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Torino Social Impact

There are those who have been orienting journalistic work towards positive social values for years and those who have invested in innovative tools to promote new ways of reporting. Some have founded a successful news outlet from scratch, while others have championed journalism that focuses on solutions as a means to change the world.

The guests, who are journalists, communication experts, and innovators, will meet on Friday, May 10, at 10:30 AM at the Turin Book Fair to participate in the event “The Role of Journalism in the Impact Economy Era“, organized by Turin Social Impact.

This event is part of the Torino Impact Journalism initiative, which aims to explore how journalism can help drive change in a context where all societal actors, from institutions to businesses, are called to address major environmental and social challenges.

The event, free and open to the public until full, will provide an opportunity for debate and discussion among experts who apply impactful journalism daily to help society progress and inform the public.

The discussion will feature stories from a growing and increasingly widespread movement of journalists and experts from the United States to South Africa, from France to Italy, who investigate reality and address societal problems through rigorous, fact-based journalism that highlights positive experiences through constructive approaches.

We will introduce the guests who, on Friday, May 10, at the Sala Bianca of the Turin Book Fair, will share their experiences in impactful journalism.

Mario Calabresi

Mario CalabresiJournalist and author, began his career as a parliamentary reporter at Ansa, was a correspondent in the United States, and directed La Stampa and La Repubblica. He has written nine books and is dedicated to experimenting with new forms of journalism and narrative. He runs a weekly newsletter called Altre/Storie and directs the podcast company Chora Media, of which he is a co-founder.


Mario Calderini

Mario CalderiniInternationally recognized as an expert and innovator on sustainability, social impact, and Purpose Driven Innovation. He is the director of Tiresia, the research center on finance and social impact innovation at the Graduate School of Management of Politecnico di Milano, which he founded in 2013.


Styli Charalambous

Styli CharalambousCo-founder of the Daily Maverick, which he helped grow from a five-person startup to over 100 full-time employees. Passionate about leadership and innovation, in 2021 he received South Africa’s most prestigious journalism award for courage and integrity for his pivotal role in the success of the Daily Maverick.


Zoe McDonagh

Zoe McDonaghPart of the global Outreach and Strategy team at the Media Development Investment Fund, focusing on funding and investor relations. She spent nearly a decade at the CRT Foundation, where she gained extensive experience in implementing international impact entrepreneurship projects.


Julie Pybus

Julie PybusEditor at Pioneers Post, an independent news network for the global impact community. Her work has always been based on the principles of solution journalism, offering coverage of positive news that explores how societal challenges can be addressed.


Tina Rosenberg

Tina RosenbergCo-founder of the Solutions Journalism Network and writer. She was a long-time journalist at the New York Times, writing editorials and articles for the Sunday magazine. Together with David Bornstein, co-founder of SJN, she wrote the “Fixes” column for the New York Times for 11 years.


Raphael Zanotti

Raphael ZanottiJournalist at La Stampa since September 2007, he covered crime and judicial news for 15 years before specializing in Data Journalism, Visual Journalism, OSINT, and Social Media Intelligence. He was the deputy head of the national web of La Stampa and is now responsible for the city news web edition in Turin.