https://cooperjob.eu/home/Cooperjob Spa was born in 2007 from an intuition of the Cooperazione Trentina drawing inspiration from the values of cooperation, ethical protection of work and promotion of the dignity of the worker.
In 2015 it was acquired by the CGM Consortium, a national network made up of 58 territorial consortia and 701 cooperatives and social enterprises and more than 42,000 workers, giving continuity to the initiatives of growth and employment consolidation by enhancing social cohesion and territorial peculiarities. The Consortium is active both in the more traditional fields of personal care (minors, the elderly, immigrants, the disabled) as well as in those emerging and frontier fields (environment, housing, technology, art and culture, tourism, support to work) and it is precisely the variety of sectors that demonstrates how the network is a living reality, attentive to the demands of the territory and the community, with a very high degree of innovation.
In the wake of the cooperative tradition, the theme of work has always been historically present and has become central also in social cooperation, in particular with regard to the job placement of vulnerable people; Cooperjob, through the instrument of administration, integrates the offer of employment services by focusing on the person, his needs, his context, the skills and difficulties and aspirations of each, without losing in terms of quality of services provided. More than other agencies, it represents a close union between professionalism plus skills on the one hand and a distinctly social spirit on the other. This is also in continuity with the objective of the development plan in the medium-long term, that is to become the reference employment agency for the Third Sector involving the realities of the CGM network.
Cooperjob is currently present in four regions of Northern Italy with seven branches that actively collaborate with the territorial consortia building a tailor-made response to employment needs.
Contact person for the simulated quotation
Anna Pasini, Administration and Finance Manager