
Alternanza scuola-lavoro

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SocialFare | Centre for Social Innovation, with the support of the Rinascimenti Social network.


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InnovAction Schools is the “alternanza scuola-lavoro” program by SocialFare, already successfully tested, which has the goal of accelerating social impact practical knowledge, driving students in a co-design and auto-entrepreneurship program, in order to make them critical and aware, activators of social change.

InnovAction Schools brings schools, peripheral areas, and provinces as well, in the centers of social innovation processes, enabling resident communities in recognizing and facing up their-own social challenges, starting with young students.

Schools became “action” projects centers, innovative labs, inclusive and open to hybridization.

Throughout didactical approach experiential learning based, students, put on the line their-own useful resources, attitudes, and competencies in order to elaborate and re-organize solutions answering contextual social challenges.

The practical lecture applies the human-centered methodology, which combines design thinking and systemic design instruments, by stimulating talents emergence and soft skills exploitation.

The Program addresses the entire classrooms and is structured by modular courses, articulated by planning incremental phases.

SocialFare is MIUR’s partner in the “Coalizione Nazionale per l’Educazione all’imprenditorialità” (National Coalition for Entrepreneurial Education)