It was held online on December 4 at 10 a.m. workshop to present and discuss the project for the Social Impact Stock Exchange.
The Social Impact Stock Exchange project
Launched by Torino Social Impact, the project aims to promote the feasibility of a capital market for the social economy, which can integrate the current system of access to resources and facilitate growth processes of companies with social aims, with the aim of generating social value for all stakeholders.
During the workshop was presented the outcome of a study that has deepened the context for the development of a capital market for social purpose organizations, international experiences, analysis of the demand and supply of capital, the possible structure of the future market, also in terms of legal compatibility, access requirements and related control processes.
The objective of the meeting was to share the analysis and collect ideas and observations to foster the development of the project. The meeting was structured through three working groups related to the functioning mechanisms of the Social Impact Stock Exchange.
Participants worked on 3 thematic strands:
Group 1 – Does the Social Impact Stock Exchange serve companies with an impact? – Moderator: Giorgio Fiorentini, Bocconi University
Group 2 – Criteria, rules, and requirements for the actors involved in the Social Impact Stock Exchange system – Moderator: Roberto Randazzo, R&P Legal
Group 3 – The ecosystem and incentives – Moderator: Flaviano Zandonai, CGM Cooperative Group
List of participants:
Banca Etica
Borsa Italiana
CGM coop
Cometa & Assofondipensione
Fondazione Cariplo
Fondazione CRC
Fondazione Italia Sociale
Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile
Opes Italia
Sefea Impact
Spazio Aperto Servizi
UBI Banca Comunità
Università Milano-Bicocca
For more information about the project, please refer to the Social Impact Stock Exchange activity tab on the website.