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The Piedmont Region has approved the call for tenders to strengthen entrepreneurial activities that produce socially desirable effects. The measure, intended for non-profit SMEs in single or associated form and for micro and small businesses, profit and non-profit, individually or in partnership, supports through a subsidized loan:

LINE A: social innovation projects that broaden, improve or facilitate the testing of processes and services, the redevelopment of spaces for their destination in the health and social care sector, particularly in areas where the need for health and social assistance and needs linked to welfare are more strongly felt;
LINE B: social innovation projects in the cultural, educational, welfare, health, training and employment fields primarily for the benefit of vulnerable individuals who produce socially desirable effects. Accompanying activities, capacity building and audits, promotion of networking between companies and stakeholders with services and skills.
The questions are presented from 9.00 am on 15 October 2018, through the SistemaPiemonte online platform.

The announcement and the information documentation are available on the dedicated page.

Further information can be requested from the following contacts listed below, or by calling the Finpiemonte: 011-5717777 from Monday to Friday, from 9 to 12.