Within the framework of Torino Impact Journalism, initiative sponsored by Social Impact Agenda per l’Italia, we launched a series of webinars that will explore the role of information in the era of the impact economy.

After the first webinar, which delved into the “Foundations and Principles of Solutions Journalism,” registrations are now open for the second event titled “Social Impact Metrics in Journalism,” which will take place on Monday, September 16, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM.

With the participation of experts in journalism, impact measurement, and information, the webinar will analyze possible metrics for social impact, providing tools and methods to evaluate the social impact that news has on their target communities. This is a qualitative parameter that restores journalism to its role as an agent for social and economic change, after years in which news has been assessed only in quantitative terms, following the algorithms of the big players on the web.

The webinar will be an integral part of the course programming of the Order of Journalists and is aimed at both professionals and anyone interested in exploring the world of journalism and impact communication!

In the coming weeks, we will share stories from the guests who will bring their experience to the webinar.

To participate and receive the access link to the webinar, please register via the following Google Form.


  • Richard Addy, Co-founder of Akas
  • Lindsay Green-Barber – Founder and Director of Impact Architects
  • Filippo Montesi – Senior Advisor at Human Foundation and Secretary-General of the Social Impact Agenda for Italy
  • Vera Penêda – Director of Programs and Impact at the European Journalism Centre
  • Paolo Piacenza, Journalist, Master in Journalism, University of Turin