The first workshop of the OP4IMPACT Community of Practice was held yesterday, Thursday, July 18, at the Cottino Social Impact Campus. The OP4IMPACT – Professional Orders for Impact Community is composed of the Turin Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts, the Turin Bar Association, the Turin and Pinerolo Notarial Council, and the Turin Order of Labor Consultants.

The OP4IMPACT Community of Practice aims to work together on social impact, leveraging the distinctive and complementary skills and approaches of the involved professional orders.

A workshop dedicated to creating integrated and shared competencies

The first workshop, conducted by Caterina Soldi of the Cottino Social Impact Campus, was an important opportunity to identify and systematize the distinctive competencies of the four involved orders in order to develop a matrix of integrated and shared competencies.

The morning began with an icebreaking exercise to allow the 16 participants to get to know each other better through their hobbies. Subsequently, the four professional orders worked together on understanding the purpose of their participation in OP4IMPACT. Among the various positive aspects that emerged were the enhancement of the different professions and the willingness to step out of old-fashioned individualistic and order-based logics.

The second phase of the workshop was dedicated to defining the distinctive competencies of each order concerning social impact. The discussion continued with the identification of the complementary competencies of the Community of Practice: a stimulating work that will require further exploration in the next workshop.

Finally, the attendees reflected on possible themes and macro areas of work for OP4IMPACT, in line with the TSI target.

The Community of Practice project is an initiative of Torino Social Impact that represents a significant step towards strengthening the collective dimension of the impact ecosystem. Supported by the Chamber of Commerce and the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation as part of TSI, it aims to create a collaborative space where partners can pool their competencies and work together on shared issues and challenges.