Edited by:

Nuova Collaborazione




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Nuova Collaborazione, the National Association of Domestic Employers, has always prioritized supporting families and promoting innovative policies to improve the domestic work sector. We actively participate in the negotiations of the National Collective Labor Agreement (CCNL) and work to bring the demands of our members to institutions, aiming to foster policies that make the sector fairer and more sustainable.

In this context, The Potential of Domestic Work – Intervention Proposals represents the first in a series of research initiatives dedicated to social innovation in the sector. Conducted in collaboration with Centro Einaudi, this study is part of an awareness campaign targeting public policymakers, highlighting the importance of a sector often underestimated but crucial to the socioeconomic balance of families.

The investigation suggests fiscal and welfare solutions to incentivize the emergence of informal domestic work, proposing policies that prioritize the protection of families and workers, fostering greater social equity and more sustainable resource management.

The values of the study:

  • Social equity and family support: we propose policies that protect both domestic workers and families, offering solutions capable of addressing daily challenges, especially for the most vulnerable families.
  • Innovation and fiscal sustainability: the study introduces the Assistance Bonus and the Fiscal Backpack, two innovative proposals for a more inclusive fiscal system, enabling families to access domestic care services more equitably.
  • Women’s empowerment and gender equality: the study emphasizes the need for social and economic policies that enhance women’s employment in the domestic work sector, traditionally dominated by women yet still undervalued. The proposed measures could also facilitate the reintegration of many women currently engaged in caregiving and domestic activities into the labor market.

The innovative proposals:

  • Assistance Bonus for child and elder care: Expanding tax benefits for domestic work to cover expenses related to babysitters, caregivers, and other family care services, helping families balance work and private life.
  • Fiscal Backpack: A system allowing families to accumulate fiscal benefits, making access to domestic care services more equitable and sustainable over time, with the goal of reducing economic disparities.

Impact and objectives:

With The Potential of Domestic Work, Nuova Collaborazione aims to initiate a new research and proposal path focused on reducing economic inequalities and fostering a fairer and more inclusive management of resources. The project reflects a vision of economic justice and support for families’ quality of life through the recognition and enhancement of formal domestic work and the improvement of fiscal and social policies.

Click here to read The Potential of Domestic Work – Intervention Proposals, a study by Nuova Collaborazione in collaboration with the Centro Einaudi.