:00 pm | Euli pitch

6:10 pm | myReMuS pitch

6:20 pm | One Input pitch

6:30 pm | QRTonic pitch

6:40 pm | Saniwash pitch

6:50 pm | SE.RI. pitch

7:00 pm | Smartscholars pitch

7:10 pm | Unirooms pitch

7:20 pm | YesPop pitch

7:30 pm | Conclusion of the meeting and start of the networking cocktail


UpstreamUX – Design beyond the surface

Who designs innovative digital applications and products makes choices that inevitably involve technical skills. However, a large part of the design world perceives the development world as something alien, incomprehensible, and unexplored, not relevant to their own domain.

The event entitled “UpstreamUX – Design beyond the surface“, organized by the innovative startup Bitboss and hosted by the I3P incubator on the occasion of Torino Digital Days 2024, will be a conversation that brings UX design and technology to sit at the same table and speak the same language: “natural technical language.” The speakers at the event will explain how a greater technical understanding can help designers better navigate client demands, solve problems before they become insurmountable, and create solutions that are not only visually appealing but also function exceptionally well.

The meeting is open to everyone and particularly aimed at UX designers who wish to take a step forward in their professional development, as well as startup founders involved in the conception of their digital product, to discover how the right level of technical knowledge can make work more efficient and easier to realize. It will be an informal meeting, rich in practical examples and without much pomp, discussing the indispensable skills in this field, even for those entering it for the first time.

How to participate

The event will take place on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, starting at 5:00 PM, in person at the Agorà Hall of the I3P incubator, located within the Campus of the Polytechnic University of Turin, accessible from both the main gate at Corso Castelfidardo 30/A and the pedestrian entrance at Via Pier Carlo Boggio 59.

Participation in the meeting is free, but registration via Eventbrite is required.


5:00 PM | Welcome and registration of participants
5:10 PM | Introductory greetings from I3P
5:15 PM | Talk with Tommaso Salvetti and Riccardo Barbotti, Co-Founders of Bitboss
6:15 PM | Q&A session with the audience present in the hall
6:30 PM | Networking aperitif

project hub

A training day dedicated to the European Programme CERV

Access to European funding for businesses and organizations in the social economy is today one of the main challenges to be faced in promoting the sector. It is from this need that the initiative HUB European projects for the social economy was born, started in 2023 in collaboration with Weco Social Enterprise thanks to the contribution of the Chamber of Commerce of Turin and the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.

On Thursday, March 28th, the first training day dedicated to the CERV Program was held at the Cottino Social Impact Campus, bringing together 18 people from 10 partner organizations of Turin Social Impact interested in deepening the four main pillars, objectives, and calls of the program.

The CERV Program “Citizens, equality, rights, and values”

The program aims to support and develop open societies, based on rights, democratic, fair, and inclusive founded on the rule of law. This includes promoting a dynamic and autonomous civil society that encourages democratic, civic, and social participation of citizens and nurtures the rich diversity of European society based on the values, history, and memory we share.

The CERV program is structured around four pillars:

  1. Equality, rights, and gender equality: promotion of rights, non-discrimination, and equality; integration of gender policies and non-discrimination at all levels
  2. Citizen involvement and participation: promotion of citizen involvement and participation in the democratic life of the Union, exchanges between citizens of different Member States, and knowledge of common European history
  3. Daphne: combating violence, including gender-based violence and violence against children
  4. Union values: protection and promotion of Union values.

A day of capacity building and workshops on open calls

During the morning, Maria Chiara Pizzorno, senior expert at Weco Social Enterprise and evaluator of numerous European programs, led an infosession on the program. In addition, Chiara Mantegazza and Matteo Pizzi from the Danish Refugee Council shared their experience in CERV project design and grant management with participants, in a peer-to-peer learning approach.

In the afternoon, organizations, divided into working groups, designed projects on the open calls “To prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children CERV-2024-DAPHNE” and “European Remembrance CERV-2024-CITIZENS-REM”, which will expire in May 2024.

Many themes were proposed: from recalling the historical memory of migratory flows in European cities, to preventing gender-based violence against men at risk of reoffending, to promoting youth awareness of the European Union of peoples, rights, and democracy.

A fruitful exchange of ideas, tools, and skills to enhance the European project design capacity of the TSI ecosystem!

Borealis, an imaginary Aurora… in Reale Mutua’s new contest to help us open the new space dedicated to art and community

In the heart of Aurora, Borealis is about to open, a new center dedicated to art and social innovation whose programming will be defined through participatory management mechanisms.

It is a venue of over 700 square meters born with the ambition of creating a home open to all forms of participation and cultural citizenship that we have experienced so far and which, perhaps, have been lacking in the city of Turin lately.

The project by Kaninchen-Haus APS is in the final round of the new competition promoted by Reale Mutua Foundation… if it is among the 4 most voted projects on the web and on social media, we will win 10,000 euros that we will use to make this space compliant, safe, accessible, and soundproofed, in order to give Turin a place that offers a varied cultural program every day and make all activities sustainable, occasionally organizing some parties.

You can help us both by voting and by sharing this appeal with all those who could benefit from the opening of this new space:

  1. Contest website: give 5 stars to the project, enter your name and email (you will receive a confirmation request)
  2. Like this post
  3. A nice like to this post

Sport Innovation Hub participates in the Sport City Meeting in the city of Pietrasanta

This year too, we participated in the Sport City Meeting in the wonderful setting of the city of Pietrasanta in Versilia.

Together with the Sportcity Foundation, we have committed to promoting the Republic of Movement starting from the new generations involved in the Dream Jobs project. Signing this agreement were our president Gianni Lanfranco, along with vice president Franco Frasca and president Fabio Pagliara, to whom we acknowledge the credit for the excellent organization of the event with the Administrators of the city of Pietrasanta.

Words of encouragement and future prospects were expressed by the Minister for Sport and Youth, Andrea Abodi, and interesting testimonies were shared by those who are dedicated to sports at every level on a daily basis, such as Mauro Berruto, Daniela Sbrollini, Silvia Salis, and many others.

As a testament to the great value, both in sports and professionally, of the NextGen, we were also joined by Leonardo Citti, former goalkeeper of the Juventus Football Club youth sector, now goalkeeper of Pietrasanta, as well as soon-to-be a chartered accountant. Honor to the young athletes and professionals!

evoluzioni transizione digitale

New call “Evoluzioni”

New call “Evoluzioni” to support social economy organizations and the third sector in the design and implementation of strategies and processes for digital transition.

The new call “Evoluzioni – Transizione digitale nell’economia sociale” is aimed at social economy entities operating in the territories of Piedmont, Liguria, Aosta Valley, and Lombardy. In continuity with the previous edition of the initiative, the “Evoluzioni” call will unfold through four areas of digital transition: digital transformation of processes; service and product innovation; data-driven organization and marketing, communication, and fundraising.

In line with the elements identified by the European Commission towards green and digital transitions, this new edition of the initiative reserves particular attention to the themes of the Twin transition, identifying among the primary objectives of the call the desire to accompany entities through the development of economically sustainable solutions, with low environmental impact and high social impact.

Online event for the presentation of the call on April 10th at 11:00 am, prior registration at this link.

Applications by May 30, 2024.

Discover more

Mercato itinerante MI app

MERCATO ITINERANTE: When you can’t go to the market, the market comes to you!

MI allows you to purchase directly from local markets through the app and receive products at home or at the workplace. The service offered is not just a simple online food marketplace, but a service of social, environmental, and food sustainability.

Local markets, the cultural, social, and economic heritage of cities, are going through a phase of great difficulty and are disappearing. More and more businesses are forced to close, unable to compete with the large companies present in the sector.

From a social perspective, the work is structured in synergy with small businesses to create a territorial ecosystem based on proximity services. By aggregating market stalls and small commercial activities, it is possible to offer an online sales and home delivery system.

Third sector associations present in the area of interest are involved, with particular attention to the work integration of disadvantaged people.

Deliveries are made with zero environmental and noise impact thanks to the use of cargo bikes, which, by reducing city traffic, improve traffic flow.

Great attention is also paid to packaging. The system is based on returnable packaging practices; all packaging is recovered from customers, sanitized, and reused for subsequent orders.

From a food perspective, only locally sourced products are promoted, educating the consumer through the offering of seasonal products.

As a marketplace, each seller has access to and control over their own product showcase. Sales go directly to the customer, and thanks to the professionalism present in the markets, the customer can customize products. For example, it is possible to choose the ripeness of fruit, the cut of meats and cheeses, the cleaning of fish, coffee grinding, vacuum sealing, and many other customized options.

Companies are offered agreements with discounts, welfare services, and benefits for employees, and delivery directly to the workplace or home (which can always be monitored as Welfare): an initiative that values employees and supports the local economy.

Learn more: Wandering Market – The freshness of the market at your doorstep.

Fondazione Links

Conference on Public Policies in the Social and Solidarity Economy

As part of the project #3P4SSE – Social and Solidarity Economy – CentralEurope Network, in which LINKS Foundation is scientific partner, a series of meetings has been organized on the topics of social and solidarity economy.

The first event, a conference on Public Policies in the Social and Solidarity Economy, will be held next March 27, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at the Collegio Carlo Alberto: scheduled discussions with experts and stakeholders, who will help explore concepts such as social clusters, regional development and new regulatory frameworks for the social economy. The event will be in Italian and English.

For more information and the full agenda for the meeting: click here.

It will be possible to attend the event remotely by connecting to this link.

impact prototypes lab

Infoday Impact Prototypes Labs-IV edition

Thursday, April 4th, 2024
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Webinar on Webex

The IV edition of the Impact Prototypes Labs program, proposed by Cottino Social Impact Campus and the Chamber of Commerce of Turin, dedicated to companies in the Piedmont region and to students of the Master’s Degree Courses at the Polytechnic University of Turin and the University of Turin, is kicking off.

IP Labs is a practical training and support program for sustainability, aimed at companies wishing to embark on a path of strategic, organizational, and managerial evolution and innovation, through projects that combine competitiveness and market positioning objectives with the achievement and measurement of positive impact.

Impact Prototypes Labs is a systemic program that has been involving some of the major players in the Piedmont region for four years: Chamber of Commerce of Turin, Cottino Social Impact Campus, UniCredit, Api Torino, Confindustria Canavese, Unione Industriali Torino, Polytechnic University of Turin, University of Turin, Fondazione Collegio Einaudi, Fondazione Piemonte innova, Unigens, YES4TO, Torino Social Impact.

In the first 3 editions, 62 Piedmontese companies have already participated, and 200 students have been involved.

Participating companies will be guided through the analysis of their starting situation to develop new opportunities and projects, guided by competent tutoring in corporate strategy, management, impact measurement, and engaging with young minds to embrace new visions and skills.

On April 4th, the Chamber of Commerce of Turin and Cottino Social Impact Campus, with Api Torino, Confindustria Canavese, and Unione Industriali Torino, are organizing a webinar to present the fourth edition of Impact Prototypes Labs, to delve into its benefits for companies and grasp the connections between innovation, organizational evolution, and impact.


2:30 PM
Introductory Greeting
Guido Cerrato, Manager, Area for Territorial Promotion and Market Regulation, Chamber of Commerce of Turin

Impact Prototypes Labs IV edition – Program Introduction
Caterina Soldi, Cottino Social Impact Campus – IP Labs Management

2:45 PM
Innovating through Impact – Meanings and Opportunities
Mario Calderini, Scientific Advisor, Cottino Social Impact Campus, and Full Professor, Polytechnic University of Milan, spokesperson for Torino Social Impact

3:00 PM
What Evolution of Business for Impact?
Marella Caramazza, Board Member CSIC, and Strategic Direction CeVIS – Center of Competences for Impact Measurement and Evaluation

3:15 PM
Program Phases of IP Labs and Benefits for Companies
Caterina Soldi, Cottino Social Impact Campus – IP Labs Management

3:30 PM
Q&A – Closing

Free participation upon online registration.

Registered attendees will be able to join the event by clicking on the link they will receive the day before the webinar.
It is not necessary to download the Webex application to your device.

For information:


Open Call Sefit: an afternoon of planning to promote the green and digital transition

It’s possible to promote a fairer and more inclusive green and digital transition, one that considers vulnerable groups and new generations?

On Wednesday, March 20, several organizations in Turin – part of the Community of Practice that brings together circular economy initiatives of Torino Social Impact – embarked on a new challenge: to brainstorm and propose innovative projects to submit to the SEFIT Open Call, a European project by Fondazione Brodolini and the City of Turin.

The spaces of Open Incet provided the perfect setting for an afternoon entirely dedicated to project design: the presence of Weco Impresa Sociale was invaluable, as they facilitated the workshop, guiding organizations in ideating and drafting project proposals. The Fondazione Brodolini also played a crucial role, addressing questions and curiosities from the entities during an info session dedicated to the SEFIT project earlier that morning.


The Open Call, aimed at SMEs and Third Sector Organizations, offers a non-repayable grant for the implementation of the proposed innovation and provides a capacity-building program to support its realization. Thus, the workshop focused on the challenges related to innovative proposals: what needs and solutions were identified, what local impact can be achieved, and how the project can be scalable and replicable at a national level.


Throughout the afternoon, the participating organizations worked on two main areas: Financial and Consumer Education, conceived as a response to the growing poverty caused by rising energy costs and lack of awareness regarding energy conservation; and green jobs, aimed at increasing resilience to climate change through training and employment of disadvantaged individuals in the green economy sector.

Several diverse and innovative ideas emerged and were shared with the group of participants: from reducing waste in the agri-food chain to promoting a renewable energy community in urban areas, to designing a platform to build virtuous and local relationships based on mutual aid.

A big thank you to all participants for this enriching day, and best of luck to everyone for the submission of their projects!

blockchain revolution

Blockchain Revolution: a journey between finance and technology

The blockchain, a technology that is revolutionizing the way digital transactions are conceived and managed, will be the focal point of this informative meeting to be held at the I3P incubator in Turin. Starting from its origins and the Cypherpunk movement, the event will propose an exploration of the path that led to the birth of Bitcoin and the subsequent expansion of the cryptocurrency market. Coinbase, initially founded as a cryptocurrency wallet, has played and continues to play a key role in the adoption and promotion of digital assets.

In addition to the basics of blockchain and the history of Coinbase, concepts such as Ethereum, Smart Contracts, the difference between Fungible and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), and much more will be examined. We will delve into the distinction between centralized and decentralized finance, as well as the role and types of wallets in securing cryptocurrencies.

Blockchain is not just a tool for financial transactions, but an ecosystem of companies, innovations, and entrepreneurs in constant and rapid evolution. This sector offers solutions for the transition from a centralized online world, dominated by major players in computing (Google, Amazon, Meta…), to decentralization, emphasizing the importance of transparency, security, and traceability.

How to participate

The event will take place on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, starting at 6:00 PM, in person at the Agorà Room of the I3P incubator, located within the Campus of the Polytechnic University of Turin and accessible from both the main gate of corso Castelfidardo 30/A and the pedestrian entrance of via Pier Carlo Boggio 59.

Participation in the meeting is free, upon registration on Eventbrite.


6:00 PM | Welcome of participants

6:15 PM | Introduction by Adriano Marconetto, Entrepreneur In Residence at I3P

6:20 PM | Speech by Daniel Seifert, Vice President & Regional Managing Director EMEA at Coinbase

6:40 PM | Speech by Claudio Fallica, Community Manager at Coinbase Italia

7:20 PM | Q&A session with the audience present in the room

7:30 PM | Conclusion of the meeting and networking aperitif

amapola certificazione per la parità di genere

Amapola obtains gender equality certification

Parity is a dynamic issue, one that needs to be constantly and carefully cultivated with sensitivity and a willingness always to meet a challenge. Amapola has obtained gender equality certification, in compliance with the UNI/PdR 125:2022 standard, from Ancis! An important acknowledgement setting out in black and white the consultancy deeply felt commitment to gender equality.

Amapola is a sustainability and communication consultancy, part of Torino Social Impact network. «Gender equality has always been a cornerstone of Amapola’s identity, and is particularly significant considering that two thirds of our team are women,» says founder and partner Luca Valpreda. «And of course sustainability consultancy is our business: this was a logical step for us because sustainability cannot exist without equality.»

Gender equality: the context

Despite the progress that has been made in recent years, there is still a great deal to do. This is confirmed by the data in the latest edition of the Survey L.E.I. (Lavoro, Equità, Inclusione) published by Fondazione Libellula, which was answered by more than 11,000 working women. About 60% receive a lower salary than male colleagues with an equivalent role, responsibility and seniority of service. With regard to harassment, 40% said they had experienced unwelcome physical contact in the workplace. These two figures are particularly significant, but the discrimination list continues, and refers to maternity, leadership and clothing issues.

«The World Economic Forum says we will not manage to bridge the gap between men and women until 2154 comments Micol Burighel, Gender Equality Officer at Amapola and the company’s Head of Communication. «To fight systemic inequality, which affects businesses and industries indiscriminately (and, as we know, the communications world is no exception), we need a systemic commitment.»

Policies, procedures and objectives in Amapola

To obtain gender equality certification, companies must satisfy six key indicators relating to internal policies: culture and strategy, governance, HR processes, growth opportunities and inclusion of women in the workplace, gender-based pay equality, support for parenting and work-life balance. The Amapola Strategic Gender Equality Plan sets clear objectives: promotion and strengthening of an inclusive corporate culture, protection of female representation in the workplace with attention to management roles, respect for inclusive processes that guarantee equality in every corporate area (selection, recruitment, career development, pay, parenting policies and work-life balance), awareness-raising measures, and internal and external communication.

«Our gender equality objectives translate into concrete action,» Burighel continues, «such as a two-month extension for maternity and paternity leave – including fostering and adoption – compared with statutory leave, the extension of leave on the birth of a child from 10 to 30 days, free and flexible smart working to facilitate the work-life balance, internal climate surveyszero tolerance of harassment, a structured training plan. In this area, for example, in 2024 the entire Amapola team will take part in training organised by the Human Art agency on recognition of gender violence and use of equality-based language.»

Working for female empowerment means monitoring, listening, acting, giving women a voice, amplifying.

Cover banner Benchmark UGI

Bench-Mark | Ep. 63 – UGI Unione Genitori Italiani ODV

For over thirty years, UGI – Unione Genitori Italiani ODV, has been committed to supporting families with children affected by pediatric oncology.

In this latest episode of Bench-Mark, we hear from Massimo Mondini, Executive Director of UGI ODV, as he shares how the actions promoted by the association lead to a positive social impact on the territory.

Interview by Francesco Antonioli.

Watch previous episodes here.

Mai Troppo Tardi

Become a protagonist of social innovation, apply for “Never Too Late” 2024!

Are you between 18 and 29 years old and residing in Novara or its province? Are you looking for a program that equips you with the necessary skills to turn an idea into a business project?

“Never Too Late” is your opportunity to engage in “startup prototyping” or simply to expand your knowledge in the field of Social Innovation and the Silver Economy.

+30 hours of free training, 8 face-to-face modules with professionals and industry experts, and a budget of up to €10,000 for prototyping ideas selected for the second phase of the project.

The training program is organized by TOP-IX, CSCI, Scuola Open Source, Vision&Value, in collaboration with the Municipality of Novara and with the support of Fondazione Social Venture Giordano Dell’Amore. Activities will take place at nòva – Ex Caserma Passalacqua, from April 29 to June 21.

The call for participation will remain open until April 12, 2024.

All information and the registration form are available on the website.
For any doubts or questions, write to

call for solutions i3p

Call for solutions – Ground Instabilities, Earthquakes and Volcanoes

The RETURN project (acronym for Multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate) is an extensive partnership, funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), aimed at strengthening research chains on environmental, natural, and anthropogenic risks at the national level, promoting participation in strategic European and global value chains. Through the enhancement of basic knowledge and the application of technology, the project contributes to strengthening key skills, technology and knowledge transfer, as well as Italian governance in disaster risk management, involving public administrations, stakeholders, and private companies.

The RETURN partnership, coordinated by the University of Naples “Federico II”, involves the participation of the Polytechnic University of Turin, leader of Spoke 6 – TS2: Multi-Risk Resilience of Critical Infrastructures, and includes 26 partners, including 12 universities, 5 research institutions and competence centers, 6 private entities, 2 territorial bodies, and the Department of Civil Protection, with an investment of over 115 million euros provided by the Ministry of University and Research. Among the activities managed by the RETURN Foundation, there are calls for proposals for companies: the project aims to identify and support startups, spinoffs, and innovative SMEs with specific activities in the prevention, management, and mitigation of environmental, natural, and anthropogenic risks. The program also involves I3P, the Incubator of the Polytechnic University of Turin, which has organized a series of events to disseminate the opportunities of the RETURN calls for proposals to the network of innovative startups and to engage young companies more in line with the types of technological solutions sought.

The first event of this series, dedicated to the vertical scope of Ground Instabilities, Earthquakes, and Volcanoes, will take place on Thursday, March 21, 2024, at 2:30 PM, in an online webinar mode with free participation. During the digital meeting, which will be held in Italian, the RETURN project and its calls for proposals for SMEs will be presented, along with some scientific insights; furthermore, a startup will provide a testimony of its entrepreneurial project in the field of seismic risk assessment.

To receive the link to join the webinar, registration on Eventbrite is required.


2:30 PM | Opening of the webinar and introductory greetings by Negar Mokarram, Business Analyst at I3P
2:35 PM | In-depth presentation of the RETURN project and its calls for proposals for innovative SMEs – Ciro Del Vecchio, RETURN Foundation
3:00 PM | Intervention by Salvatore Martino, Full Professor in Applied Geology at the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and the CERI research center for Geological Risks
3:20 PM | Pitch by a startup active in the field of Ground Instabilities (VS2)
3:30 PM | Thanks and conclusion of the meeting

The dialogue between Italian cities and TSI on the Social Economy continues

After recent meetings with Reggio Emilia and Bologna, TSI had the pleasure of hosting yesterday in Turin the Consorzio Consolida from Trento, a valuable member of the National Consortium CGM.

During the meeting, Mario Calderini, spokesperson for Torino Social Impact, provided valuable insights into the genesis and development of the social impact ecosystem to a delegation led by the president of the Consortium, Francesca Gennai, and accompanied by Flaviano Zandonai.

This meeting was an opportunity to share the mission, values, and ongoing projects of TSI. The strength of this ecosystem lies in its ability to foster collaboration, inspire innovation, and serve as a model for others.

The new call for social impact startup Planet Foundamentals is open!

Your impact startup is ready to grow and attract investments? Applications are now open for the new edition of PLANET FOUNDAMENTALS!

The new call from SocialFare | Centro per l’Innovazione Sociale is aimed at social impact startups capable of offering innovative products, services, and models that can effectively address the fundamental challenges upon which the future of our society and planet depends:

Impact Startups via Good Technologies
Education | Health | Environment | Culture | Consumption

What Planet Foundamentals offers:

4 months of intensive acceleration, support from a team of multidisciplinary professionals, access to a prestigious network of mentors and investors, and up to €125k of seed investment for each startup.

Born with the aim of supporting the development of early-stage entrepreneurial ideas, the PLANET FOUNDAMENTALS call is now in its 16th edition. 16 acceleration programs, therefore, implemented since 2016 through which we have supported over 100 startups that have collectively raised over €40M in funding to date.

Who the call is for:

The call selects social impact startups led by motivated teams dedicated to growing together with SocialFare to initiate processes of positive and scalable change.

  • Development stage: early-stage startups with validated prototypes and a product on the market
  • Legal form: established companies (innovative startups, SIASV, S.r.l.) and entities still in the process of formation
  • Social innovation: we address intentionally, additional, and measurable social impact startups that stand out for offering a highly innovative product/service

Why participate in the call for impact startup Planet Foundamentals

For the best social impact startups, the program offers:

  1. 4 months of intensive acceleration: full-time offline and online program at Rinascimenti Sociali, Turin
  2. Cash seed fund up to €125K: in exchange for a percentage of equity up to 15%
  3. Dedicated acceleration team: experts in service design, business planning, investment readiness, social impact assessment
  4. Networking with 50+ mentors and investors: access to our prestigious network of impact investors, mentors, and advisors
  5. Desk in the co-working area and meeting rooms: access to events organized at the headquarters in the heart of Turin

Selection times and program

The main steps of this edition of the PLANET FOUNDAMENTALS program (*dates are subject to change):

Submit your application by 23:59 on 05/05/2024.

Apply to Planet Foundamentals


FIORILE | Gardens & Flowers on display 2024 – Spring 2024

On March 30th and 31st, Giardino Forbito celebrates spring with FIORILE | Gardens & Flowers on display – Spring 2024, returning to the Rose Garden of Moncalieri Castle for its first edition in 2024. A special Easter weekend featuring seasonal excellences, flowers, agricultural products, and craftsmanship.

Nurserymen, artisans, agricultural producers, artists, and special guests come together to celebrate the season and the territory.

An event of exchange and discovery with a rich schedule of activities:

  • WORKSHOPS by Beesù, Impollinatori Metropolitani, FloricolturaRacca, and Orso Objetos
  • IMMERSIVE WALK in the hills by ASD Nordic Walking Andrate towards PininAgri Agricultural Company
  • ART SPACE by Benedetta Piovesana
  • CONCERTS by Strawman & Celine and Anthony Lynch
  • MEETINGS with Daniela Foresto, Luca Marin, and Jacopo Pellegrinelli

Discover more here

The Metropolitan City of Bologna visiting Torino Social Impact

After the experience on February 28th in Bologna, where Torino Social Impact shared the story of the Turin ecosystem in the field of social economy, it was a pleasure to host the Metropolitan City of Bologna and Social Seed, a laboratory of innovation for local organizations, on March 5th in Turin.

It was an opportunity to share the mission, values, and projects of Torino Social Impact, with the hope of inspiring the virtuous path that in Emilia Romagna aims to build a regional-level research and social innovation hub. Surely, we also take home many insights thanks to their story.

On this occasion, we visited some partner entities of the ecosystem operating in the fields of housing, care, and employment inclusion: the cooperative Esserci welcomed us at Pandàn, its welcoming social restaurant project, and the Cooperativa Accomazzi led us to discover Luoghi Comuni, the social housing project in Porta Palazzo promoting a more inclusive way of living.

The strength of the ecosystem lies precisely in this: sharing, stimulating, and being a generative example.

The Social Impact Exchange presents itself in Brussels

The feasibility of the Social Impact Exchange was recently the focus of an extensive and in-depth discussion during a workshop organized and hosted in Brussels by the Social Entrepreneurship Unit of the DG EMPL of the European Commission.

The meeting, held on February 14th, involved qualified experts from DG EMPL, DG GROW, DG FISMA, DG ECFIN of the European Commission, the European Investment Bank (EIB), and the European Investment Fund (EIF). It provided an excellent opportunity to explore innovative strategies to overcome the imbalance between demand and supply of financing for impact-oriented enterprises and create a supportive environment for the social economy by better integrating its needs and peculiarities within the financial markets system.

Promoter Committee of the Social Impact Exchange

Promoters: Paolo Biancone (University of Turin); Guido Bolatto (Turin Chamber of Commerce); Mario Calderini (Turin Social Impact); Davide Dal Maso (Avanzi Sostenibilità per Azioni); Giorgio Fiorentini (Bocconi University); Giovanni Gallo (Confcooperative); Andrea Ganelli (Leading Law); Mario Montalcini (Studio Dottori Commercialisti Associati); Paolo Mulassano (Compagnia di San Paolo); Paolo Petrucci (Legacoop Piemonte); Eleonora Rajneri (University of Eastern Piedmont); Roberto Randazzo (Legance); Elisa Rosso (Turin Social Impact); Raffaella Scalisi (Turin Social Impact).

Other members: GianPaolo Badini (Investimenti Solidali s.p.a.); Paola Bellotti (Coopfond); Pietro Bracco (AndPartners); Stefano Cacchi Pessani (Bonelli Erede); Alessandro Corbari (Nexus); Pierangelo Decisi (Sigit S.p.A.); Claudia Fiaschi (Forum Terzo Settore); Dario Prunotto (Unigens); Giuseppe Cais and Alessandro Baldo di Vinadio (Studio BGR Tax and Legal); Marella Caramazza (Cottino Social Impact Campus and Center of Excellence for the Evaluation and Measurement of Social Impact).

New entry in the steering committee of the social impact fund

An important addition to the Steering Committee of the Social Impact Exchange, established in 2021 and open to the participation and involvement of interested stakeholders, chaired by Guido Bolatto, Secretary-General of the Chamber of Commerce of Turin

Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) joins the current 24 members of the Steering Committee in the evaluation phase of possible scenarios for the creation of the market infrastructure. Given its mission to support innovation and competitiveness in the Italian business world and promote sustainable development of the country’s economy, CDP brings crucial expertise and tools to the Committee to effectively address the future challenges of the initiative.

The Social Impact Exchange is an innovative project developed by Torino Social Impact with the support of founding members (Chamber of Commerce of Turin, Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, and Banca d’Italia). It aims to create a capital market dedicated to companies intentionally producing additional, measurable positive social impact. Transactions on this market are based not only on financial value but also on the measured value of social impact.

“The ultimate goal is to create a market reserved for companies that want to contribute to solving ever-growing social and environmental challenges, not just with brilliant ESG profiles but with business models that formally and consistently define sustainability as a foundational element of their mission,” stated Guido Bolatto, Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Social Impact Exchange “The entry of an actor like Cassa Depositi e Prestiti into the Committee is further evidence of how innovative and strategic this project is on the road to an impact economy”.

The Social Impact Exchange proposal complements existing financing channels, offering additional opportunities for those interested in supporting a “new” economy. This economy aims not only to mitigate negative environmental and social impacts but also to generate social value for all stakeholders.

In 2023, the simulated listing of 8 pilot companies concluded, involving 130 professionals to promote impact investing and create a capital market dedicated to impact enterprises. During the experimentation, companies worked on listing hypotheses on both stock and bond markets. Impact strategies and measurement methodologies were defined with a tailor-made approach to represent the specificities of each company. Engineered hypotheses of financial instruments were developed to predict mechanisms for valuing the achievement of impact results. The outcomes of the simulation are documented in a publicly available report on the initiative’s website.

i3p italgas

Italgas and I3P launch “NewGen Construction Site”: a call for startups for innovative sustainability

Italgas, leading Network Tech Company in the sectors of gas distribution, water, energy efficiency and IT, launched a new call for startups in collaboration with I3P, the Innovative Companies Incubator of Politecnico di Torino.

The call is aimed at seeking innovative solutions and technologies for the “NewGen Construction Site” and falls within the scope of “Ideas 4 Italgas,” an open innovation program launched by the Italgas Group in 2020 to select the best startups and SMEs to support the digital transformation of networks and the sustainability of the Group’s activities.

More specifically, this call aims to explore existing innovations both domestically and internationally that can contribute to shaping the profile of sustainable construction sites. This initiative aims to accelerate the transition process towards a new way of building energy infrastructure and working safely on construction sites of the future.

The call is open to proposals from startups and SMEs offering innovative solutions and technologies aimed at reducing environmental impact, facilitating early detection of anomalies, and optimizing operational costs associated with construction activities. Italgas has identified five main areas of interest in this regard: gas network design, construction site monitoring and safety, new network construction, waste management, and infrastructure maintenance. Participation in the initiative is free, and applications can be submitted in either Italian or English.

Companies established in Italy or abroad, preferably with teams, resources, and assets dedicated to the project being proposed, as well as working groups composed of two or more individuals who are striving to develop technological innovations stemming from research activities, are eligible to respond to Italgas and I3P’s call. Projects can be at various stages of development: from the conceptual stage to translating an idea into a prototype within the year, from having a prototype already developed and validated or awaiting validation in the market, to having a product/service already commercialized or about to be. Applications are open until May 6, 2024, on the website, which also contains the full call for proposals. Subsequently, Italgas and I3P will evaluate the received proposals and announce the winning projects during a final event within the month of June.

The selected projects will have the opportunity to develop a Proof-of-Concept with Italgas, collaborating directly with the group to field-test their technological proposal and assess the feasibility of the presented use case. Additionally, teams chosen from the call will have free access to both mentorship and Italgas laboratories to explore how to integrate innovative projects into the group’s processes. They will also have access to a six-month incubation program at I3P, providing strategic consultancy and entrepreneurial training to maximize startup growth.

“Open innovation for Italgas – explained Raffaella Marcuccio, Italgas Procurement and Material Management Director – is not only an endless source of innovation and a driver of the future, but also a continuous platform for dialogue that allows the Group to grow and foster growth in the communities where it operates. With this new call, we aim to continue the virtuous path that has allowed us to select over 500 startups, test their respective technologies, and collaborate in the development of new prototypes, which in some cases have contributed to transforming our daily operations in terms of innovation and sustainability. This is precisely what we aim to achieve with this new call dedicated to the development of a new green paradigm for our construction sites”.

“We are proud to continue the Open Innovation activities initiated with the Italgas group in the previous years and to offer all startups, not just those in our network, a new tangible opportunity for collaboration with a world-class corporate entity,” commented Giuseppe Scellato, President of I3P. “The Ideas 4 Italgas program and its new call focused on construction sites of the future represent the ideal meeting point between the evolving needs of a significant market sector and the technological inventiveness of young enterprises. The role of the incubator will be to facilitate the meeting between the demand and supply of innovation, generating value for all actors involved in the process”.

The Renewable Energy Communities (CER): What are they and the CerTO project of the Chamber of Commerce of Turin

Renewable Energy Communities (CER) are groups of individuals, businesses, and organizations that produce and share energy from renewable sources within the local area. Governed by European and national regulations, these communities can benefit from incentives, tax advantages, and reduced tariffs for access to the electrical grid.

On March 18, you will have the opportunity to delve into this topic at the Turin stop of InsiemEnergia, the nationwide tour for CER organized by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, in collaboration with the Energy Services Manager and Unioncamere. This initiative allows institutions, associations, and businesses to learn about the updates in the incentive decree and discover the potential of this tool. During the event, the Turin Chamber of Commerce will present its CERTo project. The event is also available for streaming.

For further information, click here.

SpaceTech startup Kurs Orbital secures €3.7 million to democratise in-orbit servicing and logistics

Kurs Orbital, an Italian spacetech startup, has raised €3.7 million in seed funding to bring its innovative solutions to the in-orbit services and logistics market. The round was led by leading European DeepTech VC firm OTB Ventures, and joined by (in alphabetical order): Credo VenturesGalaxia (the Italian National Technology Transfer Hub for Aerospace of CDP Venture Capital together with Obloo Ventures and the regional co-investment fund Piemonte Next, created and managed by CDP Venture Capital and supported by the Financial Institute of the Piedmont Region, Finpiemonte, with the aim of maximising investments in innovation for the region), In-Q-Tel (IQT), and Inovo.

Founded in 2022, Kurs Orbital is incubated in I3P, the Innovative Companies Incubator of Politecnico di Torino, within the ESA BIC Turin incubation program.

The start-up aims to democratise in-orbit servicing solutions including space debris removal, satellite relocation, de-orbiting, and satellite inspections, by providing reliable and cost efficient rendezvous and docking technology. Its innovative ARCap module makes it possible for servicing and logistics industries, who would otherwise be unable to afford operating in the orbital market, to scale up their business.

The seed funding will propel Kurs Orbital towards the completion of its first flight model, allowing for faster integrated testing and team expansions, with the intention to become the leading provider in this platform technology.

ARCap is a single and standardised rendezvous module which can be integrated into any kind of satellite, orbital transfer vehicle (OTV), cargo/crewed ship, or spacecraft bus the customer uses to enable transportation, life extension, in-orbit servicing, space debris removal, and more.

“This round is critical for our next step – delivering powerful and cost-effective rendezvous technology to the market”, said Volodymyr Usov, Kurs Orbital’s CEO and Co-founder. “With the help of our investors we will be able to reach the market sooner, enabling many other startups and companies to start debris removal and satellite servicing operations that are vital for sustainable space activities.”

Wojtek Walniczek, Partner at OTB Ventures, said: “Kurs Orbital’s team, building off a long and rich legacy of designing and creating rendezvous and docking systems in an agency context, immediately struck us as the right combination of deep and unique expertise combined with a fresh look at the technology and market. It is a great example of our investment strategy in the wider in-space servicing market. The timing is just right with the changing paradigm of space environment, so the company is uniquely positioned to commercialise and provide this foundational platform for future space operations. We made sure to bring together a robust investor consortium to put Kurs Orbital on a strong footing and to enable its dynamic development timeline.”

“We are delighted to join forces with OTB Ventures in supporting Kurs Orbital’s groundbreaking venture into the in-orbit servicing and logistics markets,” commented Claudia Pingue, Manager of the CDP Venture Capital Tech Transfer Fund. “This investment demonstrates how the Italian research and industrial ecosystem is among the few in the world to provide a fully integrated value chain for the space economy,” added Nicola Redi, Managing Partner of Obloo Ventures.

Giuseppe Scellato, President of I3P and Coordinator of ESA BIC Turin, commented: “We are very proud of this important funding round for Kurs Orbital, which has joined the first cohort of start-ups in the ESA BIC Turin incubation program with the aim of bringing to market a highly innovative and strategic technology for the development of future satellite platforms.”

Femmempowerment: crowdfunding e match-funding per donne over50

FEMMEPOWERMENT is a project that aims to improve the digital skills of women over 50 in crowdfunding and match-funding to add value to their position in the labour market and strengthen companies engaged in Corporate Social Responsibility activities.

The project, lasting 18 months, is funded by the European Union, Erasmus + programme, Action KA210-ADU – Small-scale partnerships in adult education, and is developed in Spain and Italy thanks to a partnership formed by the Microlab Association, Impact Hub Madrid, Open Impact and the European Crowdfunding network.

The aim of the project is the implementation of a training standard for the acquisition of crowdfunding and match-funding skills and their integration with traditional CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility or Corporate Social Responsibility strategies. This will allow on the one hand women over 50 to acquire a unique set of skills, improving their position in the labour market, and on the other hand to strengthen companies by combining their traditional commitment to socially useful initiatives with a broader and increasing degree of transparency and visibility.

The innovativeness of the project lies precisely in the integration of crowdfunding with the more traditional CSR strategies of the various companies.

The pilot project, aimed at 25 women over 50, will develop and test a standardised learning course on crowdfunding and CSR strategies for women already in employment. The course will be integrated into working hours and thus included as professional development for the beneficiary women, adapted to the needs of the companies and developed in Italian and Spanish.

Are you a company or a woman over 50 and want to participate in the project?

Write to

Funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) alone and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA can be held responsible.

Erasmus+ Programme, Action type KA210-ADU – Small-scale partnerships in adult education

THE BUILDING HAPPINESS – Dove sta di casa la felicità?

The Foundation for Architecture in Turin embarks on a captivating journey in the year 2024 to discover the connection between architecture and happiness, inviting everyone to participate.

The Foundation for Architecture in Turin launches a new and exciting cultural initiative for 2024, aimed at exploring the relationship between Architecture and Happiness. This exploration involves stimulating interdisciplinary and intergenerational dialogue to offer new perspectives in the design of urban and domestic spaces, encouraging the public to share ideas and experiences.

The relationship between Architecture and Happiness has been explored in the past, primarily through the perspectives of philosophers and writers (such as Alain De Botton, “Architecture and Happiness, 2006”) and anthropologists (such as Marc Augé, “Does Happiness Have a Place? 2011”). The Foundation also acknowledges the recent emergence of a quantitative approach by architects in the development of “happy buildings.” All of this has inspired the emphasis on the cultural aspect of the new investigation, highlighting the direct consequences of architecture on people’s quality of life and the social responsibility of architects.

“I want to emphasize – says Gabriella Gedda, President of the Foundation for Architecture in Turin – all the pride and commitment that the Foundation has put into the Building Happiness project, which sees architecture as a social value in the service of the community, promoting the well-being of citizens. We firmly believe that happiness is a fundamental indicator for measuring the psycho-physical health of individuals and for strengthening territorial attractiveness. With the Building Happiness project, we want to raise awareness among the community of architects and all professionals in the field to contribute tangibly to the creation of an urban environment that, in addition to meeting practical and functional needs, nurtures the emotional and spiritual well-being of its inhabitants.”

To begin this exploratory journey, the Foundation chooses to pose a challenging question, widespread and necessary, not only to architects but to the entire community: “Dove sta di casa la felicità?” Building Happiness aims to attempt one or more answers to this question.

The heart of the entire programming will be the Masterclass that will investigate the relationship between built spaces and happiness through contributions from expert and multidisciplinary teachers. The Masterclass program brings together architecture and neuroscience, principles of innovation and social impact, international case studies, lessons from Italian masters, experiences related to different territorial scales (city, neighborhood, condominium, interior design), and insights from reading big data and expectations about the future.

“One of the main results of the Masterclass – emphasizes Eleonora Gerbotto, Director of the Foundation for Architecture in Turin – will be the creation of the ‘Building Happiness Book‘, a manual for happy design. A document summarizing the results, but above all, a practical and accessible tool that will be published and made available to designers, architects, scholars, and stakeholders. We hope – continues Gerbotto – that it can become a useful tool to contribute significantly to the creation of happy urban places, homes, offices, and community spaces.”

The Building Happiness journey will consist of about twenty events, including a six-hour choral and multidisciplinary marathon during which guests, many of them young, will take the stage with their vision of happiness. The events include “Face to Face” meetings with architects, tours of happy places, cultural talks with distinguished guests, including one in collaboration with the Department of Architecture and Design at the Polytechnic University of Turin, a Book Lab in collaboration with the Circolo dei Lettori in Turin, and the creation of a photographic exhibition in collaboration with CAMERA – Italian Center for Photography. The Foundation also commits to involving people by inviting them to respond to a public questionnaire about their perception of the space around them.

“I would like to emphasize – concludes Eleonora Gerbotto – our commitment to making young people protagonists. Through the Marathon, one of the highlights of the programming, young people (architects and others) have been actively involved to have the opportunity to express themselves on such a relevant theme as happiness. I believe it is important to listen to them, but even more so to involve them because young people are, in every way, the creative engine for the future of our city.”

Cultural Partners of the Project

ArchiTuned, CAMERA – Italian Center for Photography, CIRCOLO DEI LETTORI FOUNDATION, ITER Turin Institution for Responsible Education, Lombroso16 Cultural Pole, Polytechnic University of Turin – Department of Architecture and Design, Turin Urban Lab

Media Partner

The Plan

Building Happiness – Foundation for Architecture / Turin (

Bench-Mark | Ep. 62 – Uomo e Ambiente

In 2004, just a short walk from Turin’s Parco della Tesoriera, an innovative project promoting the values of sustainability and environmental responsibility was born.

In this episode of Bench-Mark, Nunzia Giunta and Mario Burrascano, co-founders and CEO of UOMOeAMBIENTE, shared with us the story of their courageous journey in guiding businesses eager to adopt an ethical and sustainable approach.

Interview by Francesco Antonioli.

Watch previous episodes here.

Civically, a series of meetings to understand and monitor the city’s policies

Amapola presents CivicMente: a series of open meetings for everyone, aiming to ignite citizens’ interest and engagement in their city’s policies. It’s also an opportunity to raise awareness, focusing on sustainability.

Following the session “How can citizens activate and influence public action?” on March 7th from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm at the Community Center Più SpazioQuattro, located at Via Gaspare Saccarelli 18 in Turin, the second event titled “Aria di Città: how to improve its quality and get involved in the midst of climate change” will take place.

Air quality is a crucial aspect of urban living, directly impacting citizens’ lives, habits, and health. How do urban policies respond? What can citizens do personally and in monitoring public action?


  • Alessandro Bertello – Metropolitan City of Turin
  • Maurizio Cisi – University of Turin
  • Dario Marmo – LAMA Impresa Sociale
  • Elisa Gallo – FIAB
  • Roberto Mezzalama – Torino Respira
  • Moderator: Cristina Massarente – Amapola

The event will provide an overview of the current situation and share monitoring experiences from citizen groups. At the end of the meeting, there will be a reception for participants.

For registrations and information, please email:

You can register for one or more sessions.

Here is the program for the meetings.