The Third Sector has proved to be one of the most active to deal with the Covid-19 emergency, by trying to respond to the needs of the weakest and poorest. It is also one of the most affected by the crisis since many of the services provided, especially those to the person, have undergone radical arrests and remodulations, leading to loss of income and increased costs. All crises can also be an occasion to innovate and elaborate an improved start. The Torino Social Impact platform is the tool for monitoring the effects of the crisis and facilitating the launch of new models and solutions.
In this context, a survey is underway on the economic impact of the Covid19 crisis on the Third Sector local organizations and on the emerging needs among social enterprises and actors. The work, which will be aligned with similar research on a national scale, is coordinated by Torino Social Impact and involves the cooperatives associations and all the actors interested in contributing in the development of the action.