Saturday 4 May 2019 Cuqù – the district’s cradle will be open from morning to evening to present itself to all those who want to know it with games, shows, music and laboratories.
Cuqù is an activity center offering services for girls, children, mothers and dads. It opened a few months ago in the heart of the multi-ethnic neighborhood of San Salvario, close to via Saluzzo 30. The project was admitted to the accompanying and funding path of Torino Social Factory, funded by Pon Metro 2014-2020 program. Cuqù is an innovative community welfare experience designed by a team of three partners that have been active for years within the social and cultural promotion of the neighborhood, with sustainable business projects that are attentive to the family dimension: aLocal Development Agency of San Salvario, Atypica and Mondo di Joele.
Cuqù focuses on family time and offers services, activities and opportunities “for families”, which help to reconcile work life, family time, leisure time; services with wide opening hours, even for families in economic difficulty. In Cuqù there are also “Neighborhood Mothers” to help in immigrant families: they give information and accompany them to the public services, acting as a bridge between different languages and cultures.
To learn about the project and the program of the festival:
To learn more about Torino Social Factory: