Textile product labeling: the European Commission invites submissions by September 30
The EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles aims to address the growing environmental impact of textile production and consumption. As reported in the strategy, household consumption of textiles in the EU is on average the fourth largest negative impact on the environment and climate change, and the third largest in terms of water and land use from the global life cycle perspective. At the same time, the competitiveness of the textile sector-and particularly its recovery-is suffering from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
The strategy includes a series of legislative and non-legislative measures to address the impact of textile products on the environment, including the revision of the textile labeling regulation. The main objectives of the strategy are to ensure accurate, readable and comparable information for consumers, particularly on environmental aspects; to reduce compliance costs; and to ensure regulatory clarity and consistency.
The Commission therefore intends to examine the possibility of adopting a single, uniform set of rules on labeling requirements in all potentially relevant areas, for textile and related products. These are primarily apparel and interior/home space products and accessories made of leather and fur, excluding footwear, for which labeling is governed by Directive 94/11/EC.
The Commission invites stakeholders (national, local and regional public authorities, businesses, civil society organizations and individuals) to submit their views and comments by September 30, 2023. Feedback will be taken into account in the further development and refinement of the initiative. Contributions received will also be published on the European Commission’s website.
To submit your contributions, you must register or log in using your own account. More information can be found on the European Commission website.