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Camera di commercio di Torino e Città Metropolitana di Torino



On July 18, 2024, the Chamber of Commerce of Turin and the Metropolitan City of Turin signed an agreement for the drafting of a Metropolitan Plan for the Social Economy within the framework of Torino Social Impact.

The goal of this initiative is to promote a new growth model across the metropolitan area and develop an economic plan with a strong social identity. In addressing contemporary challenges, it recognizes the need to integrate economic development objectives with those of social cohesion and inclusion.

This initiative is framed by European policy documents that position social enterprises not only as welfare and redistributive actors but also as key drivers of economic development. The social and impact economy is now considered part of industrial policies aimed at fostering fair and inclusive growth.

The plan establishes a strong connection between the local, national, and European levels, taking into account the Council of the European Union’s Recommendation on improving the framework conditions for the social economy (C/2023/1344 of November 27, 2023). It also aligns with the initiatives launched by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) in May 2024 to implement this Recommendation.

At the local level, this process represents a strategic opportunity to influence and support these developments. As the Recommendation itself highlights, social economy actors are deeply embedded in their communities, serve the local context, and typically operate using a bottom-up approach.

The Plan is part of an existing programmatic and operational framework, already outlined in the strategic documents of its promoting entities (Metropolitan Strategic Plan 2024-2026 (CmTo), Multi-Year Strategic Plan 2020-2024 (CCIAA), Torino Social Impact Masterplan).

The drafting process, in collaboration with Avventura Urbana, began in summer 2024 with an initial documentary analysis to align local and European strategic frameworks. This was followed by a territorial listening phase, conducted through stakeholder interviews. On December 5, 2024, the event “Towards the Metropolitan Plan for the Social Economy of Turin” marked the beginning of a broader territorial engagement phase, aimed at refining the Plan’s content.

The process has now entered the fourth phase, which includes an open consultation of the territorial ecosystem, following the model of European Commission public consultations. This phase will allow local actors to contribute spontaneous feedback based on their expertise and direct knowledge of the territory. After the consultation, the Plan will be approved by the governing bodies of the promoting entities.

Participate in the Consultation and Share Your Opinion

Through this open public consultation, the Metropolitan City of Turin and the Chamber of Commerce of Turin, within the framework of Torino Social Impact, seek input from stakeholders on the draft Plan developed so far. The objective is to enable the entire territorial ecosystem to suggest any necessary additions or modifications.

Consultation period

February 25, 2025 – March 11, 2025

How to submit comments

Review the draft of the Metropolitan Plan for the Social Economy of Turin, developed based on the strategic plans of the promoting entities and previous consultation phases.

Submit your comment, specifying any modifications or additions that should be considered to better address current and future territorial needs.

If relevant, based on your organization’s strategic planning, resources, and ongoing projects, indicate any actions within the Plan that you or your organization can contribute to and how.

All submitted comments will be published along with the name, surname, and organization of the proposer. Email addresses will not be published.

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