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Buy social Future of Social Economy! (BFSE-B2B) is an 18-month project that started in May 2023 and is funded by the European Innovation Council and the SME Executive Agency (EISMEA) under the SMP-COSME-2022-BUYSOCIALB2BMARKET call.

Project presentation

The undisclosed potential for cooperation between mainstream enterprises and social economy organisations (SEO) can be decisive to deliver on the twin transition while building a more sustainable and resilient economy in the EU. SEOs are recognised to be key actors in developing circular value chains thanks to their economic model, based on balancing social and environmental responsibility aspects with profitability, which increasingly meet the interests of mainstream enterprises, enhancing opportunities for systematic value chain integration.

The project aims at strengthening partnerships between (work integration) social enterprises and mainstream businesses to improve the market for social enterprises’ products and services. It has a specific focus on sectors linked to the circular economy, such as recycling of textiles, fashion and eco-design.

It develops a model of training and B2B events, with the aim of improving the competitiveness and commercial capacity of the social enterprises (SEs). It will foresee business agreements (for profit and SEs directed to increase new valuable business relationships) and training opportunities (to respond to the new challenges that the SE sector must face).

Awareness raising activities are organised to increase the understanding of SEOs impact and make them more visible for B2B. In each partner country, a social economy federation or support structure will carry out awareness raising activities and disseminating the good practices coming from all EU countries identified in the project.

As part of the project, a campaign has been launched that also includes an experimental portal to locate social impact enterprises, currently dedicated to the circular economy sector, which will soon be expanded. On the portal, you can find various social entrepreneurship entities, such as cooperatives and social enterprises, benefit corporations, and innovative startups with a social mission. You can filter them based on the service or product offered, the type of enterprise, and the predominant social mission.

Visit the portal at this link

Project partners

Diesis Network, EU
Torino Chamber of Commerce and Torino Social Impact (IT).
ADV Romania, RO
CCIS, SI (Associated partner)
CCI IASI, RO (Associated partner)