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The University Professional Development Course (CUAP) in Social Impact Assessment, designed for those who wish to enhance their knowledge and skills in the field of impact assessment, is organized by the Department of Management at the University of Turin as part of the activities promoted by the Competence Center on Social Impact Assessment.

Using a hybrid and highly innovative teaching approach, the course combines theoretical and practical methods aimed at identifying Impact Management strategies and their measurement.

A final business case completes the learning exchange among participants.

The course, starting in February 2025, marks its sixth consecutive edition: since the first edition launched in January 2020, the number of participants has steadily grown, and over the past five years, approximately 300 impact evaluators have been trained.

The university course, coordinated by Prof. Paolo Biancone, is conducted by the Department of Management at the University of Turin in collaboration with Tiresia Politecnico di Milano, Politecnico di Torino, Cottino Social Impact Campus, the Chamber of Commerce of Turin, the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, and training agencies from the cooperative system, including Inforcoop Ecipa Piemonte (Legacoop Piemonte) and Il Nodo (Confcooperative Piemonte Nord).

The University course, coordinated by Prof. Paolo Biancone, is carried out by the Management Department of the University of Turin with Tiresia Politecnico di MilanoPolytechnic of Turin , Cottino Social Impact Campus, the Chamber of Commerce of TurinCompagnia di San Paolo Foundation, and training agencies from the cooperative system, including Inforcoop Ecipa Piemonte (Legacoop Piemonte) and Il Nodo (Confcooperative Piemonte Nord).

Target audience

The course is aimed at individuals holding managerial and leadership roles within Third Sector organizations and social enterprises, as well as those responsible for reporting the effectiveness and efficiency of activities in both economic-financial and social terms.

Educational objectives

Participants will learn social impact assessment methodologies in alignment with the guidelines issued by the Social Entrepreneurship Committee of the Turin Chamber of Commerce.

Course content

The course addresses the following key areas:

  • Introduction to evaluation
  • The evaluation process
  • Planning and framework definition
  • Impact Management strategies
  • Impact measurement
  • Presentation and integration of results

Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree
  • Participants without a degree may be admitted if they have relevant work experience in the field.

Teaching Methodology

The program includes a total of 125 online hours, featuring a mix of frontal lectures, practical workshops, and the completion of a project work.

Torino Social Impact and the Department of Management at the University of Turin have compiled the “Impact Evaluator’s Vocabulary.”

Download it here

CUAP in Social Impact Finance

In 2023, the first edition of the University Professional Development Course (CUAP) in Social Impact Finance was held. Supported by the Chamber of Commerce of Turin and developed as part of the Torino Social Impact initiative, it was organized by the Department of Management “Valter Cantino” at the University of Turin.

The training focused on the use of social impact finance instruments (e.g., green bonds, social bonds), emerging markets and players (e.g., social stock exchanges), and reporting methods (e.g., social balance sheets, sustainability reports).

For more information about the CUAP: socialimpact.management@unito.it