The turning point of Sustainability and the role of Social Innovation

People | Impact | Growth.
EXAR Social Value Solutions will moderate a meeting in Turin focused on Green Economy, Social Impact, Innovation Technology and Impact Finance.

The Green Economy issue will be dealt with by Wave for Energy, a spin-off of the Politecnico di Torino, a leader in the design and construction of systems for the production of electricity from sea waves. And with Reale Group we will talk about the evolution of sustainability with the Power Coders project. A computer training school for refugees, the only reality of its kind in Italy and Piedmont. Banca Mediolanum will be present for the Innovation Technology sector. While, for the Social Impact sector, the non-profit Hackability will be involved, born in Turin in 2016, which, through co-planning and digital fabrication, produces social inclusion and participation. To close the circle we will talk about Impact Finance with Professor Mario Calderini who will speak for Torino Social Impact.

The event will take place Saturday, 09/28/2019 from 9.00 to 13.00 at Nuvola Lavazza, Turin.

For more information, complete program and reservations:

With Reseau Entreprendre Piemonte, Porto Antico di Genova, Topcon, Iren Energia.
